English version⬇
[Ancient "human name" of Konohana-no-sakuya (木花之佐久夜).
The scene of being seen by Niniginomikoto on a Jomon beach under cherry blossoms in full bloom. It strongly appeals to the scene of the world of the original Japanese language. It grabs the eagle's eye. The "eagle.
I am gradually becoming more and more interested in the origins of the Japanese language. Yesterday, I mentioned Mr. Motoya Nobunaga's passion for the study of the Kojiki and the determination of his descendants to preserve it.
It was Ryotaro Shiba's historical explorations that led me to think about Kotoba, and it was his exploration of Natsume Soseki and what happened around him during the Meiji period that led me to look at Kotoba in a different light.
The Meiji Revolution was a great revolution. You were strongly informed that everything in society had undergone a fundamental revolution. In the midst of the world's "boiling" situation of the world invasion race of the Western powers that was looming in the Meiji era, only Japan, alone among the Asian world that was far asleep, was engaged in fundamental social innovation. At that time, people such as Soseki Natsume and others, who today are labeled as "great writers," were motivated by the national will to create a "common language of Japan" and to make it the foundation of the modern nation.
As a symbol of this, Natsume Soseki was "called up" to the University of Tokyo, the only institution of higher learning in Japan, and was also ordered to stay in London to create "literature" as part of the national will. In this book, Mr. Shiba explores the inner lives of these Meiji predecessors. The "Meiji Melancholy."
This is how Japan became a "modern nation" in the Meiji period.
However, this was not the only time. In ancient times, the Jomon period, which had formed a leading-edge cultural society in one of the richest climates in the world, experienced a revolution in the development of language itself when it came under the baptism of the "Black Ships"-like civilization revolution with the establishment of the "Ritsuryo State" on the Chinese continent.
I am beginning to be motivated by this realization.
It is from this perspective that I have come to be fascinated by the title of this book, "Names of Persons". I am completely knocked out by the names of these women in the Kojiki (laughs). I have learned that she, the wife of Niniginomikoto, is the origin of the word "sakuya," which eventually became a symbol of Japanese culture, "sakura. More than that, however, I am overwhelmingly impressed by the sense of sound, the frankness and simplicity with which it is expressed.
I feel that her name expresses, to the utmost limit, the sense of the original Japanese language and the "spirit" of the people who have lived in the archipelago with its climatic climate.
I believe that the joy of this cultural society is condensed in its splendor. Such a strong feeling has not left my mind for a moment. I may be in trouble (laugh).
英語がずば抜けて優れていたそうで、ほとんどの教科で主席だったのが漱石とされます。そして23歳の時に東京帝国大学英文科に入学です。だれが漱石を「招集」したのでしょうかね? 大学に招集というのは聞いたことありません。文献をお教えください。