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Aztec Sun Worship, Ancient Mexico, Different from World Religions
The universal value of world religions is the system of thought that rescues people from the suffering of this world. Ancient Mesoamerica, on the other hand, was led by a unique worldview. On the other hand, ancient Mesoamerica was led by a unique worldview.
In the history of human evolution, various religions have emerged and unique value systems have been believed by the people. The Aztecs of Central America are unique among these. In 1325, the Aztecs reclaimed Lake Tescoco in the central Mexican plateau and built the city of Tenochtitlan (now the capital of Mexico) on the water. In 1325, the Aztecs reclaimed Lake Tescoco in the central Mexican plateau and built the city of Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City, the capital of Mexico) on the water. The Aztecs formed the "League of Three Cities" with the two city-states of Tescoco and Tlacopan, and then launched a war against the neighboring states, expanding their power throughout the central Mexican plateau. The population of Tenochtitlan, the royal capital, reached 300,000, and the standard of living was said to be higher than in any European city.
In Japan, there is a story that Nobunaga Oda used the skulls of enemy generals he had destroyed as containers for his subjects to drink sake, and there is also the fact that he brutally killed everyone in Ise Nagashima, in what felt like revenge against the Ikkyu sect. Nobunaga is said to have prayed to become a god himself. In the Chinese mainland states, the massacre of Nemu is also told.
The fact that such a "war mentality" resulted can be confirmed as a universal human anecdote, but in the Aztecs, it was stamped with religiosity, and human beings were sacrificed as offerings to the gods. It was an area that I did not want to be too interested in, but when I was compelled to look into it for this series, I still wanted to avoid the content.
This is the "Head Statue of the God Sipe Totek. The name "Sipe Totec" means "flayed lord," and the god is said to wear the skin of a sacrificed human being. It is said that Aztec kings fought wars possessed by this god.
In Japan, the ethical code of "justice" is often advocated in wars. The sense of value that fighting is for the realization of justice must have been considered important. The setting of righteousness and wickedness was emphasized, as in the case of the government army and the bandit army.
However, this sipé Totec seems to be a bit of a leap. While I respect the religious beliefs of the people, I cannot deny that there is a sense of discomfort.
This tablet, named the Night Sky Tablet, expresses their sense of value as sun god worshippers. The night sky is represented by Venus and stars on both sides, and an eagle and a soldier in the center. The souls of soldiers who died in war or as sacrifices had to travel with the sun through eternity on the celestial sphere.
It is difficult to imagine the religions to which the Aztecs and other ancient Mexican peoples turned because their doctrinal systems are said to have been intermittent, but I cannot help thinking that there is a difference in the basic theme of these religions compared to other religions in general, which focus on "salvation" as their theme.
In Japanese mythology, it is similar to the myth of Izanagi-Izanami, in which Izanagi goes to Hades to look for Izanami, who died first, and is chased by demons.