


2024-06-30 05:47:47 | 日記



English version⬇

[Published in Shinken Housing Digital Serialization "The Housing Road Ahead" vol.5
Cold regions have reached a unique technological revolution from the innovation of traditional construction methods. Today, we should re-focus on the core power of carpentry technology. ...

I have been traveling and working on other projects since I sent the article to the editorial office, so I am a day late, but vol. 5 of my series of articles in Shinken Housing Digital, "The Housing Road Ahead," has been published.
 This month's article focuses on the policies of Takebe Kensetsu, a core member of Hokkaido's "highly insulated and airtight" housing innovation movement since its inception, and a company that continues to promote the technical traditions of conventional wood construction through activities such as the "Kita no Minka no Kai.
 The article was written from the viewpoint that the development of carpentry skills, such as "leaving half of the marked lines," is the key to paving the way for the next generation, and at the same time, the training of such carpenters is of utmost importance. From the beginning, the biggest theme of residential construction in Hokkaido has been to cope with and overcome the cold weather, and to innovate the traditional Japanese axial structure in terms of construction methods. We hope you will take a look at the article.

I am currently traveling in Fukuoka Prefecture in northern Kyushu. The most famous festival in Hakata, Fukuoka, is Yamakasa, or Yamakasa Festival. The spirit of the Hakata townspeople explodes in this bloodcurdling festival. Yesterday morning, I paid an early morning visit to Kushida Shrine, which is the core of the festival.
 Although Fukuoka has a smaller population than Sapporo, it has historically served as the largest "gateway" for exchange with the continent and peninsula, and has remained one of the most advanced regions in Japan as a whole in terms of economic activity. Yamakasa, which continues to remain today, bears the history of such "people's economy," so to speak, and it is wonderful. In Sapporo, Hokkaido, the social structure has been led by the government since the Meiji era, and the activities of the people have remained within the framework of this structure.
 After more than 150 years of pioneering, the question is whether or not a people-oriented economic structure will be achieved.
 In this sense, the "housing industry" may have potential. It has produced one of the most advanced technological fields in Japan's history: high thermal insulation and airtightness. I believe that the people of Hokkaido should learn from the spirit of the people of Hakata.
 In this and other ways, my trip to northern Kyushu this time has brought me many interesting insights.


2024-06-29 06:10:28 | 日記

 〜糸島は、玄界灘を挟んで朝鮮半島、中国大陸と接するという地理的条件から大陸との接点として栄え日本文化発祥の地である。今から2000年以上も前から、稲作文化を始めとする新しい文化が続々と到来し、この地で花を咲かせたことが証明されている。邪馬台国論争では欠くことの出来ない『魏志倭人伝』にある伊都国は、まさにこの地である。伊都国は弥生時代中期を過ぎたころに誕生した。その『魏志倭人伝』をはじめ『古事記』『日本書紀』『万葉集』などの古典において、その存在を求めることが出来る。紀元前後約200年間伊都国は、前漢、後漢王朝の傘下にあって倭国の中枢として政治、外交の拠点となり、弥生時代の我が国の都であったと言っても過言ではない。あの有名な『漢委奴国王』の金印に遅れること50年、『107年倭国王・帥升(すいしょう)等が後漢へ生口160人を献じ、謁見を請うてきた。』と後漢書東夷伝に記されてあるが、この『倭国王帥升』は奴国の隣・伊都国の王で、倭国連合の王ではないだろうか?〜<「魏志の倭人伝の伊都国」 http://www.iokikai.or.jp/kodai.itokoku.htmlより引用>

English version⬇

Itoshima, Fukuoka City, and "Itokoku" in Wei Wei's biography
I was slapped hard by a man who asked me, "Are you so absent-minded that you have forgotten the book of Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-den? I was painfully knocked down, but I am still in bed. I would like to learn from him. I would like to learn from him.

