


2024-03-06 06:15:31 | 日記


English version⬇
[Apple withdraws from EVs. The market is showing its intention of NO-EV.
Driving in Sapporo city, I found a signboard of "BYD". While I strongly sympathize with Apple's decision to "cut its losses", this one...

Apparently, this seems like a decisive blow for EVs.
 From BBC News, February 28, 2024.
It appears that the U.S. company Apple Inc. has withdrawn from the development of electric vehicles (EV). The U.S. media reported this as a related source's story on the 27th. Apple's participation in EV development became a hot topic about 10 years ago, but the company has never officially acknowledged it. It is said that about 2,000 people were involved in the development project. According to Bloomberg, many of them will be moved to the company's in-house artificial intelligence (AI) department.
 I've always thought that in a cold region like Hokkaido, in the wintertime, EVs, a mobile transportation option with risks that could be life-threatening in some cases, is not a viable option...on 11/27/2021,I have also posted a blog article titled "Hokkaido, Cold Regions, EV Cars, and Energy Issues...".
 I have had to be involved in the car as a means of transportation for almost all of my life. Except for a brief period when I was living in Tokyo, where public transportation was developing at a furious pace. I guess I am of the generation that experienced the motorization revolution. Even at my advanced age, I have lived my life thinking that this "freedom of movement" is a matter of fundamental human rights.
 I have been paying attention to the EV option as a tectonic event in the realm of this freedom. As a person from a cold region, I have to keep in mind the rationale for the direction of industrial evolution chosen by the majority of the population in warmer regions, in relation to the trend of market principles. If the market is going in a certain direction, we have no choice but to follow its social decisions.
 In this observation of market trends, Apple is a kind of "weathercock. Indeed, there was a part of me that thought that if the fruits of "self-driving" were to become a reality, we would have no choice but to respond to it, including the recharging infrastructure. The decision was tantamount to Apple "cutting its losses" on its previous development investments.
 As another life time element, I have experienced the cultural revolution of the personal computer culture, and I feel a strong "contemporaneousness" with Apple as a company. My work environment is almost entirely based on Apple's products. I have been at the mercy of the company's zig-zagging ways (laugh).
 The news report has completely blown my mind, and I have decided to choose one of them.
 Driving through the streets of Sapporo, I spotted a store sign that read "BYD. I was astonished to see that they were taking on a challenge in Hokkaido. Do they think they have marketability in the cold regions of Japan?


