

【中国・天下大乱 ようやくの空虚な習近平発言】

2022-12-27 06:08:50 | 日記

地方政府が相次ぎ独自推計 実態示さない中央政府と対照的」〜東京新聞12/25.

さすがにまずいと思ったのか、ようやく【AFP=時事】12/26(月) 23:31配信で
「中国主席「人命守る」措置を指示 コロナ規制緩和に伴う感染急拡大で」


English version⬇

China's Empty Speech after the Tianxia Rebellion
The supreme power whose true nature is seen through by the Chinese people. The history of the Yi Surname Revolution proves the power of the Chinese people. We need to prepare for the wave of turmoil. ...

After a 180-degree turnaround from the zero-corona policy, there appears to be a profound infection explosion.
The Chinese authorities are not functioning as information management entities at all.
The Chinese authorities have been announcing a number of deaths and infections that almost no one believes.
Now, they have abandoned even that and are irresponsible enough to transmit "reference" information by their "subordinate organizations.
On the other hand, the U.S. government has been aware of the seriousness of the pandemic situation and has been trying to help.
On the other hand, the U.S. government, aware of the serious pandemic situation, tried to offer a helping hand, but on the other hand, it shut out immigration control to China.
In the absence of public disclosure, an avalanche of unconfirmed information has been released.
The leaked information that 248 million people were infected in 20 days, with more than 10 million infected per day.
As if to corroborate, "Zhejiang Province, China: 'Up to 2 million people infected with corona a day'". 
In contrast to the central government, which has not shown the actual situation, local governments have been making their own estimates one after another.
The recent anti-government movement of "Xi Jinping, Quit, Communist Party, Downtown" is a clear example of the kind of anti-government movement that Chinese society has experienced in past generations.
I had a hunch that we were entering a situation of "upheaval under the rule of heaven," which has been experienced by Chinese society for many generations.
But the process is becoming more and more realistic.
The "legitimacy" of the Communist regime's governance is in a major state of collapse.
In the first place, Xi Jinping himself, the supreme leader, has not said a word about this pandemic.
Xi Jinping, the Communist Party's supreme leader, has not said a single word about the pandemic.
The people are in such a desperate situation, and yet the supreme political leader has not said a word.
The people are being plunged into such a desperate situation, and yet the supreme political leader has not said a word and is not taking responsibility.
They keep boasting loudly about Zero Corona as if it were their own achievement.
The "emperor of power" who keeps boasting loudly about his achievements as if they were his own and never speaks up when things go bad.

Perhaps they thought it was a bad idea, but finally, at 23:31 on 12/26 (Mon.), AFP reported the following.
Chinese President Orders Measures to "Protect Human Life" in Response to Rapid Spread of Infection Following Easing of Corona Restrictions.
The announcement was issued. The statement is unclear, but here it is
"Chinese President Xi Jinping made public remarks for the first time since the country's drastic easing of restrictions on coronas on April 26.
"In his public remarks, he urged authorities to take measures to save lives."
"The prevention and control of infectious diseases now faces new circumstances and challenges."
He urged the authorities to "strengthen community lines of defense to prevent and control epidemics and effectively protect the lives, safety, and health of the people.
We will strengthen the community's line of defense for epidemic prevention and control, and effectively protect the lives, safety, and health of the people," he stated. ~State-run China Central Television (CCTV).
...What is being said is a bureaucratic composition of almost no content.
The content of what was said was almost contentless, bureaucratic composition, and I felt absolutely no sense of bloody determination as the supreme political leader.
On the contrary, I think it is his true nature to "muddy the waters" in this way at this stage of the game.
He is trying his best to play the game of domination, but he is completely unaware of his responsibility in governing.
It is conceivable that the response like Zhejiang's will be a sign that even within the ruling structure, the central power structure will not be able to control the situation.
The central power structure has lost its grip on the situation.

Now that this is another country's problem, we must first ask what Japan can do to deal with this kind of situation in its neighbor.
How should Japan deal with such a situation in a neighboring country?
Now, Japan's foreign minister is unable to execute even his predetermined plan for a visit to China.
There is also a movement to shift domestic political failures to military tensions in the Senkaku Islands and Taiwan.
We need to be prepared to defend Japanese society against a major upheaval in the world.


