

Cabbage spoons, A3 coating, habanero powders

2008-05-31 16:39:19 | Weblog
I was so busy yesterday with my paper work and
had no time for logging. As a matter of fact, I did not even
achieve my objective!

I will have to redo it on Monday!

Anyway, one suggestion made to me was that instead of
fabricating 20, 30 spoon like objects per day I might work
on a few large objetcs.

Below, you can see my output for today. By the way,
the current lot is on A3, and Cing will start from
tommorrow on.

Sorry, today's out put shown below.

These are one of the largest spoon I make,
with a template. You see, in the cavity, one of my
smallest spoons. That is meant for habanero powders.

There is no template for this smallest spoon.
The bore diameter is determined by the bit diameter,
as simple as that!

Today's one third of my time was spent on
coating, another one third was probably spent on
these, what I call cabbage spoons.

I was very interested in knowing how long it might take
to form a concave surface with one of these large and deep
cavity spoons.

It was 16 minutes, of roughing the mass out, well
within the operational constraint of my Spiky. As
I told you earlier, Spiky is meant for concave

surfaces. You might wonder about the convex surfaces.

Take a look at the following illustration again. B is
what you want.

Normally, with smaller convex surfaces, yawing motion
on the disk and belt sanders is enough. However, with these
large spoons, loosing the mass you want is time-

consuming, if you employ the same method. That is to say
that pressing the bottom of the spoon against the
sanders in a simplistic manner will not get you anywhere.

It is a very slow process. Therefore, hard pressing is
used, and consequently, you have ridges, as shown in red,
and between these lines you have planer surfaces.

What you then need to do is to destroy these ridges as well.
That leads immediately to narrower plainer surfaces.
Basically, you repeat this process, and only then,

you can employ yawing motion. Otherwise, the whole process
of forming convex surfaces will be too time consuming.

I can put a number to it. It is approx. 10 minutes.

In between, I sorted out my gifts. Below is the photo.

I delivered the spoons to a furniture making factory.
They let me have their bits and pieces free of charge.
The tube contains chopsticks and spoons.

The tube was sent to the British Embassy for a female
friend of mine. She will love my chopsticks!

Today, I meant to work on the peripherals of the
propellers, as shown below.

I am afraid I did have not time for these! They are
for tommorrow. Whatelse will I be doing tommorrow.
I do not really know. This is becoming a big issue.

Not knowing what to do each day is crucifying me,
constantly. Fortunately, for part of tommorrow,
weather permitting, I might be cooking some

potatoes, with my recently acquired Dutch oven with
my neibhours? (mis-spelling?).

Next 6 months? My wife will be in Abashiri in mid June,
that is when I am likely to be staying at my mountain cottage.
My wie and our daughter will be in England, some time in September.

That again is the time I will be staying at
my mountain cottage with my mother. Loggins will be
interrupted during these periods, naturally.

I think I need something revolutionary to
kill my time!


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