


2023-09-30 05:40:51 | 日記

 それに対して北海道のX、twitterアカウントで「冷静に考えてください」というような意見を発出したところ、異例なまでにバズって、2000万くらいにまで反響数が伸びているとのこと。〜「OSO18」を駆除したハンターに「クマがかわいそう」の抗議相次ぐ ⇒ 北海道庁が声明「捕獲は地域の安全に欠かせないもの」


English version⬇

[Hokkaido's abundant nature and human society, the rules of coexistence
A response of slander from some people to a hunter who exterminated a dangerous brown bear OSO18. As a citizen of Hokkaido, I would like to ask you to "think calmly. ...

 This summer has been a hot and humid one, and although September is now in its final stage, it has become quite chilly in the mornings and evenings in Sapporo. Every morning, I put on a jumper when I go out for a walk.
 Recently, information was circulating that OSO18, a highly renowned brown bear individual that had been causing damage from livestock attacks in the eastern part of Hokkaido, had been exterminated, but afterwards, the person who killed it, who is also a government employee, received numerous harassing phone calls even to his home, which was an impossible anomalous reaction.
 In response to this, Hokkaido's X, issued an opinion on its twitter account, saying, "Please think calmly," and the buzz was unusually strong, with the number of responses growing to about 20 million.

This is a picture of the path I take every morning. This location is also in close proximity to the sacred torii gate of the Hokkaido Jingu Shrine, and there was information of a brown bear appearing here early this spring.
 Naturally, as a member of the public, this made us think about taking more careful measures. We have been taking measures such as changing our walking routes to safer areas for a while and gradually shifting them to less early morning hours after a certain period of time.
 The brown bears are renewing themselves at a much faster rate than we are, so they are becoming much less aware of the dangers of human society. If the level of "danger warning" on the part of humans declines too much, unrestrained cross-border activities will be repeated.
 Nature has many faces and harsh aspects. I believe that human society should live in harmony with nature in such circumstances. We must consider the appropriate level of coexistence with brown bears. As a human society, it is absolutely necessary to ensure a defensive response to those who would harm us. On top of that, I believe that we must come to an "accommodation" with nature.
 Extermination is the most important way of communicating rules to help human society and nature come to terms with each other. It is a clear statement of human will toward the brown bear as a species. They are smart. I believe that warnings from human society will be conveyed to them.

We human beings live in the midst of nature. In order to ensure the safety of human society, I believe that we must make the necessary rules.

【絵文字によるアステカ文明記録文書 古代メキシコ-12】

2023-09-29 05:09:57 | 日記


English version⬇

Aztec Civilization Documentation in Pictographs: Ancient Mexico - 12
Japan, an island nation, was invaded but maintained its independence and was the first country to be occupied in the war against the U.S., but it maintained its national identity. The Aztecs failed to maintain their own culture. The Aztecs were not able to maintain their own culture.

The project is to contrast the Aztec civilization with the Japanese side of history. Japanese history has no experience of conquest from other countries before the Pacific War. The exception is the current acceptance of Western culture after the U.S. occupation, and I cannot raise any direct examples in Japanese history prior to that.
 Perhaps Japan's defeat against the U.S. will be discussed in the future from the perspective of human history. An intermediate summary of this up to the present day would be that it was a far greater success for the U.S. than expected and can be positioned as the starting point of the American dream of one-power domination of the world.
 Above all, the "war results" of a mature nation, Japan, were unattainable for them. Although the success of the Japanese experience led to their subsequent deployment overseas to Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East, it cannot be said that they obtained the same war results as in the case of Japan.
 The invasion of Japan by the Yuan Dynasty could be cited as another example, but it would have been extremely difficult for the Yuan to invade the island nation of Japan, and long-term conquest would have been difficult. The Aztecs also had peninsular geographical conditions, and the Spanish conquistadors must have been thinking of various ways to control the Aztecs. However, the colonization of the Aztecs was achieved in no time.
 It is said that a fleet of 200,000 conquistadors was dispatched during the Japanese invasion of Japan, but considering the supply lines that had to be secured, there is a big question mark over how to maintain control even if the war was won, and whether Yuan really had that level of strategic thinking.
 The Aztecs, the area that became the foundation of present-day Mexico City, were ruled by Spain, the most powerful nation at the time, which had an expansionist orientation westward across the Atlantic Ocean during the Age of Discovery. A nomadic force of about 300 men, not based on a full-fledged national will and command, led to the destruction of the Aztecs, a powerful military state.
 Apparently, the Aztecs must have had a considerable amount of self-destructive factors stacked up within them. It is also said that the spread of plague made it difficult to maintain warfare and the state system.
 The above illustration is a page from the Codex Mendoza, which is said to be a "report on the Aztec Empire" sent to the king of Spain by Admiral Mendoza, who was dispatched by Spain to rule the region politically. The history is written in Aztec pictographs. The bird in the center represents a passage from the Aztec founding myth.
 In the case of Japan, the emperor was the first priority, and the U.S. accepted it and maintained the culture as the mentality of the nation.

