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Takamatsuzuka Tomb Mural: The Japanese Painting Spirit
A theme that can be continued away from daily work. Pictures express the mental images in an easy-to-understand way. I would like to reflect on the paintings of Japanese people that have stopped in my mind. I would like to contemplate the Japanese people's paintings that have stopped in my mind.
My recent visit to the Sumio Goto Museum of Art in Kamifurano made me realize once again my true nature, or rather, how deeply I am attracted to painting. I have not been to the Goto Sumio Museum of Art for probably 4-5 years, but this “reunion” with the paintings ignited something in me.
I guess I realized that I am deeply healed by the Japanese people's unbroken connection to the spirit of painting.
Since it is difficult for me to be objective about my actual work, I think it is better to write a blog on a specific theme with a fixed point of view and to dig deep into the subject.
In the area of paintings and Japanese people, the Takamatsuzuka Tumulus mural paintings, which were discovered in 1972, are a good place to start. It was 52 years ago, and I was just under 20 years old at the time. It was the height of the student movement, and I was very impressed by the wall paintings that had been discovered, especially the Asuka beauty paintings.
I had been interested in painting since I was a child, and it all started in my first year of elementary school when my painting was selected for an exchange of children's paintings to commemorate the “sister city” relationship between Portland, U.S. and Sapporo, and was sent over there. At that time, an exhibition of Western paintings by “René Magritte” was just opening, and I visited the museum for the first time and was greatly inspired.
It was in this context that I encountered the sensibility of the Asuka period in Japan and was deeply enveloped in a sense of “roots.
The photo was taken at an exhibition at the Museum of the Archaeological Institute of Kashihara in Nara Prefecture. It was a big boom, and even replicas of the ceramic panels were made.
As a young man, I was very interested in the “feminine beauty” of ancient Japanese. I was particularly stimulated by the fact that the clearly outlined female face was perfectly shaped like a uriza-ne. I thought to myself, “Well, not only myself, but many Japanese have a weakness for such beautiful faces.
The sense of fashion was also truly glittering, and I realized that Japanese people were communicating with this kind of sensitivity during this period. I think I also learned that people are “grabbed” not by words but by “pictures.
It was just at the time when I was fed up with the difficulty of Kenzaburo Oe's novels, so it had a stronger impact on me. I felt the clarity of Kotoba was more valuable, and I realized that the mental images were easier to understand in pictures.
The Japanese people have continued to develop their painting culture since the Asuka period. What changes with the times and what does not change has continued to the present day.