本篇paper代写- Track Down the Incidents in the Workplace讨论了OHS。OHS,就是职业健康安全,是企业经营过程中最重要的制度之一。随着立法体系的建立和完善,员工在公司没有提供适当的OHS管理制度的情况下,能够获得其合法权利的法律方法。OHS管理系统是最困难的战略系统之一,由于管理团队没有具备相关的知识来帮助系统的初始化,因此一直困扰着大多数企业。OHS管理体系的最佳实践要求建立者和管理者掌握职业健康安全的专业知识,并正确认识系统的工作原理。一个好的OHS系统需要一个反馈环,这将在系统审查和改进之前的系统中有很大的用处。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
I. Introduction
Occupational health & safety, short for OHS, is one of the most important system while operating a company. As the establishment and improvement of legislation system, employees have access to the legal method which can get their lawful rights when the company does not provide appropriate OHS management system. Companies exposed to OHS problem have higher risk to cost more to compensate the employees and repair working environment. In addition, internal incidents concerning health and safety will damage company’s prestige once it is exposed. Consequently, companies have already realized the urgency to establish OHS management system.
As one of the toughest strategic system, OHS management system has confused most of the companies because the management team does not equip with related knowledge to help the initial of the system. A best practice OHS management system requires the establishers and conductors grasp professional knowledge on occupational health and safety, also build a correct understanding on how the system works. A good OHS system requires a feedback loop which will be of great use in system review and improvement of the previous system.
During the initial and operation of OHS management system, incidents that happen in the workplace are worth investigating. Additionally, tracking down them can help the future improvement of the system. Unfortunately, the board or management team, who are far away from daily operation of the employees, have less opportunities to obtain information on workplace incidents on the first hand. How to track down the incidents has become one of the most serious factors that should be taken into consideration. Investigation on workplace incidents also a significant measure which can ensure the well operation of the system. In this essay, the literature review on these two factors will be presented in the next part. Then, discussion on how to make adjustment of the measure in order to fit into companies’ real condition will be showed.
II. Literature Review
Professor Andrew Hopkins[9] has suggested some ways to keep track of accidents from the lesson of the Gulf of Mexico oil well blowout. In 2010, one of the well oil in the Gulf of Mexico blew out which had caused serious damages and great economic costs. Sarcastically, just seven hours before the blowout, a group of VIPs had come to visit the well and they missed the warning signs which would be certainly recognized to avoid this disaster by professionals who equipped with related knowledge. The blowout happened after all. The author identified two factors which contributed to the neglect of the important signs of the explosion. The first is the focus of this visit. He thought that the team paid much attention to condition, which tends to remain unchanged, rather than behaviors. Secondly, they valued the management of conventional safety hazards more than major process safety hazards. After the analysis on the event itself, professor Hopkins proposed five ways that should be taken into consideration while the OHS committee or team was track down incidents in the workplace. All these suggestions were made under the circumstances that at least one expertise who was familiar with the working process should participated the inquiry. Firstly, the visitors should clearly remind themselves the potential risk and examine them closely. Secondly, they should check whether the accident control methods and equipment are in position. The third point should be focused on whether lessons from formal accidents are put into practice. Fourthly, expertise should pay attention to fatal process and check if the operators have conducted in accordance with the regulations. Last but not least, OHS managers or supervisors should do preparation before the inquiry which will ensure them to verify whether the process is in compliance with professional operation. In short, professor Andrew set an excellent example of how the supervisors should prepare and consider when they keep track of incidents in the workplace. Above all the principle mentioned by him, expertise with detailed knowledge of the working process should be in presence to help the identification. With the help of this guidance, expertise and professionals have higher possibilities to discover potential hazards before serious injury or damage.
Joanne De Landre[5] and his colleagues recommended the use of investigation tools and frameworks while conducting an incident investigation. In the essay, they emphasized the proactive use of ICAM which is the abbreviation of Incident Cause Analysis Method. The main purpose of this model is to identify all the related and material facts around the accidents and find out underlying or latent causes. ICAM divides the casual factors into four parts which are absent or failed defenses, individual or team actions, task or environmental conditions and organizational factors. Absent defenses indicates the control methods that have been applied did not make their effectiveness to prevent the event or minimize the consequences. Individual actions refer to personnel behavior which directly result in the accidents. Task conditions is the generalization of factors which will affect human or equipment and therefore lead to serious occurrence of incidents. Organizational factors produce or provide the condition that causes severe incidents. In the application of ICAM, the author proposed to find the source of accidents by identifying the factors from the first one to the last one. In other word, through the identification of absent or failed defenses, individual or team actions can be detected and then task or environmental factors will be exposed which followed by the organizational factors. Detection can be guided from micro factors to macro factors. The next step was to establish the risk management model to prevent the repeated occurrence of such kind of incidents. The factors in ICAM model from macro to micro can be reflected by four proactive ICAM elements. They are management controls, risk and behavioral influences, risk taking behavior and risk controls accordingly. When mapping the risk management model, the order from management controls to risk controls is recommended by the author. At the beginning regulates the management controls policy and then divided it into details step by step until to the step of risk controls. By proactively complying the ICAM model, OHS committee can conduct the investigation or revise the formal policies systematically. At the end of the thesis, the author applied ICAM model to the Learjet accident in Aberdeen, USA. The case study has showed that proactive application of ICAM model can help investigating accidents effectively.