【アステカの造形 vs鳥獣戯画マンガ文化 古代メキシコ-11】

2023-09-28 05:16:14 | 日記


English version⬇

Aztec Forms vs. Birds, Beasts, and Caricatures: Manga Culture in Ancient Mexico - 11
I feel that ancient Mexico has something in common in the area of sensitivity and expressiveness. I think there is a commonality that can be uncovered by clarifying the motives for expression. I think there is something in common in the area of sensitivity and expressive power in ancient Mexico.

These photos are of the Aztec civilization's distinctive artwork that was shown in the special exhibition.
 When I was a boy, I wanted to be a cartoonist. I indulged in drawing with my friends and met some talented friends who stimulated me greatly and made me realize the limitless possibilities of this cultural realm. However, my father boiler-burned all of my paintings, saying, "This kind of ponchi-e is absolutely useless" and "There is no way I can make a living from it.
 I was surprised, and halfway through, I thought to myself, "Of course, it will be very difficult to make a living doing this," and I did not resent my father at all. After giving up the idea of becoming a cartoonist, I became involved in the New Left Movement, so I was no less filial than anyone else. I am not involved in such things now, just in case you are wondering (laughs). (laugh) But in the end, considering that I have been living in the field of publishing in the form of residential photographic media, I believe that my "ambition" in my boyhood had a strong influence on me without my knowing it.
 And when I think about Japanese culture from the standpoint of a publisher, I cannot help but be reminded of the huge presence of the caricatures of birds and animals housed at Kozan-ji Temple in Kyoto as giants of the nation.

This sense of painting and modeling is deeply rooted in the ethnicity of the Japanese people.
 While there are few similar cultures from the Chinese continent or the Korean peninsula, I feel a strong sense of "connection" with the ancient Mexican Aztec civilization, which is located far across the Pacific Ocean.
 It is a kind of "cute" feeling of empathy that is pressing in on me, so to speak.
 It is a delusion, but I cannot help but think that the human DNA that was split up 30,000 years ago between those who remained and those who departed from the East Asian archipelago is resonating with each other like a cry at both ends of the Pacific Ocean.
 Perhaps if Japanese culture is to acquire a more intense global character in the modern era, manga culture will be the biggest one. We have already seen a successful cultural erosion in France and other European countries, and an increasing number of young people in the East Asian region are taking refuge in the Japanese manga culture. Despite the disadvantage of Japanese being one of the most difficult languages in the world to understand, manga has the power of visual expression that is easier to understand than plain English.
 The ancient Mexican sense of form makes us feel a sense of cultural roots and commonality, so to speak, among human beings. The expression of sensitivity, similar to that of the conceptual world created by the Japanese caricatures of birds and animals, comes to us strongly.
 This area of spirituality may be difficult to analyze, but if we consider it as a platform for human communication, there may be some clues to analyze. I would like to see a scientific clarification of the "similarity" between the various ethnic groups in the areas of expression and sensitivity.

【アステカ戦士の偶像vs織田信長 古代メキシコ-10】

2023-09-27 05:36:31 | 日記


English version⬇

[Aztec warrior idols vs. Oda Nobunaga, Ancient Mexico-10
A society that deifies and idolizes the concept of a warrior, and a flexible society that allows the warlord himself to have his portrait painted by pagans. Differences in values across the Pacific Ocean. ...

