

【ネコとネズミの永続戦争 from弥生 日本列島37,000年史-30】

2022-11-30 05:41:47 | 日記




English version⬇

The Perpetual War between Cats and Rats from Yayoi: 37,000 Years of the Japanese Archipelago - 30
Historical traces in the relationship with cats. Warriors continue to fight against the rat army as mercenaries in a warehouse of agricultural products on stilts. ...

The agricultural revolution, which was a revolution in food production, made "stockpiling" possible.
In order to preserve the food, "stilts," a type of architecture that emphasized ventilation, was practiced from the beginning.
The space under the floor was opened widely to protect the food from the humidity from the soil.
This architectural concept of stilts is probably the result of human knowledge of the southern islands.
There are presumed examples of stilts at the Sannai-Maruyama site during the Jomon period, such as those used to store chestnuts.
There, traces of the weevil are said to have been found.
History is also imprinted in the world of microorganisms.
In rice production, storage on stilts has been a set concept since the beginning.

In the high-floor warehouses, one can often see the ingenious "rat repellent" method.
The great enemy of preservation of harvested food is the rodent infestation.
Therefore, measures were taken as a security measure against such food damage.
As the best measure, they "imported" cats, which had not existed in the natural environment of the archipelago until then, and actively introduced them to Japan.
Cats, which had never existed in the natural environment of the archipelago, were "imported," actively bred, and adopted as Aエネko (Aedes aegypti).
The concept of fighting militarily against rats can also be confirmed.
The introduction of the cat, so to speak, was a natural consequence of the promotion of rice cultivation.
The stage when rice cultivation landed on the Japanese archipelago was the stage when rice civilization had evolved considerably.
the stage of considerable evolution of rice cultivation civilization, and the actual situation in which various kinds of
The reality of the "sudden" introduction of various agricultural experiences and knowledge comes to the fore.
In conventional Japanese history, the introduction of Buddhism was accompanied by the introduction of cats, which were brought from the continent to prevent rodents from eating the sutras, but this was not the case with the arrival of rice cultivation.
However, the origin of cats in the archipelago was said to be that they were brought from the continent with the arrival of Buddhism
However, the theory that they came to Japan at the same time as the rice culture is gaining strength.
Although I myself had little interest in cats
But, in that sense, the cat as a pet animal is also a new existence in history.
Human society and its evolution is a very deep world.
The history of dogs, cats, and other animal species that have come close to being useful to humans
I had vaguely thought that the history with animal species that approached humans as useful animals, such as dogs and cats, goes back much further than the earliest times.
But the history of present-day humans itself is only 70,000 to 80,000 years old.
It is only logical that there must have been a primordial period, which can be traced as traces.
Cats began to inhabit the archipelago during the agricultural revolution of the Yayoi period.
That would mean that no matter how far back in time we go, it would only be about 3,000 years at the most.
In the context of the 37,000-year history of the title of this blog series, this is very recent.
It is said that the pet was a luxury pet of the aristocracy during the Heian period (794-1192).
Anyway, in the primitive period, they were introduced as "mercenaries" in the war against rats in stilt warehouses like this.
In East Asia, cats were also introduced as "mercenaries" in the war against rats in stilt warehouses.

It is said that cats were imported from the Middle East even in East Asian continental societies.
The relationship between cats and humans has deepened more recently than one might expect.
Canines are thought to be much older, dating back to the Paleolithic and Last Glacial Period, 10,000 years ago.
Feedback from archaeology has led to unexpected new discoveries about the history of our pets.
The history with these pets also brings us unexpected new discoveries through feedback from archaeology.
Perhaps the human preference for dogs and cats will be scientifically and DNA
It is possible that the human preference for dogs and cats will also be scientifically and DNA-based elucidated.

【中国・秦成立以降の東アジア 日本列島37,000年史-29】

2022-11-29 06:23:57 | 日記




English version⬇

37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago in East Asia since the Establishment of the Qin Dynasty in China - 29
The dictatorship of the "emperor" emerged during the period of acceptance of the rice production system. The long-lasting coexistence in the East Asian world. ...

