Less Originality
I don't like your giant toy doll because you've just stolen the idea and equipment of ancient wises.

That's why I picked it up from you. Try again with your own effort !!
Waiting for you at the party, with lots of love.
The Sun, The Moon, and The Earth
I don't like your giant toy doll because you've just stolen the idea and equipment of ancient wises.

That's why I picked it up from you. Try again with your own effort !!
長野北部地震、重軽傷41人に 家屋倒壊は34棟
「 長野県北部を震源に22日夜に起きた最大震度6弱の地震で、けが人は長野県で41人にのぼり、うち7人が重傷を負った。住宅は長野県で34棟が全壊。避難指示が61人に出され、400人以上が自主避難をした。気象庁は余震に警戒を呼びかけている。(以下略)」
Waiting for you at the party, with lots of love.
The Sun, The Moon, and The Earth
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Shine Brighter?
Your toy sun got shining brighter, didn't it ?

(35.709173, 139.759391)
Don't worry, I know it's under regidential area.
Waiting for you at the party, with lots of love.
See you in Tokyo next week !
The Sun, The Moon, and The Earth
Your toy sun got shining brighter, didn't it ?

(35.709173, 139.759391)
Don't worry, I know it's under regidential area.
Waiting for you at the party, with lots of love.
See you in Tokyo next week !
The Sun, The Moon, and The Earth
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Old Toy
Sorry for forgetting to close the door I opened on the top of the invisible domy wall protecting your old toy. I just wanted to use the underground path to your ship dock.

(35.691886, 140.427594)
I like this better than Shinshoji.
I'm sure your big toy ship will NEVER fly off to the sky. To avoid to be accusedof fraud, Mr. A and other noble persons should stop selling the tickets to ride immediately and give back money to the customers.

(35.772422, 140.392764)
Of course, I'm not talking about airplanes.
The project "Noah's Ark" has completely ended.
In other words, "The End of the World" will NEVER come, so footprints of your criminal deeds will be left untill "Doomsday".
Waiting for you at the party, with lots of love
The Sun, The Moon, and the Earth
Sorry for forgetting to close the door I opened on the top of the invisible domy wall protecting your old toy. I just wanted to use the underground path to your ship dock.

(35.691886, 140.427594)
I like this better than Shinshoji.
I'm sure your big toy ship will NEVER fly off to the sky. To avoid to be accusedof fraud, Mr. A and other noble persons should stop selling the tickets to ride immediately and give back money to the customers.

(35.772422, 140.392764)
Of course, I'm not talking about airplanes.
The project "Noah's Ark" has completely ended.
In other words, "The End of the World" will NEVER come, so footprints of your criminal deeds will be left untill "Doomsday".
Waiting for you at the party, with lots of love
The Sun, The Moon, and the Earth
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Food Factory
It was so much fun to play tag with you in your food factory !!

(33.572538, 130.413882)
Access to the factory is very easy from your friends' houses through UNDERGROUND.
Waiting for you at the party, with lots of love
The Sun, The Moon, and The Earth
It was so much fun to play tag with you in your food factory !!

(33.572538, 130.413882)
Access to the factory is very easy from your friends' houses through UNDERGROUND.
Waiting for you at the party, with lots of love
The Sun, The Moon, and The Earth
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The Farside of The Moon
I was so astonished to learn that the rumor -- "there's a secret base on the farside of the moon" -- is real! I think the giant toy standing inside the hole that looks like generating free energy is the most briliant one among the toys I have ever seen.

(33.495446, 130.454426)
Do you realize that it got more powerful and lovelier last night ?
Please do not forget all the names of your friends involving with toy construction are also described in THE LIST.

(33.591268, 130.399694)
Of course, yours is in.
Waiting for you at the party, with lots of love
The Sun, The Moon, and the Earth
I was so astonished to learn that the rumor -- "there's a secret base on the farside of the moon" -- is real! I think the giant toy standing inside the hole that looks like generating free energy is the most briliant one among the toys I have ever seen.

(33.495446, 130.454426)
Do you realize that it got more powerful and lovelier last night ?
Please do not forget all the names of your friends involving with toy construction are also described in THE LIST.

(33.591268, 130.399694)
Of course, yours is in.
Waiting for you at the party, with lots of love
The Sun, The Moon, and the Earth
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