


2023-11-11 05:58:37 | 日記




English version⬇

Reunited with my favorite Eiga Shrine "worship hall" and "plaque".
The musicality of the dynamism of the people felt in the architecture. On the other hand, the musicality of the silence of the first snowfall that people in northern Japan feel. I was embraced by these two contradictory atmospheres. The first snowfall

It is the first snow in Sapporo from midnight to early morning today. It is a feeling of tranquility that I like no matter how many times I welcome it. Northerners "reunite" with this first snowfall with a feeling that is quite different from the everyday feeling they had before. How much will this year's first snowfall be?
 You may think that snow has no "sound" element, but in a strange way, I feel the musicality of "silence" when the first snow falls. In fact, snow may have a "sound insulation" property. Snow may have a factor that decreases it with the "reverberating" element of air. ...

 Now, we revisit "Eiga Shrine" in Himeji City, with which we have a connection beyond the Corona disaster. I was able to visit the shrine for the first time since the completion of the major repair work in 2025. Although there is a family tradition, what attracted me more strongly than that was the atmosphere of the "worship hall" architecture. The photo above is after the current repairs, and below is a view of the old hall when I visited in 2015.
 Although I have never encountered it, this Eiga Shrine worship hall is believed to have a culture in which the portable shrines of festivals enter the building. Since a large number of people go up at once, the strength of the floor surface is feared to deteriorate over time. That is what motivated the rebuilding this time as well, and I strongly feel the "dynamism" of such people. The foundation has been strengthened so that it can withstand a large number of people on it at once during this major repair.
 If the first snowfall in Hokkaido is the musicality of silence, the musicality of this shrine is the dynamism of the people.
 I believe that the sympathy for this "populace" is one of the reasons why I repeatedly visit the shrine grounds. The architecture of the worship hall symbolizes this "populace. It is my imagination, but it is said that this Eiga area was one of the major grounds of the Jodo Shinshu sect. During the Warring States period, the Jodo Shinshu had been active in resistance against the rising central government power, the Oda clan. This worship hall has the air of such an anti-Oda "rally" (laughs).
 When I was a student, I often participated in such rallies, shouting out agi speeches, but strangely enough, I feel that kind of identical spatiality. I guess it is not a matter of rational consistency, but of a sense of the skin.
 Is there an atmosphere like a boundary that makes me rediscover my love for such things?

Such an atmosphere is clearly developed in the collective display of the many "hoist plaques" dedicated to this hall of worship. The photo above shows the shrine after the recent repairs, and below is a view of the old hall at the time of our visit in 2015. The kitschy, easy-to-understand traditional paintings that stir the Japanese mind are like a group dance.
 In other words, the power of the people of Banshu seems to overwhelm the viewer.
 I have been attracted to this hall of worship and the plaque as a typical example of the various kinds of "spatiality" that I have been perceiving. It is funny even for me (laugh).


