

【1/30 ソトダン21新春講演会でリアル情報交換】

2023-01-31 06:26:23 | 日記


English version⬇

1/30 Real Information Exchange at Sotodan 21 New Year Lecture Meeting
The central theme is the next generation home energy choice issue. The direction of the point system and choice system for northern-style housing ZERO in contrast to Tokyo's PV mandate. ・・・・.

 Due to the change of editor-in-chief of Replan magazine and the lack of real opportunities for information exchange, my own opportunities to exchange opinions and disseminate information in housing-related organizations have been declining. Sotodan 21 is an industry organization run by Achilles, a manufacturer of insulation materials. In Hokkaido, information exchange activities are mainly carried out by construction firm groups such as Shinjyukyo and Earth 21, so it is rare to find an association backed by a manufacturer of insulation materials like this. Last year, I had the opportunity to speak at a ZOOM meeting, but it was in a ZOOM format. This year, for the first time in a long time, the meeting will be held in person. About 50 people attended the real event, which was also open to the public via ZOOM. It was a large venue, and the participants were seated apart from each other in a class 2 infection response style. It seems it will be a while before we have a free information exchange environment.
 Now, I spoke at the end of the speaker's speech as shown in the poster photo. We are a media company that focuses on the "software" of housing to meet the "good house" needs of our users. Therefore, while accepting information from other companies on so-called industry information, I introduced and explained the background of our new business, "Replan Sumai Navi," a user information support service and our AI-based system. We received strong interest from Mr. Miura of Shinken and other industry media companies.
 The main topic of the event was the discussion on solar power generation. Mr. Hirota of the North Research Institute gave a keynote presentation on "Northern Style Housing ZERO. The initial draft of the plan was oriented towards "Northern-style ZEH," and reflecting the opinions of many participants in the Advisory Committee, the basic character of the plan was to "point" various methods of decarbonization, and to allow users and builders to independently select methods in accordance with regional characteristics. As I was involved in the discussion process, I think this is a direction that makes sense to me. In this regard, there were comments from companies that are actively promoting solar power generation in Hokkaido.
 In conclusion, I think that this theme has highlighted the "uneven" response of companies and residential users throughout Hokkaido, reflecting the different climatic characteristics of each region.
 The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has taken the helm in making PV "mandatory. While this is an understandable choice for warmer regions on the Pacific Ocean side, it is common sense that Hokkaido, which has a majority population with Japan Sea side climate characteristics, would respond differently. This winter, in particular, the Japan Sea side region's heavy snowfall climate characteristics were clearly felt. With concerns about EVs becoming more apparent due to road congestion, it is true that the instability of pursuing a single leg of PV as a household energy source has been widely recognized. In areas like Hokkaido, where wide-area transportation is important, there are still strong concerns about EVs, which are generally considered the future choice, and users are unsure whether they should rely on PV, which generates almost no electricity in winter, as their energy source. This is an issue that is directly related to the choice of housing equipment.
 This week, today, we have the Hokkaido Housing Policy Review Committee and its announcement to the media. We will be doing our own coverage of this trend tomorrow, and on February 3, there will be a ZOOM opinion exchange meeting by "Hokkaido x Koumanten" and other activities. I have a feeling that we will finally see the start of a society that can cope with Class 5 infectious diseases.

【阿波から房総安房へ 徳島・三木家住宅スピンアウト版】

2023-01-30 06:35:10 | 日記




English version⬇

From Awa to Boso Awa, Tokushima, Miki Family Residence Spin-out Edition
The Awa Imobe clan developed the region of Boso, Chiba as a group. At first, they lived in caves and secured food through fishing, and gradually developed the region by promoting hemp production. The Awa Imobe clan lived in caves to secure food by fishing, and gradually developed the area through hemp production.

