

【モノ・カネ・情報の交差点 草戸千軒2023再訪-2】

2023-12-14 06:34:38 | 日記



English version⬇

A Crossroads of Goods, Money, and Information: Kusado-Senken 2023 Revisited-2
From the exchange of information on familiar foods to rumors of political and military affairs, information must have been exchanged as a melting pot of the common people in medieval society. ......

Japanese history from the perspective of the people is difficult to find. History is inevitably centered on conflicts and civil wars that are the main "flow" of power transfers, and is told from that perspective. In reality, however, it is the daily lives of ordinary people that are the most important factors in history, and it is the changes and things that do not change that are the most important factors in history.
 Castles and other structures such as "Heijo-kyo" and "Heian-kyo," which involved major civil engineering works, are indeed very monumental, but they do not convey the real voices of the common people. In contrast, the remains that convey the reality of the common people in the medieval period in an easy-to-understand manner are valuable.
 The legendary town of Kusado-Senken, mentioned in the mid-Edo period geographical journal "Biyoroku Gunshi," does not appear on the main stage of history, but as an important point in the Seto Inland Sea trade zone, it must have functioned to ensure the flow of goods. In military affairs, which can be called the extreme end of politics, securing food supplies is critically important for logistics. It is clearer than seeing fire. It is true that "you can't fight a war if your stomach is empty. Vacant lands and riverbanks facing the flow of oceans and rivers, where logistics are actively carried out, are the best places for commercial trade. Places where one can go to buy anything are extremely valuable.
 Kusado-Senken was discovered during renovation work on the Ashida River between the end of the Taisho era and the beginning of the Showa era. However, at that time, the site was never excavated, and it was not until 1961-37 that full-scale excavation work was finally begun, and the name became known throughout Japan. The name was imprinted on Hokkaido boys like a distant thunderbolt.

The figure is a scene from the Ippen Shonin Eaden, which shows people trading in a medieval commercial city. Such scenes could only be seen in paintings such as the pictorial biography. Concrete artifacts were unearthed to bring such spaces into relief. You were able to restore the entire image of the "city" based on empirical evidence based solely on things. Of course, from there, it took a great deal more effort to arrive at a full-scale diorama with a sense of reality.
 At Kusado-Senken, Chinese coins such as Sung and Ming coins, "wooden letters" used as "written agreements" for commercial transactions, and ceramics brought as commodities were excavated. A large amount of earthenware, which must have been used to store such "merchandise," clearly shows the reality of active commercial transactions.
 Although the site is located on the middle bar of the Ashida River, goods were brought to the site by people from surrounding villages and "manor" estates, as well as by junks that took goods in and out of large vessels that traveled to and from the Seto Inland Sea. Naturally, there must have been opportunities for people to exchange information with each other, and information from various regions must have been exchanged.
 I hear that Oda is in power in Kamigata these days.
 "Oh, well, it is widely rumored that Nobunaga will soon become either Grand Minister or Shogun.
 Speaking of which, is tempura in fashion these days?
 "Oh, it's a luxury food that requires a lot of oil.
 I wish I could listen to such rumors on the streets of Kusado-Senken (laughs). Laughs.


