

【ひとをやさしく迎える食の空間 氷川神社末社・安楽寺庫裡-3】

2023-07-29 05:40:42 | 日記


 ちなみに「筋を通す」という公正性の言語表現はどうも日本独特のようにも思われる。WEBで翻訳コンニャクしてみた。「筋を通す→proceed in a logical manner」語感では日本語と違い「合理的」「ロジカル」というニュアンスが強い。日本語の「誠実さ」といったニュアンスは感じられない。
English version⬇

A space for food that gently welcomes people: The Anrakuji Temple Kori, a branch of the Hikawa Shrine - 3
The Japanese sense of ethics originates from the polytheistic fairness of Shintoism and Buddhist syncretism. We will look at the traces of this in the relationship between the individual and society. ...

This is the third part of our visit to a temple kori residence in the Japanese tradition of Shinto/Buddhist syncretism.
 These meeting spaces attached to temples are thought to have continued to play the role of "community centers and meeting places" in local communities in the Japanese spirituality. I believe that they were spaces for local "huddling" that had a strong public character. Yesterday I described it as a "cradle of people's sense of ethics," and for this area of Saitama City in Saitama Prefecture, this space with its Shinto/Buddhist syncretism had such a character.
 In my own experience at the site, I felt as if I was seeing a typical architectural appearance. In European society, Christianity, a monotheistic spiritual code, is the norm, but in Japanese society, a completely different, yet unique, ethnocentric "sense of ethics" prevails. The substance of this spirituality lives simply in the exterior of the thatched roof and the segai-zukuri style. It is not a sense of devotion, but a sense of ethics that makes you tense up and your mind become selfless. The temple is not a place for devotion.
 For such a gathering function, it is also essential to have a place where people can eat. The photos above show a kamado (a bamboo stove) on the earthen floor, a "sink" in front of the house, and a dining space with a sunken hearth around the fireplace.

A group of healing devices that gently welcome the gathered people with a spirit of selflessness. Perhaps the participants brought a variety of foodstuffs, cooked them in these kamado and sinks, and ate them in the sunken hearth space. The smoke rising from the gently heated food and the unique aroma of the food must have dominated the space and freed people's minds. This place may be the foundation of a cohesive device for such a sense of community.
Here, I have some fish I caught this morning..."
"Oh, well, I'll have some of the morning's wild vegetables with it.
Then we'll finish it off with a chicken stew.
 The sense of symbiosis through food deepened with each gathering. It is believed that such a social consciousness has been strongly cultivated among Japanese people. The opportunity for this was the belief in a variety of religious values and the belief in the eight million gods, and the reverence for the mihotoke.
 Japanese architecture may have continued to exist as a place to reaffirm such sociality, but Japanese architecture is based on wooden framing, and the structural materials are generally expressed as they are. I believe that honest wood framing "through the muscles" supported the Japanese mentality of such sociality in an unconscious way. The architectural structure must have also constituted a simple ethnic ethic.
 I tried to translate the Japanese word "musu-suji" into Japanese on the web. The word "suji wo koru→proceed in a logical manner" has a strong nuance of "rational" and "logical," unlike the Japanese word "sincerity. It does not have the nuance of "sincerity" in Japanese.
 The relationship between Japanese spirituality and architecture is also extremely interesting.


