

【スイッチON 地震噴火頻発時代をどう生きるか?】

2024-04-18 06:59:36 | 日記

 最近の地元の事例・北海道胆振東部地震は2018年9月6日3時7分に北海道胆振地方中東部を震央として発生した地震の記憶が真新しい。地震の規模は気象庁マグニチュード(Mj)6.7、震源の深さは37 km。最大震度は、震度階級でもっとも高い震度7。震度7の観測は北海道では初めてだった。

English version⬇

How to live in the era of frequent earthquakes and eruptions?
Ehime-Kochi earthquake with a maximum intensity of 6 on the Japanese seismic scale, and a large-scale eruption of the Luang Ruang volcano in Indonesia. This is truly a period of crustal activity in the Pacific Rim. We need to always be aware of how to protect ourselves.

At 23:14 on the 17th, an earthquake with an intensity of up to 6 on the Japanese seismic scale occurred in Ehime, Kochi, and other prefectures. As the day dawns, the extent of the damage will gradually become clear, but we can only hope that the damage is minimal.
 Meanwhile, shortly after 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 17, a large volcanic eruption occurred at Luang Ruang volcano in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The volcano's plume is said to have risen to an altitude of 19,000 m. The Meteorological Agency reported that the eruption had no impact on the region. The Japan Meteorological Agency announced that there is no possibility of a tsunami or other impact from this eruption.
 The Noto Peninsula earthquake that occurred just after the beginning of this year is another example of the frequent occurrence of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which are now in full swing. This may be due to the increasing activity of the earth, especially in the Pacific Rim region.
 The most important thing for housing is to be "tough" and to "protect life.
 In particular, concrete measures to protect oneself from the danger of collapsing second floors or roofs when sleeping are also required.
 A recent local example, the Hokkaido Bombshell Earthquake, is a brand new memory of the earthquake that struck at 3:07 a.m. on September 6, 2018, with its epicenter in the central-eastern part of the Bombshell region of Hokkaido. The earthquake had a JMA magnitude (Mj) of 6.7 and an epicenter depth of 37 km. the maximum intensity was 7, the highest on the seismic intensity scale. it was the first time an intensity of 7 was observed in Hokkaido.
 Even at my home in Nishi Ward, Sapporo, which was relatively far from the epicenter of the quake, I remember that for a moment I was enveloped in a psychological state of wondering if this was the end of everything. The intensity of the quake was not even 5, but I strongly felt that it was. Fortunately, there was no damage to houses, and no injuries or other human suffering occurred among the people around us. However, it took a few days for the power to be restored.
 Perhaps there is no area in the Japanese archipelago that is not dangerous.
 While praying for the safety of everyone in the wide areas hit by the earthquake, we will continue to take daily precautions and always give top priority to safety.


