PHOTO BORIS HORVAT / AFP フランス フィガロ紙電子版
HARVEST SUN. Fewer and more dazzling than a bucolic vineyard, this new centralesolaire 50 hectares, located on the town of Les Mees, in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, should soon provide enough electricity to power 10,000 homes a year. But this "big project" is one of the few to have survived the "flat delivery of public support for the photovoltaic industry, the government decided in December 2010 because of its cost to the state coffers. And our delay in this matter has obviously worsened. We do not eat today that 8% of energy from "clean". Far from the target set by the Grenelle Environment: 23% in 2020.
フランスの南東部 プロヴァンス地方のレメの町にある見渡す限り続く太陽光発電パネル群。
HARVEST SUN. Fewer and more dazzling than a bucolic vineyard, this new centralesolaire 50 hectares, located on the town of Les Mees, in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, should soon provide enough electricity to power 10,000 homes a year. But this "big project" is one of the few to have survived the "flat delivery of public support for the photovoltaic industry, the government decided in December 2010 because of its cost to the state coffers. And our delay in this matter has obviously worsened. We do not eat today that 8% of energy from "clean". Far from the target set by the Grenelle Environment: 23% in 2020.
フランスの南東部 プロヴァンス地方のレメの町にある見渡す限り続く太陽光発電パネル群。