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The Yatsubusa cedar is a Yamata-no-orochi! The First Victory of the Jinmu Expedition (The 37,000 Year History of the Japanese Archipelago, Vol. 55)
Almost every Japanese house has a Shinto altar. The spiritual history is strongly projected. The series of the history of the Japanese Islands finally reaches its climax (laughs). ...
Today is finally the big day of the year.
This is the 55th in a series of articles on the "History of the Japanese Islands" that I have started writing on this blog, which has "Exploring Housing" as its main theme.
Although I am a media informant specializing in housing, when I think of houses and people, the theme of "Japaneseness" also makes me think about it at the same time.
A common denominator of Japanese houses is the presence of a Shinto altar and a Buddhist altar as a matter of course.
As my "coverage" spreads from Hokkaido to various regions, at the same time my interest in things like spiritual history, such as history and the state of old houses, cannot help but expand.
It is an inevitable extension of the theme for me, but the visit to the National Museum of Japanese History and Folklore in Chiba Prefecture for a major reform of the ancient exhibition stimulated me intensely and opened the door to the history of the archipelago (laugh).
It will continue beyond the big day, but today is a kind of climax.
Today is a kind of climax. It is a cross-sectional examination of the myth of "Jinmu Tojo," a series of stories about the first time that Ianyohiko-no-mikoto assumed the position of Emperor of Japan.
The photo above is a view of the "Yatsufusa cedar" in the precincts of the "Sakurazane Shrine" in Uda, Nara Prefecture. Uda is located in the mountainous region to the east of the Yamato Plain.
It is a pivotal location for the legend of Jimmu's eastern expedition, an important part of the Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan).
This Yatsufusa cedar is said to have been planted by Emperor Jinmu when he encamped here for his campaign to pacify Yamato.
The following is a description of the events before and after this time in the Shoki (Chronicles of Japan).
There were two brothers living in Uda, Eukashi (elder brother Ukashi) and Otoukashi (younger brother Ukashi).
The elder brother, Eukashi, built a large palace under the pretense of offering his services.
And when he had set a trap inside the palace and was waiting, the younger brother Otoukashi snitched.
Michinoomi (an ancestor of Otomo-ren) and Ohokume (an ancestor of Kume Naoshi and others), who had made the trap for themselves.
Eukashi was killed with a trap of their own making.
This Yatsubosugi, as one can see, gives the impression of an "eight-forked serpent - Yamata-no-orochi".
The world of Kiki is thought to have taken an easy-to-understand form of expressing the legitimacy of its power according to the understanding of the people at the time of its establishment, rather than the exact historical facts, so it is possible that it was contrived as a pioneer myth of royal authority.
Since I went there to take pictures, I would like to receive and reacquaint myself with it, at least as it is, plainly.
From an economic viewpoint, the starting point of the Eastern Expedition was undoubtedly northern Kyushu.
From among the "advanced ruling class" of the Kuni in this region, who had accumulated wealth through rice paddy farming, people who had extensively studied the "geopolitics" of the entire Japanese archipelago realized the superiority of the Kinai region and carried out a strategy to occupy it.
It is obvious that they had secured the transportation network of such sea people from early on, although they moved between the Genkainada Sea and the Seto Inland Sea region.
Once they landed at Naniwazu, but Nagasunebiko, who ruled the Nara Basin, was able to raise an army and repel them. The leader of the army, Jinmu's elder brother, was hit by an arrow and later died.
From there, he diverted to Kii Kumano, and went out to the east of the hostile forces in the Nara Basin and attacked them from the rear, winning the battle.
It is hard not to think that the "Kumano Suigun," a network of sea people following the Seto Inland Sea, was heavily involved in the battle. This is also thought to have been the origin of the Kumano faith.
The land of Uda was the site of the first victory in the war of conquest.
When I visited there, I found that Uda was a mountainous area, and it seems that the Jinmu army deployed a covert strategy to exploit the enemy's weakness.
So, the theme of this blog is to go into the ancient history of the Yamato Plain.