いまどこ ―冒頭表示2
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Sholes experimental model *
This model shows that Mr. Sholws was trying to work out machines which could write from wheels or semi-wheels, as it was argued at the time that it was impossible to keep type-bar machines in alignment, and that only the fixing of type on one common frame or wheel would cure this deficiency. In a letter written by Mr. Sholes, he repeatedly referred to the question of securing permanent alignment.
Sholes Experimental model *
Picture 5 shows another attempt at a type-wheel design by Sholes. ←
Mr. Sholes, he repeatedly referred to the question of securing permanent alignment.
Mr.Sholes,he repeatedly referred to the question of securing permanent alignment.
Mr.Sholes,he repeatedly referred to the question of securing permanent alignment.
Sholes repeatedly referred to securing alignment.
Internet Archive: Details: Questioned documents: a study of questioned documents with an outline of methods by which the facts may be discovered and shown