

Definition Essay怎么写,Evaluation Essay写作讲解

2018-12-13 17:22:59 | 日記
随着天气的变冷,Final季也要来了,所以很多留学生们也开始担心自己的Essay了,其实想写好Essay并不简单,因为Essay的类型实在是太多了,只有对每一种类型非常熟悉才能写好Essay,下面就给大家讲解一下Definition Essay和Evaluation Essay.

Definition Essay怎么写?

Identify the necessary qualities of a concept


Give compelling evidence that these qualities are necessary to the concept


Give sufficient qualities to define the concept


What is merely accidental to the concept



1.definition essay和evaluation essay有一定共通处,都需要尽可能多的例证来证明观点。Definition essay常在第一段引用字典中对该名词的解释。


3.作为一篇academic的论文,不能有personal nouns.一定要避免出现we,they这些词。


Professor Joel Hendrick says there are three main points which can help you write a good definition essay.

First, you should illuminate clearly why this definition is needed and for what you will use this definition. This means you need to find a meaningful and realistic problem or question, especially something surrounded our college life. High Quality Essay Writing Service On

Secondly, you are expected to find some proper criteria. For me, I want to define “Master a language”. And one of my criteria is “people must know all the answers to the questions they are asked.” However, with the help of my professor Hendrick, I realize this is not a proper criterion. Because as a Chinese, I think I have mastered Chinese, but I don’t know the answer to “What’s the application of gravitational wave.” Therefore, I change my criterion into “people can fully understand what other people are saying.” That’s a more proper criterion.

Thirdly, you have to show that each of your criterion is necessary but not sufficient. This can strengthen the connection between each criterion and is used as a transition.


The purpose of writing this kind of essay is to encourage us to develop the ability to define a certain thing through finding some specific criteria. In this case, we can solve problems in practice.

Evaluation Essay怎么写?


At beginning, you have to introduce the thesis about which substance you are going to evaluate. A little digging is necessary, it includes the attributes the object contains, which also indicates the purpose, the features, and your personal experience about it.

Introduction:clearly communicate what the essay evaluates, how it is to be evaluated, why it is important to evaluate


例:If it has……,+good consequences

If it doesn’t have+bad consequences


1. Each paragraph should begin with a clear evaluation.

2. state the criterion being applied and give a compelling justification

3. claim about meets or fails to meet this criterion+evidence

Conclusion: restate evaluation and the implication: improve, change, abandon, adopt



At the end of the essay, you must conclude your opinion, which integrate every spot you mentioned in the above context, and clarify which item is qualified which is not. And of course, don’t forget to attach your own understandings between those judgements, under this case, essay’s quality will be greatly promoted. When you finished detailed conclusions, do not recognize the whole writing task as finished, a final evaluation is required for the last sentence of the article, it basically contains the opposite judgement for an object.

以上就是关于Definition Essay和Evaluation Essay的写作讲解,如果同学们遇到这两种Essay,那么就可以按照上文说的去写,基本就没什么问题了。



北美作业代写:Effect on the Digital Media Culture to Traditional Culture

2018-12-13 17:22:42 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Effect on the Digital Media Culture to Traditional Culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了数字媒体文化对传统文化的影响。随着科技的发展,尤其是互联网的迅速发展和普及,数字媒体正在成为主流媒体渠道,当今社会已经进入了数字媒体时代。在数字媒体的历史背景下,传统文化艺术的传承必须与时俱进,利用数字媒体内容全面、风格多样、表达方式丰富等特点,促进传统文化的传承与发展。

1. The characteristics of digital media culture

With the development of science and technology, especially the rapid development and prevalence of the interconnection network, digital media is becoming the mainstream media channels, and today's society has entered the era of digital media. Compared with the legacy media, in the digital media environment, a large amount of data and information can rely on the powerful data-handling capacity of the network and computer to realize the ability of communication and sharing. People can quickly obtain a large quantity of information through digital media such as digital TV, computer terminal, intelligent mobile phone and so on. In the traditional media environment, the type of information is relatively simple, and in the digital media environment, the type of information multiply: it gives us the efficiency, productivity, and enhances the openness, transparency and creativity. Human communications are increasingly mediated by digital media, which are decentralized and increasingly ubiquitous and empower people to connect and engage in previously rare contexts (Yzer and Southwell, 8-12). The digital media also have a notable feature: The general public are changing from the receiver to the sender and receiver, everyone can get a lot of information quickly through the digital media terminal, and released information through the digital media terminal at the same time. The difficulty of information dissemination is lowered down, and many "we media" emerged. And in post-modern cultural environment, “illiteracy is no longer a serious obstacle” (Innis, 15).

