70 yrs ago "11:02 on 9Aug45 a single #bomb instantly reduced #Nagasaki to a ruin" Bells of Nagasaki r tolling 4 peace pic.twitter.com/4UYazJK4kx
プレスリリース(仮翻訳):ケネディ駐日大使、ゴッテモラー国務次官、長崎平和祈念式典に出席 japanese.japan.usembassy.gov/j/p/tpj-201508…
本日は #長崎原爆の日 です。70年前、米軍は広島と長崎に、それぞれウラン型とプルトニウム型の原子爆弾を落下し、多数の市民を殺害しました。改めて犠牲者を追悼すると共に、後遺症で苦しまれている方々にお見舞い申し上げます。
#長崎 #原爆
Aug 9 is #AtomicBomb Day in #Nagasaki. 70 years ago,US dropped 2 A-bombs on #Hiroshima(Aug 6) & Nagasaki and killed many citizens.
I mourn the citizens killed by US's Atomic Bombs.
Today, US is a great ally & friend for Japan. I believe US-JPN ties should be strengthened
On the other hand, it's regrettable US & Japan don't share the value about A-bombs dropped on Japan 70 years ago.
I hope US people just recognize the #AtomicBomb s killed a large num of JPN civilians,and it was against the international law.
Aug 9 1945, #USSR started invading Japan, against Soviet?Jpn Neutrality Pact. Many Japaneses were killed in Manchuria, Sakhalin & Kuril.
And,many Jpn prisoners of war were killed by forced labor in Siberia etc. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_…
I mourn Jpn people killed by USSR.
Today 70 years passed since the end of WW2, and 24 years passed since the dissolution of USSR and establishment of new #Russia.
I think Japan-#Russia ties can be better.
However, Russia has occupied Japanese #NorthernTerritories since the end of the war.
Plus, #Russia invaded #Ukraine and is still occupying Autonomous Republic of #Crimea. Russia is invading the postwar international order.
Ex-Pres Boris Yeltsin apologized to Jpn prisoners of war who were forced to work in Siberia etc.He also tried to solve territorial issue.
Many Japanese people expected of President Yeltsin's intention. But, current #Russia @KremlinRussia_E is backing to the past.
I hope Russia @KremlinRussia_E will learn the facts in the past, and will take action to solve the pending issues between #Russia & #Japan