


2024-05-04 04:33:16 | 日記

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English version⬇

[To the Shikokeikan of the "Kobayashi Clan of Ueno Province" of the Southern Dynasty at the end of the 1300s.
Traces of a medieval warrior clan, a rarity in Hokkaido. The traces of a medieval warrior clan, rare in Hokkaido, may be revealed little by little by exploring the vivid "interest structure". ......

Once again, this is a continuation of my visit to Shikokan, located on the eastern coastline of Hakodate City.
 About 10 km further east of Shikokan is the Ishizaki Jishu Kaijinsha Shrine, which was built in the Meiji era (1868-1912). The "Goryo" shrine is enshrined in the form of a "branch shrine" of this shrine, and the name of Kobayashi, the owner of Shikokan, is written there. In addition, the names of the owners of the "Donan Twelve Halls" in 1456 are listed as deities in connection with the Shikokan.
 It is said that this shrine was built around the end of the Meiji period (1868-1912) in "Ishizaki," a place where many people emigrated to Hokkaido relatively early on, and that emigrants from Miyagi Prefecture enshrined the deity of the deceased's hometown. It was not clear as to why such a shrine would worship the Shikokan and Kobayashi clans. It was only after I asked some questions about the shrine's history that I found the "Goryo Shrine" in the photo above. It was too late.
 However, there is a "cenotaph" at the Shikokan site, and the name of this shrine was listed as the organizer of the rituals, so I assumed that when Hakodate City conducted a full-scale survey of Shikokan, a nearby shrine came forward and built a shrine to serve as a local deity.
 However, it is rare to find a shrine facility in Hokkaido with a history dating back 800 years all at once.
 The Kobayashi clan of the Shikokan family is said to have originated in "Ueno Province," according to fragmentary information, although there is not much documentation available. The name of the Kobayashi clan has been known as an important vassal of the Yamana clan since the Kamakura period, when the Yamana clan was the guardian of Ueno Province during the Nanbokucho and Muromachi shogunate periods. When Yamana Toki left Ueno Province in 1337 (Engen 2/Kenmu 4), the first time the Yamana clan was appointed as a guardian of the province, Kobayashi Sakyo Ryo Kuninori was appointed as a deputy guardian.
 Why did the Kobayashi clan, a "local power" in Ueno Province, flee to Shikokendate in Ezo?
 It is thought that they settled peacefully in Shikokukan while the Tsugaru Ando clan was already in power in the region in the 1300s.
 The sudden migration from Ueno Province to Hokkaido Island is very strange.
 One theory is that Yoritomo's extermination of the Oshu Fujiwara clan during the establishment of the Kamakura shogunate was based on his "northern trading interests. In fact, after the establishment of the Shogunate, this major interest was monopolized by the Hojo family.
 It is possible that the Ando clan, which is said to be related to the Oshu Fujiwara clan, had some kind of connection with the Ueno Kobayashi clan on the shogunate side. The Kanto samurai group went to war in large numbers during the Oshu expedition, but it is possible that they were strongly attached to such "interests".
 I would like to explore with interest and patience the medieval history of Japan, which is set in Hokkaido, because it stimulates my awareness of the people involved. If you, the readers, have any information, please let me know.


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