2. With the help of digital media, traditional culture obtains good development

Cultural transmission is “the special properties and collections flow from one culture to another” (Philip, 165). With the continuous development of society and the continuous improvement of the level of opening to the outside world, the traditional culture and art are further and further from people's lives. Due to the difficulty of adaption to the development of modern society, some of them are facing the danger of disappearing. In the historical background of digital media, the inherit of traditional culture and arts must keep up with the times, using the characteristics of digital media, such as its all-around content, lively style and plenty of expression methods, to promote the inheritance and development of traditional culture. For instance, the digital engineering of Dunhuang frescoes hosted by China, with the help of modern 3D imaging technology and professional explanation, become an effective way to understand the art of Dunhuang mural painting, and the students of art major in University have greatly inspired to understand and learn.

3. The application of digital media in Art Teaching

In the pastime of China, limited by teaching condition, the art major generally adapted a model with teachers' major role in the teaching and a leakage of class activities. In this form, many students held a poor interest in traditional culture. Thus, it led to an undesirable learning result. But now under the circumstance of digital media, it has changed a great deal. The digital media allow students to find out reluctant information about traditional culture pre-class. And during the class, they can be expected to show individual practices or team work in a way that class communication among students in one hand, and between students and teachers in the other will have a great improvement by courseware presentations and real items exhibition. As models of traditional culture teaching have sprung up and have seen an inspiring innovation, students' main role in the teaching has a full turnover. The boring teaching atmosphere before has vanished, and students' enthusiasm has been effectively aroused. In the meantime, the above models- and initial practices enable them to strengthen their independent learning abilities. Besides, their chances to positively employ all kinds of learning conditions can be ensured. If it is done well, in the future, they can show us the beauty of traditional culture through their own artistic creations.


Yzer, M., & Southwell, B. “New communication technologies, old questions.” American Behavioral Scientist, 52.1(2008):8-20.

Harold A. Innis. “the Bias of communication.” University of Toronto Press, (1999): 15

Baghdad Philip. “Culture: Projection History.” Shanghai, People's Publishing House, (1987): 165


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Narrative Essay的写作细节

2018-12-13 17:22:24 | 日記
国外大学的Narrative Essay,就是国内的记叙文,是留学生经常写作的论文类型之一。Narrative Essay的主要内容是人物经历或者事物的发展变化,虽然中国留学生在国内经常写作记叙文,但Narrative Essay的写作有很大的区别,下面就给大家讲解一下它的写作细节。

由于Narrative Essay依赖于个人的经验,所以一般按照story的形式写作,按照通常的格式包含:情节、人物、背景、高潮和结束。并且通常情况下,Narrative Essay需要包含大量的细节来使故事丰满,这些细节也是为了支持作者的主要观点。

Narrative Essay一般包含:






















以上就是给大家分析的Narrative Essay写作细节,同学们在写作Narrative Essay的时候,可以参考一下上面的内容。


Paper代写:The Life Of People In Brazil’s Favelas

2018-12-13 17:22:07 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The Life Of People In Brazil’s Favelas讨论了。他们从不同的角度探讨了巴西贫民窟人民的生活。耶稣来自巴西社会的底层,半个世纪前曾是贫民窟的一员。这本书是她在住在贫民窟时写的日记。虽然那是很久以前的事,但这本书给了人们很多“饥饿”的真实体验,这种体验在今天的巴西贫民窟中仍然可以看到。这种对自己亲身经历的贫民窟生活的直接描写,使该出版物引起了巨大的社会冲击,变得更加真实巴舞的面貌和桑巴舞学校,作为贫民窟的外来者,是贫民窟人民文化娱乐生活的一部分。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The favelas seem to be mysterious to people all over the world. Thus, different works such as Death without weeping, Samba and Child of the Dark are devoted to different features of life in favelas.

They all give some information of personal life and the development of the favelas all over the Brazil. Those three articles all provide a powerful first-hand writing of life of people in favelas in Brazil. Carolina Maria Jesus depicts the streets of São Paulo from 1955 to 1960. And only under the support of a kind people she spent a year to learn in school. And when she was young she was leaving their homes, and worked as maid(Jesus, 3,4). In the Death without weeping, there is the discussion of the backward and poor plantation areas called Alto do Cruzerio in northeastern Brazil against the background of the large-scale rapid urbanization, and large number of migration (Scheper-Hughes, 8). Also, Samba introduced the war of Canudos,and the building of uphill houses as settlement place (8). This points out a sharp contrast between development and poverty within the same country. They all help to attract international attention to the plight of the poor in favelas all over the Brazil and its diverse and unique culture of samba at the same time.

