


2018-12-21 17:14:12 | 日記


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作业代写:Financial Panic and Exchange Rate Overshooting during Currency Crises

2018-12-21 17:13:51 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Financial Panic and Exchange Rate Overshooting during Currency Crises,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了金融恐慌和汇率过高的问题。在现实中,如果汇率突然过高的话,那么就有可能出现金融恐慌。事实上,一些国家已经意识到金融恐慌问题的重要性。在不同的货币危机时期,存在着汇率过高的现象。纵观整个金融危机,最重要的汇率过高之一发生在亚洲,这一水平远高于欧洲危机的平均水平。

In the earlier research, there are many experiments which are related to the financial panic and exchange rate overshooting. In this paper, we can find that the monetary tightening sometimes means to provide help to the exchange rate’s stabilization in the period of currency crises. The problem is that the finding is sensitive to the election of the sample.

In reality, to some extent financial panic is an important reason for the appearance of the exchange rate. It is obvious that this condition is serious in Asian countries. At the same time, the selection of the sample also takes the great role. In fact, some countries have realized the importance of the financial panic.

In this paper, we can see following parts. We make clear the ways of overshooting and write down the condition of the exchange rate at the moment of currency crises. Then we look back the theories of the financial panic so that we can form the way of finical panic and the change of the crises. At last, we conclude all of these parts and give a brief conclusion of the whole paper.

We have known the financial panic and exchange rate of overshooting; we can see that there exists the exchange rate overshooting in the different time of currency crisis. We should pay attention to the fact that the degree of the currency exchange rate overshooting is changeable with the change of the selection of sample. The character of the sample can influence the result of the research. We look thought the whole financial crisis, we find that one of the most important exchange rate overshooting happens in the Asia. The level is much more than the European average crisis.

In this paper, there are some tables and forms, which can make the result of research, become very believable. We can get some useful information from these tables. For example, we can see that in the most cases, long period of depreciation of the currency rate exists more frequently in Asian countries instead of some European countries. From the tale, we can see that the financial panic takes the great part in the change of the currency crisis situation. It is more obvious in the Asian countries. (Soyoung, p80).

That is to say that there are some herding behaviors in the period of the currency crisis. What is herding behavior? It will happen when one person intend to select a action which is similar to the former action that he has chosen before. In some cases, one tend to follow others’ actions, even though his brain tells him that he should do this thing in another way. Just like this, some investors’ action in the crisis will influence others and other aspects of things. (Soyoung, p83). In this way, it will cause a series of problems. This kind of influence is very great.

For this reason, we can find a good explain about why the currency crisis is contagious and territorial. The function of the behaviors of wild world investor in broadcasting the influence of financial crisis in the certain area is emphasized by the experts. Indeed, once a crisis appears in a country, this can cause a series of spreading of the currency crisis about other areas.

In order to make the paper become more meaningful, the concept of CID was used to help solve the problems. In reality, CID is a good way of financial panic. The reason is simple. Under the risk of the financial panic, some investors’ attitude about the invest risk has changed a lot. It is possible that the unreasonable actions of the investors can be observed easily. For this reason, we need to use CID to get the degree of the financial panic. We can compare the average value of the CID in the different period of currency crisis time. Then we use the difference of CIDs for the measure of financial panic.

In order to examine the significance of financial panic as the main reason of overshooting, we can use just one variable. That is to say, we take the regressions of the currency crisis and monetary.

At the same time, we also take the sub sample regressions. We neglect of Indonesia. In this way, the result is more correct. The result of the research shows that the former study of the topic emphasis the great function of tightens rate strategy. The purpose is to keep the steady of the currency rate. The result suggests us that we should keep a clear mind about the former studies. On the one side, such result is very sensitive with the election of sample. On the other side, the financial panic is one of the important factors for the currency rate overshooting. It can hardly change in the studies. (Soyoung, p85).We should know that it is very important in the world economy. This can easily be seen in the Asian countries.

