いまどこ ―冒頭表示2
キーボードの2段めと3段目はなぜ互い違いになっていないの - 教えて!goo:
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→ 赤ひげ診療所状態
赤ひげ診療所状態とは、現実の世界をラン run させ続けなくてはならない、その現実を抱えて、手一杯の状態をさす。手一杯ながらも、なんとか run し続けている状態。暮らしは何とか回っている。イノチは?次代は?
赤ひげ診療所状態とは、現実の世界をラン run させ続けなくてはならない、その現実を抱えて、手一杯の状態をさす。手一杯ながらも、なんとか run し続けている状態。暮らしは何とか回っている。イノチは?次代は?
→Designing the user interface : strategies for effective human-computer interaction
Ben Shneiderman -- Addison-Wesley, c1987, xv, 448 p., [4] p. of plates.
ユーザーインタフェースの設計 : やさしい対話型システムへの指針
ベン シュナイダーマン著 ; 東基衛, 井関治監訳 ; 新装 -- 日経BP社, 1993.8, xx, 461p.
第1章 対話型ソフトウエアにおけるヒューマンファクタ
第2章 理論、原則、ガイドライン
第3章 メニュー選択システム
第4章 コマンド言語
第5章 直接操作
第6章 対話のためのハードウエア装置
第7章 応答時間と表示速度
第8章 システムメッセージ、画面設計、カラー
第9章 マルチウインドウ方式
第10章 コンピュータ支援共同作業(CSCW)
第11章 情報検索ツール
第12章 マニュアル、オンラインヘルプ、チュートリアル
第13章 反復的な設計、テスト、評価
第14章 ユーザーインタフェース開発環境
終章 社会と個人へのユーザーインタフェースの影響
Designing the user interface : strategies for effective human-computer interaction
Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant -- 4th ed. -- Pearson/Addison Wesley, c2005, xviii, 652 p..
The much-anticipated fourth edition of Designing the User Interface provides a comprehensive, authoritative introduction to the dynamic field of human-computer interaction (HCI). Students and professionals learn practical principles and guidelines needed to develop high quality interface designs-ones that users can understand, predict, and control. It covers theoretical foundations, and design processes such as expert reviews and usability testing. Numerous examples of direct manipulation, menu selection, and form fill-in give readers an understanding of excellence in design. Recent innovations in collaborative interfaces, online help, and information visualization receive special attention. A major change in this edition is the integration of the World Wide Web and mobile devices throughout the book. Chapters have examples from cell phones, consumer electronics, desktop displays, and Web interfaces.
I. INTRODUCTION. 1. Usability of Interactive Systems. Introduction. Usability Requirements. Usability Measures. Usability Motivations. Universal Usability. Goals for Our Profession. Practitioner's Summary. Researcher's Agenda. 2. Guidelines, Principles, and Theories. Introduction. Guidelines. Principles. Theories. Object-Action Interface Model. Practitioner's Summary. Researcher's Agenda. II. DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES. 3. Managing Design Processes. Introduction. Organizational Design to Support Usability. The Three Pillars of Design. Development Methodologies. Ethnographic Observation. Participatory Design. Scenario Development. Social Impact Statement for Early Design Review. Legal Issues. Practitioner's Summary. Researcher's Agenda. 4. Evaluating Interface Designs. Introduction. Expert Reviews. Usability Testing and Laboratories. Survey Instruments. Acceptance Tests. Evaluation During Active Use. Controlled Psychologically Oriented Experiments. Practitioner's Summary. Researcher's Agenda. 5. Software Tools. Introduction. Specification Methods. Interface-Building Tools. Evaluation and Critiquing Tools. Practitioner's Summary. Researcher's Agenda. III. INTERACTION STYLES. 6. Direct Manipulation and Virtual Environments. Introduction. Examples of Direct-Manipulation. Discussion of Direct Manipulation. 3D Interfaces. Teleoperation. Virtual and Augmented Reality. Practitioner's Summary. Researcher's Agenda. 7. Menu Selection, Form Fillin, and Dialog Boxes. Introduction. Task-Related Menu Organization. Single Menus. Combinations of Multiple Menus. Content Organization. Data Entry with Menus: Form Fillin, Dialog Boxes and Alternatives. Audio Menus and Menus for Small Displays. Practitioner's Summary. Researcher's Agenda. 8. Command and Natural Languages. Introduction. Functionality to Support Users' Tasks. Command-Organization Strategies. The Benefits of Structure. Naming and Abbreviations. Natural Language in Computing. Practitioner's Summary. Researcher's Agenda. 