日本の祭りでは、各地で「神奈備」のひとつとしてまことに勇壮な神事が執り行われる。そういったひとつとも思えるけれど、この新宮・神倉神社の奇祭の危険度は非常に高い。これら火祭りの画像は一般社団法人 共同通信社が配信しているKYODO NEWSの動画から静止画としたもの。
English version⬇
The "God of Fire" who runs down in the Fire Festival: The Myth of the Imperial Lineage and the Kumano Journey-27
A decentralized society unified by the "matsuri goto" culture of the Mura unification. The cultural policy of the Japanese imperial lineage, which made efforts to be consistent with such a reality. ...
In Japan, many festivals are held in various places to perform truly heroic rituals as one of the "kannabis". Although it seems to be one of those, this strange festival at Kamikura Shrine in Shingu is very dangerous. These images of the fire festival are stills from the KYODO NEWS video distributed by Kyodo News.
In order to become one with Kami, many people purify themselves and participate in the ritual with considerable determination. The fact that the festival is held every year on February 6 seems to be related to the fact that the Gozuna ritual at Hana-no-Kutsu Shrine is held on February 2. In fact, the purpose of this strange festival is to send a new "fire" for the new year in the lunar calendar to the homes of the villagers as a communal society.
Kagutsuchi, the Kagutsuchi enshrined at the Hana no Kutsu shrine, was the "fire god" and was born to Izanami, but Izanami lost her life due to a burn at that time. Kagutsuchi is said to have been buried at the shrine of Hana-no-Kutsu Shrine, but fire is an absolute necessity for human society. It can be imagined that the divine intention of the god of fire running down from Gotobiki Rock, which is similar to the sacred body of the Hana-no-Kutsu Shrine, was realized in the form of a festival.
Participants in the ritual purify the body of the god on the beach, have it purified by the priest, and then, dressed in white, walk up the steep path to Gotobiki Rock with firm determination.
There are not many of these traditional Shinto rituals in Hokkaido. It has only been about 150 years since the Meiji period (1868-1912), when people dispersedly immigrated from all over Japan and began to create a highly unrelated society, and there are not many such kannabi-style customs in Hokkaido. In contrast, in local communities such as Kumano, customs have been continuously repeated and have continued to be established as a local identity.
This means that the archipelagic society has a social spiritual foundation that continues to sustain these customs. They are strongly related to the local way of life and continue to cultivate a strong sense of "publicness" that transcends the individual.
What kind of spirit will be fostered in a society based on this kind of respect for Kannabi? It would have been natural for the local "mura" society, which is formed around the community's "nari-wari," to utilize this kind of opportunity as a basis for community cohesion.
Such a strong sense of community would have brought about a certain tension between the mura, and it is easy to imagine that a very decentralized social structure would have been created. The fact that strong kingships and political systems were difficult to create in island Asia and the underlying currents of society in the Japanese archipelago, which is located slightly to the north, seem to have a strong similarity.
The Japanese imperial lineage, which established a loose royal authority in spite of such circumstances, may have worked to "unify" at the level of legend by carefully examining the various regional unification legends that remained in various regions. Emperor Temmu and Prince Shonin seem to have established the history of the world's longest imperial lineage by establishing the Nihonshoki and Kojiki through their willingness to go through the difficult task of bringing consistency to the various regional legends.