In 221 B.C., the "unified state of Qin" was established on the Chinese continent and Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of China, emerged.
In mainland China, two basic food production systems coexist: the rice production area centered at the mouth of the Yangtze River and the wheat production area in the Yellow River valley.
Two basic food production systems coexist on the Chinese mainland: rice production centered at the mouth of the Yangtze River, and wheat production in the Yellow River valley.
Wheat and milling technology were introduced to China during the Han Dynasty (202 B.C. to 220 A.D.).
It was brought to China from the West via the Silk Road by Zhang An, who was dispatched to the West by Emperor Wu of the previous Han Dynasty.
Zhang Xian was dispatched to the West by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. In the Tang dynasty (618-907 A.D.), wheat cultivation flourished in the North China Plain
Wheat cultivation flourished in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) in the North China Plain, and noodles, which were once the preserve of the privileged class, are said to have spread to the people of the north.
In this way, the armed power of the "state" in mainland China was also
This suggests that the military power of the "state" in mainland China was concurrent with the spread of the rice production system in the society.
The unification of the Chinese continent by the Qin Dynasty had a considerable impact on the East Asian world at that time.
It is easy to imagine that the unification of the Chinese continent by the Qin Dynasty had a considerable impact on the East Asian world at that time.
After all, the Japanese archipelago was the "new frontier" for East Asia.
While it is true that there were indigenous peoples who adhered to the Jomon lifestyle, there was also a gradual shift to paddy field agriculture from the northern Kyushu region.
However, the Jomon lifestyle was not yet fully realized in Japan until the paddy field agriculture gradually spread from the northern Kyushu region.
This is similar to the arrival of European immigrants in the Americas.
The Yayoi culture, similar to the European immigration to the Americas, spread to the archipelago in the prehistoric period.
The Yayoi culture would have surpassed the Jomon in terms of its superiority as an economic base to support the size of the population.
This "eastward expansion" of rice paddy farming areas finally reached the Kanto and Boso regions.
The Tsugaru region, which is part of the Japan Sea Rim, was reached earlier, in the 4th century BC.
It was at this stage of rice culture acceptance that a unified state emerged in China.
As soon as the Qin Dynasty achieved unification, it immediately set about "unifying the balance of weights and measures.
The fact that the basic principle of state rule was the weighing of land and harvests in an agrarian society
The fact that the basic principle of state rule was the measurement of land and harvests in an agrarian society reveals the foundational structure of power.

The fear of a strong military power based on such a basic principle of East Asian rituals is easily transmitted to the societies of the archipelago.
It is not difficult to imagine that the fear of powerful military power based on these basic principles of East Asian rituals could be easily transmitted to the island societies.
The degree of "threat" would be much different if the continent were a unified nation than if it were a divided state of small states.
The degree of "threat" would be far different.
The more uniform lifestyles and cultural spheres are created by rice culture
The more uniform lifestyles and cultural spheres were created by the rice culture, the more the structure of consciousness of international relations with the continent became dominant in the archipelago society.
This was an inevitable consequence.
From this period onward, until the ancient royal power emerged through the Jinmu expedition
This was a political element of international tension that was pressing on the society of the archipelago.
The so-called "history of Japan" was gradually established. ...

These historical "waves" in the East Asian region
The same historical "waves" in the East Asian region are occurring in the present day, and a fateful "coexistence" exists, so to speak.
Japanese society, which was one of the first to choose to open itself to the world as a maritime nation, shares the values of a free society with the rest of the world.
Japanese society, which chose to open itself to the world as a maritime nation, has overcome many historical difficulties and shares the values of a free society with the rest of the world.
However, the Chinese society, with its huge population, is facing a difficult phase even in the present age.
The sheer size of the population may make politics difficult, but it also makes it more difficult to maintain a free society.
In a continental nation where dictatorships have historically been the norm, overt criticism of dictatorships is
The overt criticism of dictatorships in continental countries, where dictatorships have historically been common, is beginning to echo like the crowing of a morning rooster.
As Japanese who have experienced the East Asian world crisis that followed the Yi Surname Revolution in the continental world
I am naturally sensitive to the situation. What will happen now?