They are devoted to contradictory features of life in Brazil of people in favelas from different perspectives. Jesus came from the bottom of the Brazilian society and was one member of favelas half a century ago. This book is the diary she wrote when she lived in slums in 1955-1960. But it had to admit that although the author's life was long ago, the book gives people a lot of true experience of "hunger" which is still seen today among people in favelas in Brazil. This direct depiction of favelas life experienced by herself makes the publication cause a great social shock and become more real. By contrast, Nancy Scheper-Hughes is a professor from a developed countries, the University of California in the modern time and it is true of author of Samba. So in Nancy Scheper-Hughes’s writing, there are also mention of hunger life of Alto do Cruzerio in 1960s, but it is written from an observer’s perspective and it is mainly focusing on its influence on babies, namely infant death and maternal love. There were 350 babies died in the shortage of food of Alto do Cruzerio in 1960s, and there are a large number of babies who come to the earth closely with each other, but they died when they still got no names from their parents(Scheper-Hughes,8, 10). And Samba, it is mainly focused on current look of samba and the samba schools, which is part of cultural and entertainment life of people in favelas as a outsider of favelas.

To sum up, in Death without weeping, Nancy Scheper-Hughes discussed how the poverty in Brazil’s favelas and mom’s helpless emotions and sadness when their children’ life is deprived by poverty. In the book Samba, it presents other side of people in Brazil’s favelas from the perspective of a traveler: they are good at dancing and full of merry spirits. Child of the Dark written by Carolina Maria Jesus---a girl living in Rio’s favelas provided her unique life experience and a new perspective for understanding Brazil's social problems of favelas.

Works cited

Jesus, Carolina Maria or De Jesus, Carolina Maria. Child of the Dark. Signet Classics

Nancy Scheper-Hughes. Death without weeping. Natural history Samba


Essay代写:French romantic art and English romantic art

2018-12-13 17:03:04 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- French romantic art and English romantic art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了法国浪漫主义美术与英国浪漫主义美术。起源于法国的浪漫主义运动是对18世纪法国启蒙运动理性主义的反驳,19世纪的法国浪漫主义美术将浪漫追求与时代精神、社会斗争相结合,画面充满激情昂扬的热血气氛,在艺术创作和艺术表达上具有进步意义,是一种积极的美术创作态度。而英国浪漫主义绘画创作主要表现在历史画领域,以古代神话、圣经故事、文学历史题材作为大型情节性绘画创作,画面创作题材、形式上都与现实生活缺少直接联系,以抒发个人浪漫情怀或者怀旧情绪为主;艺术家在注重情感表现的同时,发现了绘画新的审美范畴,表现了一种消极的绘画态度。

The romanticism movement originated in France is a refutation of the rationalism of the enlightenment in France in the 18th century. Romanticism art painting creation pays attention to the expression of emotional imagination, freedom of thought, human ideal, digging into the deep inner world of people. In terms of artistic expression, romanticism often expresses the conflicts of human nature and social contradictions by creating very strong dramatic effects full of infectious emotions. The picture is good at using symbolism, allegorical meaning, exaggeration and contrast to express the idea of the picture; In terms of tone and brushwork, the expressive force of tone and smooth and unrestrained brushwork add freedom, lightness and romanticism to the picture. In terms of creation subject matter, romanticism mainly chooses tragedy subject matter, literary genre, or exotic subject matter for creation. Through the imagination of tragic and shocking literary stories, romanticism conveys people's emotion, hope and strength in tragedy. French romanticism painting in the 19th century brought this personality to the extreme and broke through the bondage of classical art in the same period. French romantic art combines the romantic pursuit with the spirit of The Times and social struggle. The picture is full of passionate and passionate blood atmosphere, which is of progressive significance in artistic creation and expression. It is a positive attitude towards artistic creation.

