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2015-10-17 02:14:52 | 日記

@mfa_russia I'm disappointed at this news. As Pres Yeltsin apologized, #SiberianInternment was inhuman wrongdoing.

@mfa_russia I hope Russia should remember what Yeltsin said and share the value of respecting human rights with Japan.

首相、軽減税率検討を指示 「消費増税と同時」(日経新聞)nikkei.com/article/DGXLAS… インボイスなしのEU型軽減税率は不正横行。納得いく対象品目選定も困難。結局この総理指示は、景況と無関係に2017年4月迄に納税体制整わない事を口実に消費増税再先送りを意味するか

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2015-10-14 02:30:40 | 日記


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#辺野古 twitter.com/SEALDs_RYUKYU/…


2015-10-12 02:17:48 | 日記

ロシアは鳩山一郎の時代から2島返還を前提にしてきたのに、プーチン大統領になって急に態度を硬化させた。なぜなのか。鳩山邦夫氏の見解では日本の経済協力を求め、それを引き出す為に態度を硬化させたのだとみている。 twitter.com/gekiron/status…

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2015-10-11 02:16:41 | 日記

シベリア抑留などの記憶継承を誓う 京都・舞鶴 nhk.jp/N4Le4J3i #nhk_news

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@UNESCO It's surprising & regrettable "Documents of Nanjing Massacre" of PRC was registered as Memory of the World.

@UNESCO It's not clear the documents really prove the truth.Some scholars point that many of them are fake.
So, this register is unfair.

@UNESCO Japan apologizes the PAST events as long as they are proved. PRC violates the human rights NOW & it doesn't admit the clear facts.

@UNESCO PRC just wants to hide its human rights violation thru exaggerating JPN's wrongdoings in the past by unclear docs.

I hope @UNESCO will recognize this and rethink fairly & neutrally.