 I had the opportunity to visit Tateyama, located at the southern tip of Boso, last year, and I have been exploring the history of the area at a local museum and other places. It is said that hemp has been cultivated extensively in the Boso area since ancient times. When I typed in the word "Fusa-no-kuni" in a search engine, I came across the following description: "The Imobe clan of Awa in Shikoku rode the Kuroshio Current to the Boso Peninsula and cultivated the high-quality hemp of this region, which led to the name of the region as "Fusa-no-kuni" (the land of "So"). This is the description of the "Kami-sousa" and "Shimotsousa.
 In the series of articles, we learn that the Imobe clan, which had found a way to expand into the provinces after losing a power struggle with the Nakatomi clan (Fujiwara clan), was granted the development rights of the country of Boso. The name of the country, which has the same sound as "Awa" as well as "Kamisusa" and "Shimosusa," remains as the name of the region. The tradition of the sacred production style of the tribal clans of the area, which involved the preparation of clothing as a ritual for the imperial court, is clearly visible as a trace of history. The photo above is a diorama of the lifestyle of the earliest settlers in the Tateyama City Museum exhibit. In the early days of the Imobe clan's expansion into Boso, the settling of the area must have occurred in waves. The first settlers started from this kind of predatory lifestyle and cave dwelling.

 The family members who remained in their homeland of Awa must have continued to pray. The young generation was selected from among the tribe members and sent out with the hope of longevity. This kind of regional expansion in Japanese history has been experienced most recently by the people of Hokkaido. Although I am a member of the third generation after the regional expansion, my feelings for the faraway land of my ancestors are beyond the scope of an individual. Today, transportation has developed to the point where it is easy to move from one place to another, but in those days, people probably migrated after exchanging "water cups" and parting with each other in mortal combat. The younger generation of immigrants may have been excited by the prospect of a new land, or they may have repeated the same process of spreading the present-day human race.

Although I was not related to the Miki family in blood, however, I personally felt as if I was "destined" (laugh) to be led to the Miki family's house. It is likely that the Kanto region was also developed by these immigrants who moved into the area as Yayoi rice agriculture spread throughout society. In the case of the Japanese people, "public spaces" such as shrines were soon developed at the center of society. In particular, I believe that the Awa Shrine has played the role of symbolizing and fixing the memories of these tribal peoples. The fact that the cave traces are scattered throughout the shrine is a way of passing on the memories of the first phase of the clan's expansion. The caves must have also functioned as residences. Traces of our ancestors' way of life.
 I believe that the Miki family residence in Tokushima taught us from various aspects the basic role of a house and the need to maintain the core of human culture with pride.

【端正な佇まいと美感の土蔵 徳島・三木家住宅-5】

2023-01-29 06:21:12 | 日記


 こうした日本の民族性に深く関わる古代からの古格な伝統を、いまでも守り続けるという意思には深くリスペクトさせられる。記事ではまだ若い世代のお孫さんがこの伝統を継ぐ決意をされているとのこと。現代社会でもむしろ若い年代のみなさんの方が、こういう伝統性の意義を深く理解していると感じる。その意味で社会はどのように適応すべきか、深く考えさせられた。末尾の写真の仏像は帰り道の路傍に建てられていたものだけれど、つい合掌させられていた。 <徳島・三木家住宅記おわり>

English version⬇

Earthen storehouse of neat appearance and beauty The Miki Family Residence in Tokushima, Japan - 5
The younger generation has the will to carry on the core culture of the Japanese people, the "aritae" or "clothes" style of dress. How should we create the future? Tokushima, Japan

 The Miki family's residence clearly conveys the purpose of architecture. The building we will introduce here was built behind the bookstore on the boundary of a cliff that is immediately in front of the house, and seems to have been built for storage purposes. It is clear that it is an architectural structure for this purpose. On the back side of the building, various hemp materials that seem to have been used for hemp production are randomly placed.
 Despite the fact that the building is a storehouse of this kind, the mud-painted walls are heavily layered, showing a considerable wall thickness. The earthen storehouse is a traditional building that emphasizes fireproofing and heat insulation, as well as the fact that the objects stored in the storehouse are valuable. Although it is an old building designated as an important cultural property, I could not find any record of this storehouse. I could not see the inside of the storehouse because it was locked, just like the bookstore, so I can only guess that it was used to produce clothes for the Imperial Court.
 Except for the entrance, there are only small windows in four directions for limited ventilation and lighting.
 The texture of the painted clay walls appeals to the viewer with its unique shading. Although I live in a house made of concrete blocks and bricks, I feel a strong sympathy for this kind of traditional insulated architecture. It conveys the desperate desire of the people of the past for the purpose of construction. I believe this is because I feel a connection somehow as a people with the desperation of the Japanese people in the Honshu area to survive in the environment since they finally began to live in Hokkaido about 150 years ago.

