

【芥川龍之介が妻に恋文を書いた 九十九里「芥川荘」-1】

2023-10-06 06:10:31 | 日記

 で、きょうから芥川龍之介篇であります(笑)。たまたま以前に千葉県の九十九里・一宮周辺に行ったことがあり、この芥川荘の存在を知った次第。上の芥川龍之介の写真は出典:国立国会図書館「近代日本人の肖像」 (https://www.ndl.go.jp/portrait/)より。


English version⬇

Ryunosuke Akutagawa wrote a love letter to his wife at "Akutagawa-so" in Kujukuri.
To delve into the basic theme of people and their homes, a person known to everyone is an excellent subject. The space where Ryunosuke Akutagawa wrote his blatant love letters to his wife. The space for writing Akutagawa Ryunosuke's blatant love letter.

This week, I have been going through a series of organizational changes to mark the milestone of a major change in my own environment. However, as a blog, I would like to gradually return to my usual in-depth exploration of the theme of "people and housing.
 I have been covering housing for many years, so I guess my habits have become my "nature," but my basic area of interest is the correlation between the house as architecture and its inhabitants. My interest in housing as architecture and its inhabitants is based on my memories of the experiences I have had in covering housing in the usual magazine style, and from there my interest in the way of life of the inhabitants and their way of living has deepened.
 Through these experiences, I have made it my life's work to take various opportunities to look at living spaces across the country.
 So far, our main operation and activities have been as a media company, but from this change in environment, I would like to have a little more freedom to delve into this personal area of interest. Best regards.
 And so, starting today, I am going to start with the Ryunosuke Akutagawa chapter (laughs). I happened to have visited the Kujukuri/Ichinomiya area in Chiba Prefecture before and learned of the existence of this Akutagawa-so. The above photo of Ryunosuke Akutagawa is from the National Diet Library's "Portraits of Modern Japanese" (https://www.ndl.go.jp/portrait/).
 Ryunosuke Akutagawa is one of the most famous Japanese writers of the post-modern era. I too became familiar with his works through textbooks when I was in elementary and junior high school. In the Meiji era (1868-1912), the Japanese language itself became "unified" as a result of the shift from a decentralized feudalistic system to a centralized system, and a variety of "literary giants" were produced. There must have been a "cultural revolution" in the process of creating a common language. Akutagawa emerged as the embodiment of one of these geniuses.
 After Akutagawa entered the University of Tokyo and began his writing career, Natsume Soseki, who was a central figure in the "pioneering of Japanese language and culture" during the Meiji era, and who was also a teacher at the University of Tokyo, is said to have highly praised Akutagawa and praised him highly.

In the summer of that comet-like summer of Akutagawa's 25th year, he spent all his time creating his works by staying at a remote house on the beach at Ichinomiya-kan in Kujukuri, which was then beginning to become a "tourist spot" with the extension of railroad lines from Tokyo. He wrote a long love letter to "Fumi-chan," who later became his wife (laugh). 25-year-old young man's frank love. Please refer to the stone monument in the photo that tells the story of the situation.
 In Boso Kujukuri, a place where the life force of heaven and earth can be felt, Akutagawa, who was a promising star in the Japanese literary world at that time, wrote a love letter, a space like a hermitage where he wrote his frank thoughts. It is reminiscent of the relationship between architecture and linguistic expression, as in the "Hojo no Han" where Kamo Chomei is said to have written his Hojo Ki. Hojo, by the way, originally meant a building of one length and four sides.
 In the sense of exploring the correlation between people and their homes, I had a strong impression of this building. So, since I have some photos, I will summarize them in a series as a vicarious experience. The photo of Mr. Akutagawa at the top of this page is very similar to the atmosphere of Akutagawa-so, in terms of background and age.