III. Discussion
Incidents in workplace are often latent danger for management team and the board. How to keep track of and investigate accidents is the most urgent problem for members of OHS committee. In spite of the difficulties to identify the latent factors that will influence the working process, many methodologies are proposed to assist the establishment of the OHS plan. As presented above, several literature has recommended some systematical thoughts and model to conduct the investigation of incidents in the workplace. In this part, a discussion on how to successfully fulfill the task will be presented. Organizations with OHS problems can implements the model into practice to eliminate occurrence of accidents or limit the costs.
Keeping track of accidents related to OHS in the workplace is a professional job which require experts with abundant knowledge in the specific field. This is due to the reason that minor errors may occur during the process and with the help of person with detailed knowledge can easily track down the source of the danger signs. First of all, a team, which built by experienced managers who have tremendous experience with the working process, should be form up. Next, team members can inspect the workplace in person. Keep in touch with first-line workers and communicate with them. Before the inspection, they should get preparation for it and fully aware of what they are going to examine and what is worth observing while checking the working flow of the operators. In order to get further understanding of the situation, they are strongly advised to review the severe accidents occurred before both within or outside the organization. Just as suggested by professor Andrew Hopkins[9], experts should pay attention to the fatal process and accident control facilities. Specially, ensure lessons learned from former accidents have been reflect in practical. Last, a discussion can be held to offer the opportunities for them to communicate with each other and check whether their consideration is worth putting into practice. By following the process of the tracing method, OHS committee members can take the advantage of the gathered information to take further examination.
There are several models which can be considered put into practice while a company is troubled by OHS problems. The most important part to reduce OHS accidents is to take deep investigation into the history accidents. ICAM model has proven to be one of the most useful models to get insight of the source of incidents. In the model, factors that result in the accidents can be divided into four parts which are sequence from lower level to organizational level. When analyzing the accidents, experts can start from lowest level and extend to the higher level until organizational level. In addition, every step of the model is corresponding to one type of control in the risk management model. During the process of planning the risk management measures, recommendations is suggested to start from the organizational factors to absent or failed defenses. By implementing the model, the detailed errors conceal behind the workplace can be explore at the widest extend. With the help of risk management model which coordinates with ICAM model, committee members can make full advantage of the discovered errors and improve them in the next cycle of OHS system planning. Another methodology which is commonly used is the root cause analysis. Neglecting the process of blaming participants, root cause analysis is a structured methodology which tries dig deep into the root of the accidents. The first step for RCA is to specify the problem by identifying the related condition. Then describe the possible reason that can cause the specific problem. Then using tools such as statistics to estimate the possibility of the reason that can be root of the accidents. Several tools can be considered in this step. Structured technologies such as decision trees and benefit matrix, or unstructured methods like comparison analysis are commonly used in this step. Finally, by conducting on site experiment, validate information can be gathered for future utilization. Other advanced methodologies such AEB and HERA are also commonly used in actual operation. In short, to fully investigate the incidents in the workplace, proposed models are recommended in order to ensure the gather of useful information. Organizations should take the convenience and systematical mode of thinking into the practice of operating an OHS system. However, complexities may occur in different companies. As a result, the choice of models should be brainstormed by experts from internal and possess a rich fund of knowledge in the specific field. The model which fit into the exact situation of an organization can play a fatal part in the process of OHS system review and accidents investigation.
IV. Conclusion
The importance of tracking down and investigate incidents in workplace is put into the agenda for every company desire to build OHS plan in order to reduce financial consequences once accidents happen. In this essay, an expert team which constituted by professionals should be formed to get the utmost advantage of professional minds. Inquiries and inspections can be regularly held to ensure the discovery of dangerous signs of disasters. Experts should make preparation and equip themselves with the fatal process and potential risk in the working flow. During the inspection, emphatically observe the fatal points of the process and check out the whole flow to track down manual errors or unchanged errors. After the observation, they are suggested to participate a brain storm to discuss improvement for future OHS planning. While investigating the accidents, models are suggested to be used to ensure the best utilization of information. In the discussion, root cause analysis and ICAM model are introduced to further discuss the methodologies to investigate accidents. Assisted by models, OHS committee can fully explore the accidents and abstract valuable information. The participation of models can set up a good logic to build the best OHS system.
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