1 ユーザー視点での見方を情報発信すること。
2 寒冷地・北海道の人間がだれもいないのでその立場・見方を意見表出すること。
3 今後の住宅業界が見据えていくべき方向性を審査過程で意見具申すること。
審査の過程でのわたしの発言については配信される動画を参照ください。視聴チケットのお申し込みはこちら https://t.livepocket.jp/e/7u056 (無料かと誤解していましたが有料での配信ということ)
English version⬇
Finally, after more than 5 hours of eco-house jury duty, we are done.
1. user's point of view; 2. Hokkaido's point of view; 3. future direction of the industry. 〜It was a pleasure to participate and have a dialogue with such a stance. I was happy to participate and have a dialogue with such a stance.
Yesterday, I was finally able to complete my assignment as an "eco-house judge," which I was lightly asked to do by Mr. Kido, the editor-in-chief of Architectural Knowledge Builders, whom I have known for a long time, when I met him at the Japan Home Show last year.
I was able to participate via Zoom because of my remote location. I was able to participate from my office in a relaxed manner, but the show was scheduled to start at 14:00 and I was supposed to be on standby at 13:20 to prepare for the show, but I had to jump into the show just before the show started. I was a bit sweaty and a bit nervous.
Of course, since I was a "guest judge," the data I had received was quite adequate, and I was not able to refer to the important "construction cost data" (I may have found it somewhere). (Perhaps there was some data somewhere, but I could not find it.
Looking at the distinguished jury members, all of whom were experts, my mission was to
1. To provide information on how to look at things from the user's point of view.
2. To express my views and opinions from the perspective of Hokkaido, a cold region of Japan, since no one from Hokkaido was present.
3. To express my opinion on the direction that the housing industry should take in the future during the screening process.
I have decided to present my opinion based on my self-awareness that the following points are necessary requirements. I guess it is a part of my experience to be aware of the "expectations" of the judges based on the stance of the organizer as a member of the media. I have been in such a position myself.
In that sense, the judging was focused on "new points of view" for the readers of architecture magazines, the majority of whom are makers, rather than on the total "degree of completion" of the house.
Please refer to the video for my comments on the judging process. For tickets, please visit https://t.livepocket.jp/e/7u056 (I mistakenly thought the video was free, but it was paid for).
As a result, the grand prize was awarded to a case study of renovation of a rental house in Kyoto.
I was very pleased with this result, as I believe that the most important role the housing industry should play in Japanese society as a whole in the future is to take the initiative in improving the lives of users and creating a more comfortable living environment, which is the purpose of Eco-House. I am very pleased with the results.
To be frank (laugh), when talking with people in Hokkaido, we heard many comments beforehand, such as "people in Hokkaido are not interested in opinions from Hokkaido" and "people in Honshu and southward misunderstand that we are dissing them. I am deeply grateful for their valuable opinions. I have tried to be careful in my remarks on these points, but please forgive me if there were any points that could have been misunderstood.
However, it is hard work to keep one's attention in a sitting position for a total of five hours (laughs). When I went to bed, somehow my right ring toe got cramped.