

【密教的な夜景・水庭ホタテ貝と対話する温室 淡路夢舞台-7】

2023-03-04 05:40:59 | 日記



English version⬇

Esoteric nightscape, greenhouse interacting with water garden scallops Awaji Yumebutai-7
Tadao Ando's architecture and Kukai's Koyasan Buddhist buildings. I feel that their orientations are similar. This is just an impression stage from my experience. ...

 The greenhouse with a glass surface skin is the white-hot jewel of the nightscape of Awaji Yumebutai. Its front garden-like water garden reflects the appearance of the greenhouse, giving it a sparkling appearance like a jewel. It also reveals a delicate appearance in contrast to the whispering silhouette of the scallop shells that cover the bottom of the water, introduced yesterday. The plants inside the sculpture give us a darker shadow of a sense of life, like a sleeping creature. Although they are sleeping, we can somehow feel the "flickering" of life.
 The surrounding area is a green park that aims to artificially restore nature, but it is contrasted by a world that looks like a city illumination. The organic presence of the lighting contrasts with this environment.
 Although lighting is basically planned in accordance with the "use" of the interior, this nightscape exterior makes us believe that the main architectural functionality of the building was to provide such a visually realistic experience.
 The architectural fields of thermal insulation and airtightness that Hokkaido's government, academia, and civilian sectors have been working on are, so to speak, the "manifestation" side of architecture, while Ando's architecture may have an "esoteric" orientation. I was immersed in a moment of contemplation, wondering if this is a regional cultural characteristic of the Kansai region, which is home to Koyasan. The sense of impermanence of scallop shells....
 This is just an impression from my experience, but it seems to me that there is a historical tradition of such "atmosphere" at the base of Tadao Ando's architectural orientation and the Kansai region's endemic culture that deeply supports it. I am a Shingon Buddhist of esoteric Buddhism, so in a sense, I have a part of my body that accepts this kind of atmosphere.
 Perhaps Kukai's goal of "Koyasan" was a group of buildings that embodied the esoteric worldview of the Japanese people. Koyasan, where the flat terrain on the mountain and the temple buildings emerge after finally passing through the steep mountain path, may have been deeply imprinted on the Japanese people as an esoteric "architectural" experience.

house. I would like to visit the greenhouse and the open-air theater at the far end of the greenhouse next time.