9. Interaction Devices. Introduction. Keyboards and Keypads. Pointing Devices. Speech and Auditory Interfaces. Displays - Small and Large. Printers. Practitioner's Summary. Researcher's Agenda. 10. Collaboration. Introduction. Goals of Cooperation. Asynchronous Distributed Interfaces: Different Time, Different Place. Synchronous Distributed Interfaces: Different Place, Same Time. Face-to-Face Interfaces: Same Place, Same Tim. Practitioner's Summary. Researcher's Agenda. IV. DESIGN ISSUES. 11. Quality of Service. Introduction. Models of Response Time Impacts. Expectations and Attitudes. User Productivity. Variability in Response Time. Frustrating Experiences. Practitioner's Summary. Researcher's Agenda. 12. Balancing Function and Fashion. Introduction. Error Messages. Nonanthropomorphic Design. Display Design. Window Design. Color. Practitioner's Summar. Researcher's Agenda. 13. User Manuals, Online Help, and Tutorials. Introduction. Paper versus Online Manuals. Reading from Paper versus from Displays. Shaping the Content of the Manuals. Online Manuals and Help. Online Tutorials. Online Communities for User Assistance. Development Process. Practitioner's Summary. Researcher's Agenda. 14. Information Search and Visualization. Introduction. Search in Textual Documents and Database Query. Multimedia Document Searches. Advanced Filtering and Search Interface. Information Visualization. Practitioner's Summary. Researcher's Agenda. Afterword Societal and Individual Impact of User Interfaces.
The psychology of everyday things ←
Donald A. Norman -- Basic Books, c1988, xi, 257 p..
Even the smartest among us can feel inept as we fail to figure our which light switch or oven burner to turn on, or whether to push, pull, or slide a door. The fault, argues this fascinating, ingeniouseven liberatingbook, lies not in ourselves, but in product design that ignores the needs of users and the principles of cognitive psychology.The problems range from ambiguous and hidden controls to arbitrary relationships between controls and functions, coupled with a lack of feedback or other assistance and unreasonable demands on memorization. The book presents examples aplentyamong them, the VCR, computer, and office telephone, all models of how not to design for people.But good, usable design is possible. The rules are simple: make things visible, exploit natural relationships that couple function and control, and make intelligent use of constraints. The goal: guide the user effortlessly to the right action on the right control at the right time. But the designer must care.The author is a world-famous psychologist and pioneer in the application of cognitive science.His aim is to raise the consciousness of both consumers and designers to the delights of products that are easy to use and understand.
The Psychology of Everyday Things
The Psychology of Everyday Actions
Knowledge in the Head and in the World
Knowing What to Do
To Err Is Human
The Design Challenge
User-Centered Design.
で、教科書では、この改良型配列は慣習的に広まっているQWERTY配列を逆転できないという議論から、ユーザインタフェースは慣習による慣性が強いという解説になっていきます。この分野で一番有名な本、Donald A. Normanの『The Design of Everyday Things』やBen Shneidermanの『Designing the User Interface』も、この説を採用しています。印字アームが絡むという説もここらへんで定説化したのではないかなぁと思います。
The design of everyday things
Donald A. Norman -- 1st Doubleday/Currency ed. -- Doubleday, 1990, c1988, xv, 257 p..
Reprint. Originally published: The psychology of everyday things. New York : Basic Books, c1988
Includes bibliographical references (p. 241-247)
Includes index
Pagination of some prints: xiii, 257 p.
Designing the user interface : strategies for effective human-computer interaction
Ben Shneiderman -- Addison-Wesley, c1987, xv, 448 p., [4] p. of plates.
坂村健 ガセネタ
坂村健 ガセネタ yasuoka OR 安岡孝一 OR Koichi
坂村健 yasuoka OR 安岡孝一 OR Koichi
坂村健 yasuoka OR 安岡孝一
坂村健 ガセネタ yasuoka OR 安岡孝一 OR Koichi
坂村健 yasuoka OR 安岡孝一 OR Koichi
坂村健 yasuoka OR 安岡孝一
Koichi Yasuoka さんのコメント...
2007/07/15 12:08