As for CID, CID has the great connection with the action of the investors. The action of the investor is very subjective. For this reason, the improper action of investor can influence the CID in a very short time. However, this kind of influence is not single. It may cause both positive influence and the negative influence. So we can see the power of the investor’s behavior.

In conclusion, this paper shows an explanation of observation of exchange rate overshooting. Then we prove the validity of the research. The former study has shown the function of the policy of exchanged rate. We draw the conclusion that the investors’ behaviors have the great connection with the exchanged rate overshooting.

We first write down the exchange rate movements in the period of currency crises. By doing this, we find that overshooting phenomena were frequently found in the different period of currency crises and different countries. (Soyoung, p86).The degree of exchange rate overshooting is quiet important in the Asian crisis. In reality, financial panic just intends to play a essential role in the selection sample.

The findings of this paper contribute a lot to form a theoretical model, which can greatly analyze the action of exchange rates in the period of currency crises and finally give a great background to develop appropriate policies at the moment of currency crisis. Even though there are many studies show that financial panic is an important cause reason of currency crisis. Indeed, only a few former studies on this research topic exist. Our result shows that financial panic plays an important role in generating the overshooting phenomenon also implicitly show that financial panic plays an important role in currency crises in some Asian countries. (Soyoung, p85). In the future, the research on the exact cause and role of financial panic in currency crises may be fruitful. This needs the further study.


Soyoung kim&Sunghyun Henry Kim,(2007), International Economic Journal : Financial Panic and Exchange Rate overshooting during Currency Crises. Vol. 21No.1, p71-89.


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2018-12-21 17:13:35 | 日記


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Paper代写:The Economic Development Analysis of India

2018-12-21 17:13:00 | 日記
​本篇paper代写- The Economic Development Analysis of India讨论了印度的经济发展。印度政府在推进国内经济自由化的同时,进行了20多年的经济改革,进一步融入世界经济。然而,印度经济仍面临一些结构性的约束,它们可能成为经济进一步扩张的重要障碍。因此,印度政府应该想办法提升国内产业和制造业的竞争优势,降低失业率,增强投资背景的吸引力。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

India’s economy started the remarkable development since the monetary changes in 1991, and the reforms continue from 2000s. With the progress of expansion over the past years, India has turned out to be one of the quickest developing economies, which has brought a new stage to this country. Under the influence of internal and external factors, the economy in India continues to develop well. The recent statistics shows that India has passed China as a big economy accelerating its expansion the most rapidly. Gross Domestic Product increased to 7.6 percent in 2016, compared to the average of 6.5 percent in the previous years (World Bank). Regardless of the climate effects and internal inequality, the growth in agriculture, manufacturing, and exports are able to mitigate the risks due to the effective development strategies and India’s own competitive advantages. As a developing country, India controls its economic growth in an efficient path. However, since the opportunities are always along with threats, it is necessary to learn about the potential structural problems in developing environment, unemployment, the disadvantages in international business, etc. The India’s economy is different from many other countries because the service is a major part in its GDP. Although the share of manufacturing in GDP is small, it is significant to emphasize that this factor influences much on the economy. Except for manufacturing as an important factor in 25 percent of GDP, some activities plan to make larger employment by advanced job systems (Kaur 51). The establishment of a properer structural system is a main topic of the economic development.

(Source: World Bank. “India development update : financing double-digit growth.” India development update. Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group. 2016.)