At the same time, Britain was in the period of industrial revolution in the 18th century. On the one hand, the social environment re-established the value of human beings; on the other hand, it profoundly changed the class relationship of British society and the relationship between human beings and nature. Therefore, romanticism in the sense of English literature was the product of industrial revolution. The creation of British romanticism painting is mainly manifested in the field of historical painting. Ancient myths, bible stories and literary and historical themes are used as large-scale plot painting creations. The painting themes and forms are not directly related to real life and are mainly used to express personal romantic feelings or nostalgia. While paying attention to the expression of emotion, artists have discovered a new aesthetic category of painting, that is, the painting shows a negative painting attitude by presenting the illusion, horror, and even ugliness as the aesthetic view of artistic creation.

French romanticism represents the painting families of gerico and delacroix. Gerriko's life was short, and his painting creation always had a strong affinity with horses. He worshiped actors who trained horses since childhood, and he created thousands of paintings and paintings of horses. However, he ended his young life because he fell off a horse and was injured. The picture depicts the desperate people in the night in the endless sea to see the horizon of the ship shadow for a moment. Representative works include frightened horse, epson racing horse, cavalry officer in charge, etc., and outstanding representative the raft of medusa, which is composed of a pyramid with a black man at the top waving his red shirt as much as possible to attract the attention of ships in the distance. The depiction of the black people who are held high also shows that the prejudice against the black tradition is broken and the author's blood and imagination are highlighted. The people below crowded around each other and held each other, the hungry, the death-stricken people making their last desperate struggle. The crowd was generally confused and nervous. There were people who were holding up the black people who were Shouting for help, there were people who were talking about better ways. In sharp contrast to the noise and panic, there was a dead body lying quietly on the edge of the wood. There was also an old man sitting silently on the edge of the wood night. He was holding his dead son in his arms, looking desperate and seemingly indifferent to survival. At the left end of the picture, there is a tilted sail, which is full of wind and swaying in the sea wind, forming a visual correspondence with the human tower in front. The picture vividly expresses the suffering of the turbulent waves. The impact of the waves, the survival, strength and hope of the characters in the picture all touch the emotions of the viewers.

Delacroix's "the slaughter of the isle of hias" also marks the arrival of the heyday of French romanticism. The painter draws on world-renowned events to show the humiliation suffered by the Greek nation. His compassionate art arouses people's infinite sympathy for the oppressed. "Free to lead the people" is the artist's creative imagination to the peak of the work. In the picture, the goddess of the upper world appears half-naked on the barricade, holding a bayonet rifle and leading the insurgents to advance. The viewer will not have any sense of incongruity, as his eyes are drawn to the scene of gunfire. In the picture, the battle scenes of thousands of troops and horses are fully displayed by five or six people. How can this ability of generalization and exaggeration not be surrendered?

Black, an important figure in the English romantic school of painting, is also a famous poet in the history of English literature. Black was born in a small merchant family in London, England. At the age of 14, he was apprenticed to a famous engraving painter, but he did not receive professional art training. His art activities were mainly to make book binding at the request of booksellers. He drew many illustrations of literary works to reproduce the images of myths, religions and literary allusions, but these images were often mixed with his critical attitude towards British society, as well as his humanitarian thoughts and religious views. His Jesus is a humanized god, the embodiment of human virtue. As long as the expression of love for god in art, it reflects his aesthetic view of harmony between human and nature. Most of the paintings are in tempera, watercolor, bronze plate, and a small number of wood carvings. Black's life was full of ups and downs and loneliness. He always expressed his political views and strong religious emotions in the form of illustrations, and his works were shrouded in a mysterious color of doctrine. It represents the creation of Adam by Jehovah, one of his best tempera paintings. The image of yahweh, with its wings outstretched and its body straightened, hurries through space like a rocket. Adam is under its body, with a snake wrapped around his lower body, floating in the illusory and mysterious sky under the cover of god. Here is the use of strong color lines, the image of the dynamic force, with printmaking fun, but the picture is all painted in watercolor, the blind god of old age has a long beard flying, sitting in the fire car, is rebuke Adam, naked Adam humble, bound hands to punish, very imaginative, is a typical representative of the British romantic painting creation. Other representative works are death star, compassion, river of life and so on.

Romantic painting broke the shackles of classical creation, and showed the artist's creative personality, emotion and imagination through dramatic imagination and description of social events and tragic stories. However, in different regions and different cultural backgrounds, the artistic expression in the same period and the same art school is different. French romantic art combines romantic pursuit with the spirit of The Times and social struggle. The picture is full of passionate blood and hope, showing a positive romantic art. The dreamy, horrible and exotic atmosphere expressed by the British romantic painters conveys a kind of negative romantic art. In a word, the prosperity and development of romantic painting school has a very high influence and value on the creation and development of western art.

