


2023-04-17 06:40:17 | 日記


English version⬇
The early budding of flowers, then a complete turnaround to freezing rain and snow.
In the business world, a variety of activities are underway on a big wheel. AI technology, such as ChatGPT, is the focus of much attention. It's been three cold and four warm days, but the season is definitely moving. ...

It is now mid-April and Golden Week will begin next week, so we are finally hearing the news of cherry blossoms blooming from many places in Hokkaido. In fact, the sakura (cherry blossoms) were in full bloom in the garden of the library across the street from our house. So, in the spirit of spring, I took a little trip yesterday, even though it was raining, to a familiar fish shop in Yoichi, Nioka Shoten, to see the seasonal fish situation. The current status of seafood from the east coast of the Shakotan Peninsula, including Yoichi, was on display. The main catch still seems to be flounder, and we were able to purchase a slightly larger one, which was being grated for sashimi.
 On the road trip, we sometimes saw cherry trees in bloom. I thought that perhaps the cherry trees would be in full bloom before the consecutive holidays, but the situation took a turn for the worse early today morning, with snow mixed in along with freezing rain. The temperature has dropped dramatically since yesterday, with a high of 5° today, 9° lower than the previous day. Three cold and four warm days in Hokkaido.
 The photo shows wild flowers seen on the Hassamu River the day before yesterday. The photo shows a group of wild flowers I saw on the Hassamu River the day before yesterday. I can remember the names of characteristic flowers, but it is difficult for me to remember the names of wild flowers that tell me the base of the local sense of the season. Or rather, I don't have that much interest in them, but I feel an irresistible nostalgia for them.
 From this week onward, I have a lot of things going on at work. We have been utilizing AI technology in our new project related to residential image databases, and ChatGPT-related topics are rapidly gaining momentum worldwide, and it seems that the "harmonic system" of AI research at Hokkaido University, with whom we are collaborating, is attracting more and more attention. Dr. Hidenori Kawamura, who is leading AI technology in Japan in terms of scientific research, has been sending out information in various forums. Recently, I received an invitation to an event he was going to give a lecture at, and when I immediately responded to the e-mail to attend, I was told that the event was already "fully booked. I replied to the e-mail and found that the event was already "fully booked." I guessed that it must have attracted a lot of attention.
 I was told that an AI-related exhibition will be held at Tokyo Big Sight in May, and that our partner companies will be exhibiting at the event. Since it is somewhat related to AI, I am planning to visit the exhibition as well. I have also heard that our tools were introduced at an IT-related event the other day and received a good response.
 Although the snow still comes back from time to time (laugh), we are determined to make steady progress toward the end of spring. Well...