The growth results and the benefits are the fundamental advantages, and the efficient government efforts not only support the economy, but also bring opportunities for the future. The highest growth rate in Asia, even in the world has extended both domestic and international market. India’s consumer demand is more likely to increase with India’s rising disposable income level. Because income growth is involved in economic development, a higher level of income from the success over the past years is a beneficial foundation and opportunity. As an original advantage in a large population country, the demographic dividends can make India’s production and industry larger and more attractive. Besides, the stable government in India uses policies to facilitate the industries that are intended to help with the domestic production. In August 2016, the House of Representatives enacted the Goods and Services Tax Act (GST). GST is to establish a simple and convenient consumption tax system in the central and local areas of India, to change the current status of repeated taxation at the central level and to vary the efficiency of transport between countries and to reduce the operating costs of the enterprises (Gupta 456). The establishment of a unified national market might promote technological innovation, support the Indian people entrepreneurship and the local industry. Moreover, for the policy to expand foreign investment, the administration has permitted 100% Foreign Direct Investment in every one of the divisions with the exception of 74% in Space, 49% in Defense and 26% in News Media (Kaur 54). Another strategy for an advanced system is that improving India’s infrastructure in order to protect intellectual property rights. Those opportunities, including the utilization of the previous achievement and the upgrading of the system and environment, are aimed to enhance the growth and build a more competitive stage for India.

Since the threats can not be neglected, India still needs to deal with the negative factors in the middle of the development process. In the internal aspect, the policies and the domestic condition might be not stable as expected, and the access of regular manufacturing can also come up with problems. The unavailability of production materials because of the effects from global market price increases the expenses. Then the internationalization market causes the difficulties of transferring the cost gap to consumers. The globalization will bring impact to India in economy to a larger degree. Business environment is necessary to be improved too. As mentioned above, the GST just removes a part of the threats for the process, India still faces the many constraints. The unreasonable laws on labor force have deep influence in India (Sodhi 100), which has limited the manufacturers to expand production even in a good operating condition and has increased their concerns during a decline. The reason that this is more severe in India is about the population. India's population is growing rapidly, and the average age is very low. Millions of working population is increasing consecutively, which brings serious unemployment pressure. Although the government started to reform and change this situation, the reaction and outcomes would not effective in a short term. Not only the risks from the inside, the external treats are more obvious. The competitors with different resources in the neighborhood, such as China, will try to attract foreign investment as much as they can. Furthermore, Brazil, Russia, and many other developing countries in similar environment are making the competition more complicated. The internal and external threats constrain the efficiency of economic development in India.

In conclusion, the government has continued the economic reforms for more than 20 years in India and has deepened its integration into the world economy while promoting the economic liberalization domestically. However, India’s economy is still facing a number of structural constraints, they could become an important obstacle to the further expansion of the economy. Therefore, the government should catch the opportunities from the previously developed outcomes, the original resources, and effective policies; they should pay attention to the threats inside the country environment and brought by other competitors as well. It is important to enhance the domestic industry and manufacture for more competitive advantages, reduce the unemployment and make the investment background more attractive.


World Bank. “India development update : financing double-digit growth.” India development update. Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group. 2016. Web. April 06 2017.

Kaur, Jasmine. “Make in India: Opportunities and Challenges.” CLEAR International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, vol. 7, no. 8, Aug. 2016, pp. 51-55.

Gupta, Ankita. “Problems of Double Taxation in India- a Case for Progressive GST (Goods and Services Tax).” Journal of Commerce & Management Thought, vol. 6, no. 3, July 2015, pp. 456-476.

Sodhi, J. S. "Labour Law Reform in India." Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 50, no. 1, July 2014, pp. 100-117.


Essay代写:British BTEC teaching model

2018-12-21 16:54:36 | 日記
​下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- British BTEC teaching model,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国BTEC教学模式。BTEC是英国商业教育委员会与技术教育委员会的简称,现已成为英国爱德思国家学历及职业资格考试委员会的教育品牌。英国很多大学在开设大学本科学位教育课程的同时,还单独开设BTEC课程。课程教学方案是实施具体教学活动的依据,课程的教学方案需要教师依据课程教学大纲,重点培养学生能力,开展学生为中心的教学理念,按BTEC课程模式以模块化编排,包括核心课程、专业限选课和专业任选课程。

BTEC is the abbreviation of British business education committee and technical education committee. Founded in 1986, BTEC is a combination of BEC and TEC, two major British professional assessment agencies. Now it has become the education brand of edes national qualification examination committee. In the UK, BTEC courses cover 9 major categories and thousands of majors, covering many practical fields such as business, nursing, design, computer, engineering, hotel, etc. Its qualifications are obtained through study in schools, colleges, universities and the workplace, while BTEC is a vocational qualification in the higher diploma category, known as the "national higher education diploma". Many universities in the UK offer undergraduate education courses along with separate BTEC courses.