【戦争は農耕社会の基本原理 日本列島37,000年史-28】

2022-11-28 06:17:54 | 日記

「2019/3/25 14:00磨井慎吾」。まことに感染症の影響を実感。



English version⬇

War is a Fundamental Principle of Agrarian Society: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago - 28
The development of productive forces also prompted the evolution of ritual power and violent devices to control them, and the societies of the archipelago were forced to respond. ...

Sankei Shimbun, as evidenced by its native, Ryotaro Shiba.
I believe that the Culture Department has accumulated a depth of coverage of Japanese history.
In its 2019 article on the National Museum of Japanese History (Rekihaku) in Sakura City, Chiba Prefecture.
"The first permanent exhibition room dealing with prehistory and antiquity has been renovated for the first time since the museum opened in 1983.
"The first renovation since the museum's opening in 1983.
I learned about it for the first time, albeit belatedly. I knew about it for the first time, though I was late.
I am very much aware of the effects of the infection. I really feel the effects of infectious diseases.
~37,000 years ago when the present humans appeared in the Japanese archipelago, and Japan as the country name.
The period covers about 36,000 years from the 7th to the 8th century when the ancient nation was established.
The museum focuses on prehistoric periods, including the Yayoi Period, which dates back about 500 years to the beginning of the Yayoi Period.
The museum has undergone a major and ambitious exhibition renewal, reflecting the results of historical research that has progressed significantly in the 36 years since the museum opened.
The museum has undergone a major and ambitious renovation of its exhibits, reflecting the results of significant advances in historical research over the 36 years since its opening. 〜The lead of the new exhibition is "The Yayoi Period" (1870-1900). In addition
〜The exhibition will be a major renewal of the museum's collection, reflecting the great advances made in historical research over the past 36 years since the museum opened, particularly in the field of prehistory.
(The exhibits have changed dramatically from the image of history portrayed in the textbooks we have studied.
Rekihaku Director Hiroshi Kurushima explains the background behind the complete renewal of the museum. 〜The exhibition has been completely renewed.
This is exactly how I felt the impact of the renewal of the exhibition.

The fact that the "Yayoi period" dates back 500 years is particularly striking.
The contents of the exhibition are the same as those I have written about until yesterday.
By analogy with what I have already written yesterday, the paddy field cultivation that came to northern Kyushu
The exhibition gives us the impression that the paddy cultivators who came to Northern Kyushu had already moved with their "social organization" to the region.
There are traces of agricultural and civil engineering works with a high level of labor organization.
We wonder if the local Jomon people participated in this kind of labor.
As I mentioned yesterday, "war dead" appeared at the same time as rice cultivation began.
There seems to be a slight time lag between the agricultural engineering and the traces of war deaths.
However, considering the probability of finding traces of war deaths, it is more natural to assume that they occurred at the same time.
When combined with the appearance of the proto-form of "castles" called moat encircling settlements
We can conclude that the agricultural society of the Yayoi period was the cradle of war and power.
The universalization of warfare in such a society naturally led to the severe evolution and expansion of armed forces and power structures.
The universalization of conflict in such societies naturally led to the severe evolution and massive growth of military power and power structures.

In the 3rd century B.C., the military power of Qin Shi Huangdi was established in China.
Although the Shang state may have existed before then, the fear of a powerful coercive force would have been the wave that would have swept across the entire East Asian world.
In the sense that the fear of a powerful coercive force spread throughout the East Asian world.
The basic principle of agrarian society = the reality of warfare was exposed to the utmost limit.
Perhaps it must have been recognized as an "epochal" social change in this sense.
It seems to me that the most important factor in the pioneering of Japanese state power was its correlation with the war powers of East Asia.
The pioneering of Japanese state power was most likely due to this correlation with the war powers of East Asia.
The question of how to respond to the powerful armed forces that had been established in the East Asian region was a key question in the evolution of the human race in the archipelago.
This was probably the most important factor in the evolution of human beings in the archipelago.
As the size of the population expanded geometrically with the development of agrarian societies, the elements of the ruling structure and rituals became more and more important.
The elements of the ruling structure and ritual government became an urgent social issue. ...


