日 付 | 接種回数 | うち1回目 | うち2回目 |
7月11日 | 166,750 | 143,709 | 23,041 |
日 付 | 接種回数 | うち1回目 | うち2回目 |
7月11日 | 166,750 | 143,709 | 23,041 |
日 付 | 接種回数 | うち1回目 | うち2回目 |
7月9日(国公表) | 1,091,420 | 589,802 | 501,618 |
7月12日 | 1,100,022 | 593,121 | 506,901 |
日 付 | 接種回数 | うち1回目 | うち2回目 |
7月8日まで | 3,711,831 | 2,298,296 | 1,413,535 |
7月11日まで | 3,866,312 | 2,349,488 | 1,516,824 |
差引 | 154,481 | 51,192 | 103,289 |
「1 住民(全年齢)」、「2 医療従事者等(高齢者施設等従事者含む)」、「3 都が開設するワクチン接種センターの接種実績」の総計です
日 付 | 接種回数 | うち1回目 | うち2回目 |
7月9日まで | 5,525,093 | 3,539,178 | 1,985,915 |
7月12日集計 | 5,856,050 | 3,733,245 | 2,122,805 |
差引 | 330,957 | 194,067 | 136,890 |
July 12, 2021
Our Guardian Angel of Justice....
Dear Patriots,
Right off the top this week, we - the Proud Members of Team Kraken - want you to see an interview that Sidney did over the weekend with Professor David Clements.
As members of Team Kraken, we are very aware of the qualities of the person we have been chosen to work beside. We could not be prouder to advance under the thoughtful guidance of our very own Guardian Angel of Justice - Sidney Powell.
Much of who Sidney is and how she got that way is not widely known. She was forged early in the essence of the law and justice. She has always been motivated to find the Truth and, above all, to seek Justice, regardless of the difficulty.
This is also a rare telling of those historic days after November 3rd and the Flynn case. Plus Sidney's early days as a young US Attorney in the "Wild West" of Texas.
David Clements is a former prosecutor and now a law professor at the University of New Mexico. He is the kindest, smartest, most devout and honorable person you will find. We wish everyone in college had people like Clements as teachers and mentors.
Like many of us on the front lines of the Battle to Save America, he came to this fight accidentally and randomly.
You can find Professor David K. Clements every day commenting and interviewing on his Telegram account, The Professor's Record.
Sidney Powell: Pursuing Justice. No matter the cost.
Sidney is on Telegram too at, ⚡️🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽 It looks just like that. Beware fake accounts. Sidney currently has 492,049 followers.
We will have more for you later today. There is so much news that you need to know and share.
Hold Fast,
The Proud Members of Team Kraken
Follow Our Progress:
仲裁裁判所は2016年7月12日、南シナ海の全域に主権や権益が及ぶとの中国の主張を全面的に否定し、南シナ海を覆う中国独自の境界線「九段線」には「法的に根拠がない」と結論付けた。裁定を申し立てたのは中国の拡大に直面したフィリピンのアキノ前政権だ。 産経新聞