The teaching plan of the course is the basis for the implementation of specific teaching activities. The teaching plan of the course requires teachers to focus on cultivating students' abilities according to the curriculum syllabus, carry out the teaching concept of "student-centered", and make modular arrangement according to the BTEC curriculum model, including core courses, elective courses limited by major and optional courses of major. Different majors are limited to the combination of elective courses, forming different professional directions. The purpose of core courses is to enable students to understand the basic norms and rules of the major. Elective courses are dedicated to the development of different professional courses in a certain field of the major, so as to develop in different professional directions. We divide the course teaching design process into three stages: teaching analysis, teaching design and strategy selection, and teaching program evaluation. The teaching plan, syllabus, teaching schedule, course plan, assessment method, assessment plan, teaching material and students' general ability are analyzed by means of teaching statement analysis tool.

Draw lessons from BTEC teaching mode, classify the teaching content, plan the syllabus of each course, plan the teaching tasks completed in the syllabus, and define an interdisciplinary knowledge collection and curriculum unit centering on solving relevant practical problems. After considering the students' learning habits, teacher assigned a or two textbooks or handout to students, at the same time provide reference the requirements of the teaching materials to cover all kinds of knowledge, the dynamic organization of teaching content after a period of time, both teachers and students had never adapt to gradually adapt to the stage, the students in the check data, the use of resources and self-study ability has greatly improved; Through reading a large number of interdisciplinary books and materials, teachers go to practice places to gain experience, and the quality of teachers has been rapidly improved. The management of course teaching adopts the teaching mode of "3 1/3", that is, theory courses account for 1/3, teaching the most critical knowledge points, and guiding students to study in this field. Independent research, data access activities accounted for one-third, experimental and practical activities accounted for one-third. The specific teaching arrangement adopts the "half-day system", the so-called "half-day system" is to focus on teaching one course half a day, change the traditional teaching arrangement method of two classes, after the change of teaching time is abundant, teachers can reasonably arrange each link of classroom teaching, to ensure the continuity and integrity of teaching activities. For example, teachers can complete the following teaching activities within half a day, that is, teaching knowledge, group discussion, teacher guidance, practical training, speech, role play, social investigation, teacher summary, etc.

"Student-centered" is a basic starting point of BTEC teaching mode, and this core concept has become the consensus of managers and teachers. Its real value lies in students' "independent thinking", "innovation", "questioning" and "active practice". We in the integration of curriculum and the ability, in the process of teaching, teaching and learning must be organically, and fully mobilize students' potential, and, to complete the conceptual change in teaching practice, formed with the idea of "students as the center", from "preach" "fine" extension "light" to "help" "guidance" "guide" student learning, pay attention to the students can complete the teaching mission, by learning through participation in various activities to enhance the general ability. Due to the traditional way of teaching, the student main body consciousness is not strong, self-study ability is poor, used to passively accept the teacher's explanation, are used to rote learning, to completely change the teaching idea, multiple strategies must be adopted to help the students to shift their concept of learning correctly the relationship between the dominant and main body in the process of teaching, timely to carry out the "student-centered" teaching, let the students learn to be masters of their own learning.

In the early stage of teaching, teachers should play a leading role. Organization of teaching plan to students, teachers students to discuss, to introduce students to a lot of background information and learning methods, to cultivate the students' subject consciousness and interest in learning, in the process of teaching, arrange all kinds of teaching activities, such as discussion, group reports, presentations, lectures, etc., pay attention to the lasting arouse and maintain students' learning motivation, students learn to observe the behavioral response, timely provide necessary help, guide students to learn to take the initiative to accumulate learning in doing schoolwork, raw materials and activities record evidence.