2022-11-27 06:19:03 | 日記




English version⬇

Agrarian Society and War Simultaneously: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago - 27
The development of agricultural engineering, water use, land conflicts, and other aspects of agriculture were always accompanied by the danger of war. Moat encircling settlements for collective self-defense appeared at the same time. War, war, and war

Late 10th century B.C., about 3,000 years ago, an agrarian society began in northern Kyushu.
agricultural society that began in northern Kyushu about 3,000 years ago in the late 10th century B.C. The "first war dead" appeared in the 9th century B.C.E., almost as a corollary.
Paddy field cultivation was a method of systematically constructing rice paddies by civil engineering.
This was also done for the purpose of "drawing water" in order to secure water supply.
From the beginning, this type of planned agriculture was promoted in the Japanese archipelago.
Therefore, neighboring village groups were competing with each other for favorable lands and for favorable "water resources".
Adjacent village groups would develop a constant rivalry with each other.
In a "densely populated" society that cannot be compared to Jomon society
It is only natural that these tensions developed at an accelerated pace.
The top photo is an example of the burial of war dead in an archipelagic society initiated in this way.
The act of war is a universal evolution of human society.
The mass production of food and the accumulation of its wealth have at the same time
The mass production of food and the accumulation of its wealth have at the same time strongly stimulated the universal desire of humankind to plunder it.
The "agricultural engineering" that forms the basis of this process is based on the labor of large numbers of people, so the scale of the population is not comparable to that of the Jomon.
The Jomon were a society with a population scale incomparable to that of the Jomon, and with their civil engineering technology and expansion of their members, they were able to
The means of warfare and "wisdom and ingenuity" also evolved with the expansion of civil engineering technology and the number of members.

In response to this development, "moat encircling" settlements were established over a wide area.
Mura society is a natural result of the collectivization of daily production activities, and the emergence of the mura as a community of life.
The mura emerged as a living community. Pit dwellings for daily life and stilted warehouses for storing products were built.
and warehouses on stilts for storing products were constructed.
In such a village environment, the community land was surrounded by a ring
The earth dug up from the moat was raised high as an earthwork.
The earth dug up there was heaped up high as an earthen mound. At the top, a wooden fence was further constructed.
In addition, reverse bushes and random stakes were set up around it.
These were used as defensive preparations for war.
In the first 600 years of the Yayoi period, metal and iron tools were not yet widely used.
People used wooden hoes and skis as tools for production work, and even for rice harvesting
It is believed that people used wooden hoes and skis as tools for production, and stone knives for rice harvesting.
However, they naturally retained bows and arrows, which had been used as hunting tools since the Jomon period, and which were probably the main weapons in battle.
The stone sword was also introduced as an evolution from the stone stick.
In the latter half of the 600 years, the weapons evolved into sharper weapons such as bronzes and irons, which were developed and introduced during this period.
Even in this early stage, however, there were already "deaths in battle.

This is not the way Marx Engels imagined ancient societies to be, but the way they were in the beginning.
Even in these primordial wars, the participants seem to have had a proactive will.
It may be out of a collective self-defense or natural initiative to protect the mullahs.
In any case, this kind of "excavation of the origins of war" is also
I think it is wonderful that we are now able to objectively grasp human knowledge
I think it is wonderful that we can now objectively grasp human knowledge as archaeological facts.
By calmly evaluating and judging the scourge of war that has accompanied mankind, we can connect to the question of how we can overcome it.
how we can overcome them.