Kyushu is a long way away. It is easy to gain knowledge of various things nowadays, but nothing can compare to actually visiting a place and noticing it for the first time.
 I was mostly "absentminded" during this trip to Kyushu, but even in such a state of mind, I would see a "place name" on the side of the road and have an "ah-ha" moment. The night before, my wife and I had decided to go to Itoshima, and as we started driving along the coastline of Itoshima, I saw a sign that said "Ito" (伊都). Itoshima is Ito-kuni? I was so scared and insensitive to the fact that I was driving along the coastline of Itoshima. This is why traveling is so interesting.
 〜Itoshima is the birthplace of Japanese culture, and has flourished as a contact point with the continent because of its geographical location, bordering the Korean Peninsula and the Chinese mainland across the Genkai Sea. It has been proven that new cultures, including rice cultivation, arrived here more than 2,000 years ago and blossomed here one after another. Itsukoku, mentioned in "Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-Den," which is indispensable in the debate on Yamataikoku, is the very place. Itsukoku came into existence after the middle of the Yayoi period. Its existence can be found in such classics as "Kojiki," "Nihon shoki," and "Manyoshu," as well as in "Wei shi wajinden. It is no exaggeration to say that Itsukoku was the capital of Japan in the Yayoi period, and was the center of politics and diplomacy of Japan for about 200 years before and after AD under the Han Dynasty. In the year 107, the king of Japan, Suisho, and others presented 160 people to the Later Han Dynasty and requested an audience with them. The "King of Japan, Suisho" was the king of Itsukoku, a neighboring province of Nukoku, and was probably the king of the Japanese Confederation. ~ <"Itsukoku in the Biography of Wei Wei" http://www.iokikai.or.jp/kodai.itokoku.html>
The Miyajitake Shrine, associated with Empress Jingu, as seen yesterday, reminds us that the traditions of ancient history are still vividly alive and well in the present. I was deeply reminded that my interest in ancient history had been completely focused on the southern area of Nara Prefecture and the Kumano area, and I was made to realize that this northern Kyushu region is deeply involved in the unending roots of our people, which made me feel very proud (laugh). It was truly a painful experience.
 At the same time, I am very eager to explore the ancient history of Kyushu. The photo is of the shrine pavilion of Sakurai Shrine in the Itoshima area. This time, I will be solemnly accepting the experience and sensation, and after returning home, I would like to immerse myself in the exploration of the history. I would like to express my gratitude to the predecessors of Itokuni.

【梅雨最盛期 「濡れて福岡」探訪】

2024-06-28 05:30:57 | 日記


English version⬇

Wet Fukuoka" in the peak of the rainy season
The trip to Fukuoka, which was not of my own volition but of my wife's, was an opportunity for me to see myself from a slightly objective point of view. I'm just grateful for that. I am very thankful.

The photo shows the main shrine of Miyajitake Shrine in Fukutsu, Fukuoka Prefecture. Miyajitake Shrine in Fukutsu City is known for one of the largest sacred straw ropes in Japan, which attracts approximately 1.5 million worshippers every year on the first three days of the New Year. The large shimenawa is 11 meters long, over 2 meters thick, and weighs 3 tons.
 For some reason, I traveled to Fukuoka Prefecture with my wife yesterday. We arrived at about 2:00 p.m. and based on Kami's research, I was the driver of the rental car and asked, "Where are we going next?" I was the driver of the rental car. I feel like a suspect being taken from place to place, but I don't mind being a suspect in such a situation. Sometimes I leave everything to the direction of an entity other than myself, and obediently follow its instructions, which brings me to a kind of restful state of thought, a state of "absentmindedness" or "absentmindedness.
 I was prepared for this in Kyushu during the height of the rainy season, and although I encountered heavy rain in the car on the way to the hotel in Fukuoka City at the end of the tour, I managed not to run into too many difficulties during the walking trip. Thank goodness.
 So, the suspect who was taken around was brought out before this God.
 I had already given up on the idea, so I prayed to the god in a calm manner for his innocence, and it seemed that the god's will was understood and my wife was smiling at me. Thank God.
 I was very happy to see her "I must like it here" judgment as she moved from place to place following Kami's order without any prior knowledge of the place. It has the advantage of allowing me to analyze things a little more objectively, in the sense of a dialogue with myself.
 The main deity is Empress Jingu, and the shrine has a history of more than 1,700 years. The main deity is Empress Jingu, and the history of this ancient shrine is over 1,700 years old. The approach to the shrine is via a path called "Hikari no Michi," and the appearance of the shrine is in keeping with the history of Empress Jingu, who commanded overseas military operations.
 Many "kofun landforms" can be observed in the Fukutsu City area. The fact that this was a very important region for the ancient "Yamato Royalty" can be felt even while driving in a car. If you take the Sea of Japan route from the Genkai Sea to the sea, perhaps Izumo is like a "neighbor" to you.
 The Kitakyushu area, which was the main window to the Korean Peninsula in ancient times, is a treasure trove of history. The plane ride was in the clouds for a long time, but for the last moment we were able to look down from the sky at the red roof tiles of the shrine of the Munakata God floating on the sea. It was quite a divine moment.
 So, following the round trip to Asahikawa and back, I made a trip to Kitakyushu. I would like to travel in a mysterious way, obeying the instructions and orders of Kami, the Goddess of Awesome, in my exploration of God. Thank you.

【多様化する「家の選択」 人口減少ニッポン】

2024-06-27 06:21:04 | 日記

1 従来型の戸建て住宅を「どう建てるか」という新築志向の30-40代世代のテーマ
2 30-40代世代だけれど、既存住宅取得からそれのリフォームというテーマ
3 すでに新築住宅を所有しているけれど、それを長寿命化リフォームしたいというテーマ
4 自分の親の家、自分の建てた家など複数の住宅をどう管理するかというテーマ

Eglish version⬇

Diversifying "Home Choices" Population Declining Nippon
Hokkaido Housing Policy Conference. The lively exchange of opinions expressed vitality. The postwar high growth and corporate warriors' "way of life" values are diversifying. And how to respond to it. ...

