English version⬇
Onokoro-jima Shrine Exploration-2: "Nushima" of Amanuma-phoko Mythology
The legend of "Numashima," where the drops of water that fell after being stirred up by the sacred Nuboko (bog spear) hardened. The depth of the wisdom of our ancestors that shows the symbolic point of the reason of the nature of the land. ・・・・・.
The Onokoroshima Shrine is located on a hill in Shimohata, Enokorozu, Minami-Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture. According to the history of the shrine, it is located on "a hill said to be the sacred land of Izanagi-Izanami-no-Mikoto in the ancient Mihara Inlet. However
〜According to the mythology of the Kojiki and Nihonshoki, the so-called "Chronicle of the Chronicles of Japan," the gods of heaven gave the sacred Nuboko to Izanagi and Izanami and commanded them to create a new country. The two deities first stood on the floating bridge of heaven and stirred up the chaotic world with the spear they had been given. The drops that fell from the tip of the spear, which rumbled and pulled up the tide, hardened and became an island. This is the island of Onokoro. On this island, the two deities Izanagi and Izanami descended and, in conjugal union, built the sacred pillars and palaces and created the land. Onokoro Island, the setting of the ceremony, is said to be "Nushima. It is said that the heavenly pillar around which the two Izanagi-Izanami-Izanami deities made their conjugal bond was the Kamitachi-kami Rock. 〜The rock is said to be a pillar of heaven where the two gods Izanagi and Izanami made a circle around it and made a conjugal vow.
On NHK's Bratamori, Tamori expressed his impression that he was strongly impressed by this Nushima theory. Furthermore
〜˜Numa Island is only 4 km away from the main island of Awaji Island, but it is on a major fault line of the Japan Central Tectonic Line and is made of crystalline schist that is completely different from the main island. The area surrounding Nushima, which faces the Kii Channel and Osaka Bay, is full of oddly shaped rocks and reefs and offers a rich natural landscape. The southwestern half of the island is covered with black senbaite, the northeastern half with green schist, and the northern part with green mud schist. Kami Tachigami Iwa is an oddly shaped rock that well represents the geological features of Nushima. 30 meters high, it is affectionately called "Tachigami-san" by the people as the symbol of the island. <The above quote is from Kiiwa Hyakkei Plus: https://www.web-gis.jp/GS_Kigan100/K100-093/Kigan100_093pc.html
Since this is a myth and a legend about the boundary between the heavenly world and this world, it is impossible for ordinary people to be certain (laugh). However, I am sure that many of the archipelago's predecessors, through their exploration and observation of the archipelago's climate, would have seen that there were some "definite striations" in this land. It is natural to assume that the geographical sense of the land along the Median Tectonic Line and the sunrise and sunset of the sun was the basis of the "scientific knowledge" of the time.
It is possible to interpret this scientific knowledge in the form of myths and traditions as a way of making it easily understood by the people. Such wisdom seems to have been entrusted in the myth of the birth of the nation. It seems to me that it would be an honest attitude to talk with the "great wisdom" of our ancestors in an unaffected manner.