

【伝統的「韓屋」の工法復元 韓国河回村追想-16】

2021-09-03 05:54:45 | 日記


●配置・敷地 南向き・敷地面積500㎡以上・隣接する家屋との距離は100m以内。
●平面計画 建築面積は85㎡以上で縁側と民宿客室活用可能なゲストルーム設置。
●設備 再生可能エネルギー(太陽光風力等)設備の設置推奨。
●基礎 独立基礎または布基礎で礎石上端面寸法は柱断面と同寸法にする。
●柱・梁 外周部の柱は円形で露出し柱・梁などの主要構造部材は1つの原木から
●屋根 本瓦葺で瓦材料は土またはセメント。島嶼地域のみオレンジ色セメント。
●壁・床 水廻り以外の場所にセメント類材料使用は禁止で黄土などの
●窓・玄関 木材または木材色のもので施工する。
●電気 外部から引入れる電気線は地下に埋設する。
●庭・塀 塀は自然と調和する材料で施工し,庭にコンクリート舗装は禁止
●その他 集成材の使用禁止,道内産出の建築材料の優先使用。


English version⬇

[Restoration of traditional "Hanok" construction method -16, Andong Hahoe Village, South Korea]
Andong Hahoe Village, where many Korean "wooden frame construction methods and hanok" that were almost extinct remain
It has been designated as a World Heritage Site and has been highly evaluated.
However, it is said that there are still about 1,000 houses built by traditional construction methods throughout the country.
The reality is that condominiums are overwhelmingly the mainstream.
If you drive in Korea, you will see high-rise condominiums everywhere.
Moreover, it is said that the real estate value is more expensive than that of a detached house.
In fact, it can be said that RC architecture is the only place in a house.
The Jeollanam-do Happiness Village Project challenged such a reality.

The Hanok promotion policy in Jeollanam-do was started by the governor who took office in June 2004. Initially, Jeollanam-do was a traditional hanok
We worked on preservation and revitalization of the guest house business using newly built hanok, but gradually
The emphasis shifts to the development of residential areas in rural areas and fishing villages using hanok.
Business development begins with the publication of the Hanok standard blueprint seven months after taking office as governor.
In December 2005, the definition of hanok was established to serve as the basis for hanok support, and in September 2006.
He set up the Happiness Village Division to promote the Hanok promotion policy.
In 2007, the Happiness Village Division played a central role in the Happiness Village project, which started a residential area development project using hanok.
It started in earnest. It is similar to Hokkaido that the local government becomes the main body of housing promotion.
Eventually, the national people will begin to disseminate Korean culture and respond to the people's taste for wooden houses.
Wooden frame construction method using traditional design as part of the business to disseminate Korean culture
Development and dissemination are being promoted under the name of "Shinhanya Plan".

The conditions such as the parts of the "Hanok Building Promotion Guideline" are described below.
● Arrangement ・ Site facing south ・ Site area 500㎡ or more ・ Distance to adjacent house should be within 100m.
● Floor plan: A guest room with a building area of ​​85 m2 or more that can be used as a guest room on the porch and guest house is installed.
● Equipment Recommended for installation of renewable energy (solar wind power, etc.) equipment.
● Foundation: Independent foundation or cloth foundation, the top surface dimension of the cornerstone should be the same as the column cross section.
● Pillars / beams The pillars on the outer circumference are made circular and exposed, and the main structural members such as pillars / beams are from one log.
It shall be sawn.
● Roof tiles are made of soil or cement. Orange cement tiles are used only in the island areas.
● Walls and floors: The use of cement materials (brick, etc.) in places other than around water is prohibited, such as ocher.
Use environmentally friendly building materials.
● Windows / entrance Use wood or wood-colored materials.
● Electricity Electric lines drawn from outside will be buried underground.
● Gardens and fences are constructed with materials that are in harmony with nature, and concrete pavement is prohibited in the garden.
● Others: Prohibition of use of laminated lumber, priority use of building materials produced in Hokkaido.

The purpose is to maintain and develop the traditional construction method, so it looks like I saw it in Andong Hahoe Village.
The pillars on the outer circumference are circular, and the main structural members such as exposed pillars and beams are sawn from one log.
Items such as the use of environmentally friendly building materials such as loess are listed.
After all, Hahoe Village functions as a de facto "model house", and at the same time
It seems that the restoration work has been elucidating the construction method and excavating the technology.
The craftsmen we met on the tour may be the successors to these traditional construction methods.


