


2023-07-11 05:40:38 | 日記


English version⬇

Conversation with a mandarin duck and the blooming of a Siberian lily
Two unique seasonal expressions of northern summer. The brightness of life plays its own symphony in the midst of nature. The two subjects are as follows.

Morning walkway, yesterday, we spent some time building a trusting (?) relationship. I was able to photograph a young male member of a family of mandarin ducks, posing on a standing tree (lol). (Laughs.) How nice.
 Usually, most of the mandarin ducks are still sleeping, but one of the young male mandarin ducks, which looked like a young male from the color of its feathers, was not so alert and accepted the camera's gaze without hesitation. He was still very conscious of my presence, and only for a short time, when he basically leapt to the surface to escape my gaze, he seemed to say, "Well, I'll let my guard down a little bit.
 That device, it's not meant to harm you, is it?" It is as if he is saying to me, "Well, I'm going to let my guard down a little bit, aren't I? He decided that the iPhone device I was pointing at him was not that dangerous, and for a mere 10 seconds or so, as he descended into the water, he showed his body as if he were looking at me for the camera.
 I have observed them wagging their tail feathers from side to side as an expression of their strong alertness, but I did not see such a gesture. I was pleased with myself because of my limited experience in observing nature. It seems somewhat like a clue to dialogue with Ikimono.
 I walked along the path, feeling completely at ease, and encountered a decisive change in the daylily, which has been showing changes every day recently.
 Finally, among the flower buds that had branched off, there were some that had reached the moment of "blooming.
 As the name "lily" implies, the tips of the thin flower clusters spread out. This appearance can be seen as bewitching or dainty, as an appeal to the unique beauty of this species. Either way, I feel it is an expression of feminine beauty produced by the nature of Hokkaido. I hope to enjoy its impressive beauty for some time to come.
 At the moment, the flower buds are blooming facing slightly downward. Considering gravity, the flowers open slightly downward and then gradually "stand up" in a straight posture.
 As I was taking the shutter to look for blooming individuals, I found one with a snail attached to it as a bonus (laugh).
 It was as if an unscrupulous snail had interrupted the moment when the flower finally blossomed after a long life's work, or as if it was the "destiny" of a flower bud that happened to meet such a fate. As an observer, this kind of coincidence seems to be the very essence of life itself. The two lives of the flower bud and the snail are like the "chance encounter" in Magritte's painting. Summer in the north is really in full swing.