  It seems to me that storehouse construction is fireproof and traditional house accessory construction within a city would have had that as its primary purpose, with insulation and airtightness obtained incidentally, but this building, however, does not seem to have fireproofing as its primary purpose. It can still be assumed that it would have been a necessary environmental requirement for the respectful manufacturing process of clothes. The interview article I mentioned earlier also discussed the laborious process of producing this hemp. The cultivation of hemp is restricted by law, and it is also very difficult to manage. The last time I was in charge of the "Omame Festival," we had to guard the fields where hemp was grown 24 hours a day. Including these labor costs, the cost of the "clothes-garment" preparation is in the tens of millions of yen. We are soliciting donations from a wide range of businesses and people in Tokushima, and we hope that this will trigger an increase in local interest.
 I deeply respect the will to continue to preserve this ancient tradition, which is deeply related to the Japanese ethnicity. The article states that his grandchildren, who are still in the younger generation, are determined to carry on this tradition. I feel that even in today's society, the younger generation has a deeper understanding of the significance of this kind of tradition. In this sense, it made me think deeply about how society should adapt itself. The Buddha statue in the photo at the end of this article was erected on the roadside on my way home, and it made me clasp my hands in prayer. <End of the Miki Family Residence, Tokushima

【家系の使命を奉ずる生き方と住宅 徳島・三木家住宅-4】

2023-01-28 06:23:20 | 日記



English version⬇

A way of life and residential construction that martyrs the family's mission The Miki Family Residence in Tokushima, Japan - 4
This ancient house design conveys the strong will power of the clan. Perhaps it is the performance of the house that is appropriate for a way of life that perpetuates the family's lineage. The house is designed to be a symbol of the family's mission and the family's strong willpower.

 I visited the Miki Family Residence in Tokushima with great interest as an explorer of old private houses because we share the same family name. I was quietly struck by the way of life of the "Imobe clan," even though it is different from my own bloodline. I believe that the coverage of housing is ultimately a search for "good houses," but at the same time, I was moved by the fact that a way of life that I can respect becomes a kind of spice that dominates the sense of beauty of the space.
 The first photo is a view of the way of life in the central mountainous region of Shikoku. An interview with Nobuo Miki, the head of the family, who performed the preparation of the clothing for the tamesai ceremonies in Heisei and 2022, can be found in the newspaper article archives. He said, "The fields where hemp is cultivated are cleared and the seeds are sown in the spring. The hemp stalks are then dried in the sun, boiled, and skinned before the hemp fibers are spun into "clothes. The hemp that can be used to make clothes can only be grown in limited areas, such as highlands where the temperature is 3 to 5 degrees lower than in the plains. It is our future task to ensure that this delicate technique is passed on to the next generation.
 The Miki family's residence has an old document that records the preparation of clothes for the ceremonial accession to the throne of Emperor Kameyama in 1260 during the Kamakura period (1185-1333), the first Emperor Kameyama's death. Probably since that time, the Imobe and Miki families have continued to live in the present location. The Hakoki millennial family is truly a millennial family in Hyogo Prefecture, but this family can also be traced back to the same period. The sense of substance in the graveyard of generations of the family gives one a sense of the strong, unbroken willpower of the family to continue its existence.
 As a modern Japanese living in Hokkaido, which has experienced innovations in housing performance, I was deeply moved by the sense of value of this kind of house. A sense of mission to live as a human being, so to speak, and the practice of a steady way of life to ensure it. This kind of family values, I suppose. The house as an architectural structure has an old-fashioned atmosphere. The third interior photo is a reproduction from a publicly available PDF document.