【稲作の文化、祈り、農耕祭祀 日本列島37,000年史-26】

2022-11-26 06:18:33 | 日記




English version⬇

Rice Culture, Prayer, and Agricultural Rituals: A 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Islands - 26
Rice cultivation and agriculture necessitated "matsuri" rituals and "goddesses" as priestesses. The wooden bird shape carrying the rice spirit is reminiscent of the yatagarasu (three-legged crow) of the Shinmu expedition. ・・・・・・.

Now, during the "Rice Cultivation" panel exhibition at the National Museum of Japanese History
I suddenly noticed an illustration at the top of the page that caught my attention.
Rice cultivation is an activity that involves a great deal of labor over the course of a year.
The character for "rice" is 88, and the word "peasant" represents a lot of labor.
The farmer "reads" the seasonal changes in nature, plants seedlings, and concentrates his labor in accordance with the changes in the seasons.
After concentrating a great deal of labor in accordance with the seasonal changes, the harvest finally arrives in the fall.
It is an economic activity that is inextricably linked to the changes of nature.
In this way, it is essential to pray for rain in response to the natural climate.
Even in the Jomon period, there were prayers to nature.
However, in the Yayoi period, when rice cultivation was the means of obtaining food, praying to the natural climate became even more essential.
The Jomon's greatest "means of production" was human power, and prayer in this context meant
Prayer for human "life and death" seems to have been the main theme of rituals, whereas in the Yayoi period
In the Yayoi period, however, the emphasis seems to have been more oriented toward control of nature.
Prayers for the acquisition of food during the hunter-gatherer stage and prayers during the agricultural stage seem to have changed drastically, with the latter being more in line with the annual work of agriculture.
It is easy to imagine a parallel to the annual work of agriculture.

In rice culture, birds were thought to be carriers of "rice spirits.
The illustration is "based on examples from the Tokai region around the 2nd century, using bird-shaped wooden objects.
The "festival" at the time of rice planting to call the "rice spirit" (Inadama), the spirit of grain, and pray to the god of rice fields for a good harvest.
The illustration is said to be an imaginative reconstruction of a "festival" held at the time of rice planting.
Intuitively, it is enough to remind us of the existence of Himiko or "Yatagarasu," the three-legged crow.
Prayer in an agrarian society created its own shaman as a "matsuri" demand.
This became a schedule that followed the seasonal changes of the year.
If the power of luck possessed by these individual shamans could bring benefits to the Yayoi village society, it would be possible for the shamans to become a part of the community.
It is easy to imagine that such individual shamans would have been revered by the people of the Yayoi period if they brought benefits to the village society.
I believe that Himiko, who "makes the path of demons better," was directly connected to the benefits of the present world.
Matsuri becomes a "festival event" as it becomes scheduled.
Rice cultivation is a collective work, and the chain of command becomes organized.
Regardless of whether in the East or the West, agricultural societies, politics, and religion evolved in unison.
Eventually, when the Yamato royal authority, Jinmu, came to the Nara Basin on his "eastern expedition," he was led by Yatagarasu.
The myth of Yatagarasu leading the way is an illustration of the belief that
The myth that Yatagarasu led the way during the Yamato Kingdom's "eastward conquest" of the Nara Basin may suggest that beliefs like those in this illustration existed as foreshadowing in the hearts of the people.
In the illustration below, the rice harvest is carried to a warehouse on stilts.
In the illustration below, we can understand that the rice harvest is carried to a warehouse on stilts, but the warehouse on stilts secretly depicts "Senki," which is characteristic of shrine architecture (laugh).
Thank you, the "imprint" of the folks at the National Museum of Japanese History is interesting.

I would like to visualize the mental transformation from a hunter-gatherer society to an agrarian society in this area.
I strongly wish to visualize the mental transformation from a hunter-gatherer society to an agrarian society.
I would also like to ask how the reality of these "festivals" is reflected in the Yangtze River estuary, where rice cultivation and agriculture emerged in Asia.
I am also interested in comparing the culture of the Yangtze River estuary, the place where rice farming emerged in Asia.