During the period of Aztec prosperity in Mexico, a similar situation of active domestic civil war prevailed in Japan, where a movement to unify the country under the rule of Nobunaga Oda was gaining momentum.
 The top photo is the "Eagle Warrior," which is said to represent the bravery of Aztec warriors. It is believed to have been created during the period 1469-86. The portrait of Nobunaga Oda, on the other hand, was painted by Western missionaries who had come to Japan to proselytize, if tradition is to be believed. The date of his death is June 21, 1582, and it is assumed that it was painted a few years before that date. Although there is probably a discrepancy of around 100 years, it seems to be one way to contrast the situation in Mexico and Japan.
 The statues of Aztec warriors can be said to honor brave soldiers who played important roles in battle and religion. They are dressed in eagle feathers and clawed garb. The statues are probably idolized as if they were transformed into this form on their ascension to heaven after having died valiantly in battle. A visualization of the sun god?
 When I actually visited the statue at the special exhibition, I was shocked by its real size and reality, and was made to brace myself by its sharp eyes and stance, as if it were about to attack the viewer at any moment. The Aztecs seem to have been involved in warfare as a part of their belief in the sun god itself.
 On the other hand, in Japanese history, which is by no means inferior in terms of the intensity of battle, this culture of idolizing warriors did not occur. Although the "crafting" of armor and helmets, which were the armor of the warriors, did advance, war was still a means to gain territorial gains and a political struggle taken to the extreme.
 The Aztecs have elevated the war fetish to idolization, but the major trend in Japanese history is that the warring states in Japan ended with the creation of a great "politician" named Tokugawa Ieyasu, the final victor.
 In Japan, that kind of deification of military power did not occur. It is said that Oda Nobunaga tried to become a god himself. It is said that there was a shrine in Azuchi Castle that enshrined him as a deity. In later times, Tokugawa Ieyasu was also enshrined as Tosateru Daigongen, but he did not go on to become an idol. At best, it was a solemnization of the architecture.
 The fact that Nobunaga had his own portrait painted by Western missionaries is rather significant. This is a characteristic of Japanese history, which has accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge of exchanges with both mainland China and Western civilization. Perhaps it is the flexibility to accept a relative sense of value.
 On the other hand, Mexico was an isolated civilization, and its unique religiosity must have had a significant influence on everything.

【世界宗教と異質なアステカ太陽信仰 古代メキシコ-9】

2023-09-26 06:01:15 | 日記




English version⬇

Aztec Sun Worship, Ancient Mexico, Different from World Religions
The universal value of world religions is the system of thought that rescues people from the suffering of this world. Ancient Mesoamerica, on the other hand, was led by a unique worldview. On the other hand, ancient Mesoamerica was led by a unique worldview.

In the history of human evolution, various religions have emerged and unique value systems have been believed by the people. The Aztecs of Central America are unique among these. In 1325, the Aztecs reclaimed Lake Tescoco in the central Mexican plateau and built the city of Tenochtitlan (now the capital of Mexico) on the water. In 1325, the Aztecs reclaimed Lake Tescoco in the central Mexican plateau and built the city of Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City, the capital of Mexico) on the water. The Aztecs formed the "League of Three Cities" with the two city-states of Tescoco and Tlacopan, and then launched a war against the neighboring states, expanding their power throughout the central Mexican plateau. The population of Tenochtitlan, the royal capital, reached 300,000, and the standard of living was said to be higher than in any European city.
 In Japan, there is a story that Nobunaga Oda used the skulls of enemy generals he had destroyed as containers for his subjects to drink sake, and there is also the fact that he brutally killed everyone in Ise Nagashima, in what felt like revenge against the Ikkyu sect. Nobunaga is said to have prayed to become a god himself. In the Chinese mainland states, the massacre of Nemu is also told.
 The fact that such a "war mentality" resulted can be confirmed as a universal human anecdote, but in the Aztecs, it was stamped with religiosity, and human beings were sacrificed as offerings to the gods. It was an area that I did not want to be too interested in, but when I was compelled to look into it for this series, I still wanted to avoid the content.

This is the "Head Statue of the God Sipe Totek. The name "Sipe Totec" means "flayed lord," and the god is said to wear the skin of a sacrificed human being. It is said that Aztec kings fought wars possessed by this god.
 In Japan, the ethical code of "justice" is often advocated in wars. The sense of value that fighting is for the realization of justice must have been considered important. The setting of righteousness and wickedness was emphasized, as in the case of the government army and the bandit army.
 However, this sipé Totec seems to be a bit of a leap. While I respect the religious beliefs of the people, I cannot deny that there is a sense of discomfort.

This tablet, named the Night Sky Tablet, expresses their sense of value as sun god worshippers. The night sky is represented by Venus and stars on both sides, and an eagle and a soldier in the center. The souls of soldiers who died in war or as sacrifices had to travel with the sun through eternity on the celestial sphere.
 It is difficult to imagine the religions to which the Aztecs and other ancient Mexican peoples turned because their doctrinal systems are said to have been intermittent, but I cannot help thinking that there is a difference in the basic theme of these religions compared to other religions in general, which focus on "salvation" as their theme.
 In Japanese mythology, it is similar to the myth of Izanagi-Izanami, in which Izanagi goes to Hades to look for Izanami, who died first, and is chased by demons.