Yesterday was the first meeting of the "2024 Housing Policy Promotion Conference" held by the Hokkaido Building Guidance Division. Normally, these so-called "advisory councils" proceed according to a script prepared by the secretariat, but the variety of opinions expressed at the meeting was so lively that one can see the underlying strength of Hokkaido's housing industry.
 I will not discuss the contents of the report until the end of September, when a summary will probably be announced, based on the direction that the Hokkaido government will take.
 The biggest of all was the theme of the "core issues" in the current housing choices of users.
 The main theme of postwar society, which was to escape from a kind of "housing hunger" by "building houses anyway," has become outdated in today's declining population society.
 The major housing policy is the common sense basis for the long-lasting housing policy, which was based on the urban concentration of population due to the high capitalist society and the population size and concentration in cities, which doubled from the immediate postwar stage. At this stage, the main theme was the formation of "high-quality housing stock" and the improvement of the quantity and quality of new housing. On the user side, too, the major choice of "way of life" was close to the single choice of being a corporate warrior.
 Now that the population of 120 million is almost firmly established in Japanese society, the number of births is declining, but at the same time the population is aging, and the total population is in a gradual decline. And when the number of vacant houses reaches the level of 9 million, the conventional housing policy of promoting new construction alone will have to be revised.
 For users, the big questions are "Which one to choose" and "How to improve it" among the multiple housing options.
 The following is a summary of the issues.
1. The theme of the 30-40s generation, which is oriented toward new construction, is "how to build" a conventional detached house.
2 The theme for people in their 30s and 40s who are acquiring an existing house and then remodeling it
3 Theme for those who already own a newly built house but wish to renovate it to extend its service life.
4. The theme of how to manage multiple houses, including one owned by one's parents and one built by one's own parents.
 It is necessary to consider the diversity of housing policies today. I would like to make efforts to extract and organize the themes of this issue from time to time.
 In my case, there is the theme of maintenance and upkeep of the house I built, and at the same time, there is the theme of how to make use of the house my parents built.
 Both of these themes are related to remodeling, but I feel that the themes that I should aim for or solve are completely different for each house. It may be "how to bequeath the house" to the generations of descendants after oneself. However, it can be said that there is a high degree of commonality in terms of living environment performance.
 In any case, diversity is emerging in the "way of life" demanded of people and housing, and it is necessary to consider a wide variety of criteria for selection and decision-making.


2024-06-26 06:33:30 | 日記



English version⬇

Lecture by Norihiko Kamata and other one-day trip to Asahikawa.
Face-to-face lectures as social restoration from the Corona disaster. Vigorous nationwide lecture tour. I finally attended the lecture in its entirety this time. I will gradually try to "solve" the problem on this blog. I will try to "solve" it gradually on this blog.

However, I had not attended any of the lectures that Mr. Norihiko Kamata of Shinjyukyo has been giving since November of last year. I had not attended any of his lectures since November of last year.
 The round trip from Sapporo to Asahikawa from my home is over 280 km, but I also had to visit two other places, Asahikawa and Wassamu, so the total distance was about 80 km round trip, making it a total of about 360 km.
 I was a bit nervous about the trip, but I was used to driving on the expressway, so I did my best to concentrate on the driving and not think about anything else, and I was able to complete the trip without any problems. I was so energetic that I was able to get some work done after returning home. At the venue of the Kamata Lecture, I was smiling when old acquaintances said to me, "You are so energetic, aren't you?
 Oh, I also had a little favor to ask Dr. Kamata, and I was able to hook him up.
 It turned out that Dr. Kamata was very interested in the project. I am sure that he will cooperate with us in the future if there is any progress. He even gave us valuable advice on how to advance the project.
 The other photo is of Wassamu (halfway between Ishikari and Teshio), which we visited before the lecture. This is part of a project I am currently working on. Hokkaido at this time of year is truly the closest thing to heaven, and the air is pleasant to the eyes and skin.

So, here is the next theme of Norihiko Kamata's lecture. It was to be held in 18 locations throughout Japan, which means that the total number of participants was likely to exceed 1,000. When I arrived at the venue just in time for the lecture to start, I was shown to a seat right in front of the lecturer, where I could neither run nor hide. As expected, he took a shot at me, pointing out my recent lack of study.
 Mr. Miki, you didn't come to the Sapporo venue, but here you are!
 I was actually in Sendai, Tohoku, at the time of the Sapporo lecture in January, and I had visited him at his office to meet with him when he was flying back to Sendai. As I recall, his flight was delayed and he was in a great hurry to get back. He was in a great hurry to get back to Sapporo, and he pointed out to us that he had not attended the Sapporo meeting at that time. And then, the staff at the venue asked me if I would like to participate in the Hakodate meeting in July. Hmmm.
 Well, I was able to attend the lecture tour this time. The professor also made a timely presentation on "remodeling measures," which was a good reference for my participation in the Hokkaido Housing Conference today.
 I have a lot of work to do, so I will try to "solve" the contents of this lecture in this blog, "theme by theme" little by little. Thank you for your kind attention.