In the process of teaching, teachers learn to communicate with students on an equal footing while strictly completing the teaching tasks stipulated in the syllabus. In the process of communication, students will be guided to find and raise questions. If the teacher is wrong, the teacher will admit it generously. By carefully selecting or producing learning resources and using them in a clear way, students can easily enter independent learning. The establishment of study groups, through peer influence and group activities, promote students to change their learning attitude, gradually improve their knowledge structure. After two years of training and guidance, students are better than non-btec students in self-confidence, responsibility and initiative.

In principle, several courses should be set for a course. If there are many courses and subjects, two or more courses can be combined to design the course. The course is a task book designed by simulating the real background of the enterprise, which clearly points out the problems to be solved and the expected learning results.

It is not an easy job for ordinary teachers to design a qualified course work. A qualified course should embody the following characteristics: to cover the professional learning achievements specified in the syllabus; Students are given the opportunity to develop general skills in the course of their studies; Diversity of academic activities; Group and individual work; Clear assessment methods and appropriate standards; The deadline is realistic. Coursework is realistic and realistic. There is no single correct answer. Tasks in the coursework need to be solved by integrating multiple knowledge points. After two years of hard work, teachers have been able to design qualified courses.

Schoolwork is done under the teachers inspire independent, schoolwork when the design usually have selected topic background, academic goals, specific task and the inspection standards, etc., should not only use when students complete their assignments in the classroom knowledge, but also deep into the hospital, rehabilitation, health care, nursing homes, community clinics for actual research, visited the relevant personnel, the library to find information on the net, will be a large number of data collection, analysis and summary, in order to better to complete their studies, schoolwork is has the certain difficulty, it should use the classroom without involving knowledge content; Is the content of continuing learning, its role is to develop students' professional skills and general ability.

The assessment of BTEC courses is hierarchical. The assessment results include professional competence results and general competence. Evidence of completion of the course includes records of the entire course completion process, original data and final results. The teacher graded the students after each review of their work. Finally, several courses are evaluated comprehensively and the final grade of this course is given. When the student's self-evaluation is inconsistent with the teacher's assessment, the student may question and complain to the teacher under the condition of sufficient evidence. Course teaching requirement does not give a student easily "do not pass" achievement. In conclusion, both teachers and students of BTEC teaching mode should make unremitting efforts.

Open BTEC teaching mode in our country is the essential purpose of introducing, digesting and absorbing foreign high-quality education resources, advancement of BTEC teaching mode, has been recognized by vocational education sector, and advanced teaching mode if you will be successful, the implementation of the satisfactory teaching effect and benefit, it depends on the specific implementation environment of many factors, at present, our country compared with other national higher vocational education vary widely, how to solve the problems encountered in the practice teaching activities, for the successful implementation of BTEC teaching is helpful.

Teachers of BTEC courses should establish the teaching concept of competence-oriented and student-development-centered, and comprehensively establish the teaching concept of BTEC and implement it in all teaching activities and all aspects of school work, which will directly affect the teaching effect. The vacillation of the concept, there is the possibility of returning to the old way of teaching; the subject of BTEC courses involves education administrative departments, school leaders, teachers and students. BTEC courses are subject to the establishment of a comprehensive quality control and internal audit system. Different courses have different definitions of the connotation of course management. Internal audit is responsible for the management of specific objectives and implementation process. If internal audit members fail to strictly perform their internal audit responsibilities, external audit results of BTEC courses will be directly affected. Therefore, how to establish an effective BTEC teaching management mechanism is another problem worth exploring and solving.

The curriculum of BTEC is characterized by the integration of knowledge system and capability, which requires teachers to integrate knowledge of multiple subjects and have rich practical experience. Student-centered teaching requires teachers to pay attention not only to teaching methods, but also to students' learning methods and learning results. Therefore, cultivating a high-quality teaching team is the basic guarantee for the success of BTEC teaching.

