いまどこ ―冒頭表示2
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http://www6.atpages.jp/~raycy/Q/ を http://www6.atpages.jp/raycy/blog2btron/door やらの作業経過を取り入れつつ、ふくらませるようなかんじで、、
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foreman 請負
foreman 請負 経営史 foreman 請負 経営
1850~60年代、工業企業の巨大化、内部請負制の黄金時代( D. Nelson, A. Chandler )
1873~ 不況 → 原価切り下げ、直接的工程管理の必要性 → 請負人を廃し俸給職長に
しかし20世紀初めまで、職長は多くの権限(生産に関する決定権、労働者の雇用・訓練等)を保持( S. Jacoby )
1870~1900年、工業大企業におけるマネジメントのシステム化の動き( J. A. Litterer ):原価計算、賃金制度...
原価情報の収集、間接費の確定・配分等の必要 → ライン・スタッフ組織へ(計画と執行の分離)
賃金制度の改革:Towne(1889), Halsey(1891), Rowan(1901)…
Towne … 利潤一般でなく、労働者自身の貢献による費用節約額を原資とする奨励策
Halsey … 日給を保障、定められた作業予定時間内に作業を達成すれば節約時間の一定割合を割増として支払う
Rowan … 時間給を保障、一定の許与時間を短縮した割合に応じて割増を支払う
1880年 アメリカ機械技師協会(ASME)設立、機関紙 Transactions 発行 …… システム化運動の拠点に
1886年 ASME大会 … 管理問題が初めて議題に( H. Towneの提案、工学以外の2報告:H. MetcalfeとO. Smith )
・Towneの提案:工学と区別された生産管理問題を扱うEconomic Section の設置 → のちに実現
・Metcalfeの報告:工場注文会計方式 shop-order system of accounting
…… 互換性部品製造に、鉄道修理工場で開発された証票式経理方式を適用 → 標準原価の算出
1895年ASME大会 … F. W. Taylorの報告「一つの出来高払制度」( → Principles of scientific management, 1911 )
…… 企業自身が効率的な生産ペースを把握 → 労働者から能率向上のインセンティブを引き出す
a)差別出来高賃金 differential piece rate
b)時間・作業研究 time and motion study
c)機能別職長制 functional foreman
foreman 請負 経営史 foreman 請負 経営
(This latter result was somewhat surprising because is suggests that there was more “science” to the QWERTY than had commonly been supposed.)
In fact the QWERTY keyboard was faster in operation than an alphabetical keyboard (see later) so it is possible that there was an attempt to streamline operation, making some letters combinations slower, others faster.
(This latter result was somewhat surprising because is suggests that there was more “science” to the QWERTY than had commonly been supposed.)
In the 1980s, when human factors in computing became a significant research area, one of the first research studies was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Dvorak keyboard. The experiment psychologists Donald Norman and Diane Fisher programmed a computer simulation which compared the QWERTY, Dvorak, and straight alphabetic keyboards.46 They concluded that the Dvorak keyboard was superior to the QWERTY by 5 to 10 percent, and that the QWERTY was superior to the alphabetic keyboard by a similar amount. (This latter result was somewhat surprising because is suggests that there was more “science” to the QWERTY than had commonly been supposed.)
In terms of typing efficiency it thus turned out that the QWERTY keyboard was suboptimal, but not drastically so. The economists Leibowitz and Margolis concluded that the persistence of QWERTY did not support the network-effects thesis, but simply that it was good enough, and its inefficiencies did not justify the high switching costs of making a change.47
"Rose Fritz" typewriting

Underwood typewriting team, 1912. Lottie Betts is seated on the left. Directly behind her is Rose Fritz, world champion typist for six years in succession. (Canadian Museum of Civilization, 990.4.23)

Underwood typewriting team, 1912. Lottie Betts is seated on the left. Directly behind her is Rose Fritz, world champion typist for six years in succession. (Canadian Museum of Civilization, 990.4.23)