 I believe that house design has a unique expressiveness. I understand that there is an artistic expression, such as that of Tadao Ando, and I also believe that there should be the free will of the client who thinks it is a good idea. I also have a strong sympathy and liking for the grass-roots design intent to preserve and perpetuate the "character" of the local community.
 The design intent of the Miki family residence conveys the directness of simple functionality and the will to survive. Even though it is in Shikoku, there must be severe cold in winter in this mountainous highland. I was strongly impressed by the family's heartfelt determination to live out their family's mission honestly under such severe conditions. I have a strong sense of reverence for this kind of "sense of beauty. If such a house could be renovated to "highly insulated and airtight" specifications to ensure its longevity, it might be useful in passing the baton to the next generation. Such a wish suddenly crossed my mind.

【古代氏族「忌部氏」祈りの残影 徳島・三木家住宅-3】

2023-01-27 06:00:30 | 日記



English version⬇

Remnants of Ancient Clan "Imobe Clan" Prayer: The Miki Family Residence, Tokushima-3
The graveyard where the family's ancestors are buried is spread out on the mountain, and many grave markers and traces are scattered around. The power of the graves is overwhelming. The power of the site is overwhelming.

 The Imobe clan of Awa is an ancient clan. The "Miki Family Residence" described in this blog series is a descendant of this family. This ancient clan, the Imobe, along with the Nakatomi clan, which later became the Fujiwara clan, is said to have been the clan in charge of rituals at the Imperial Court. Although the site of the main temple is said to be Kashihara in Yamato Province, the same local clan in Awa Province was in charge of the production of hemp to be presented to the Imperial Court. The Miki family played a central role in the ceremonial offering of hemp to the Emperor at the time of his accession to the throne in 2022, and this became widely known to the general public. The history of the Imobe clan, an ancient clan, is that they served the Imperial Court by producing clothing as an important service in Awa Province.
 I learned that the Imobe clan has a family tradition of such ancient services in the mountainous highlands of Tokushima Prefecture, which would be considered a "marginal settlement" in modern life. I was interested in learning about them because they share my family name, but the more I learned about them, the more I was surprised at the depth of their family traditions. I was surprised to see that a hemp field in the highlands was considered sacred, with even a torii gate built in the middle of the field.
 The photo above shows the view from the Miki family residence to the summit of the mountain, looking through the hedge toward the grave site. And this is the view of the graves that we were led to. I was overwhelmed by the power of the hemp, which was offered to the Imperial Court as a sacred family service, and which the Miki family had maintained and passed down from generation to generation, risking their own lives and those of their family members to maintain the hemp.

  There are many stone markers in the graveyard, but there are also many that are only base stones, and if you look closely, you can see pieces of pottery that appear to have been used to offer sacred wine in front of them. It seemed as if the lives of the Miki family's distant ancestors were still alive there, and I could not help but feel my hands clasped together in prayer.
 I happened to visit Tateyama, located at the southern tip of Chiba Prefecture, recently, and visited the Awa Shrine, which is said to be a proof that the Imobe clan moved eastward from this Awa province in ancient times. For some reason, I felt a deep sense of causality, as if I was being guided. It was truly spiritual. I was surprised by the strange coincidence.
 Although it is said that the Nakatomi and Fujiwara clans, the most successful clans in Japanese history, were in competition with each other in the field of imperial court rituals, and thus fell back from the center stage of history, they have left behind extremely important traces in the exploration of ancient Japanese history. However, they have left behind traces that are extremely important in the study of Japan's ancient history.
 The basics of human life, such as food, clothing, and shelter, are discussed, but it was also a rare experience to have a concrete contact with a clan that was in charge of clothing, especially that which was presented to the emperor. It is also a very fateful that I happened to visit from Hokkaido and encountered them. I felt as if I had been plunged into a labyrinth (laugh). I was not able to see the inside of the house, but I was able to obtain a PDF of the documents, so I would like to explore the house from tomorrow onward.