旧石器時代14542と縄文時代草創期2526となる。 重複文化層を1遺跡として
English version⬇
Throwing Spears and Pitfalls The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago - 7
The evolution of technology in the Stone Age occupation of hunting. Pitfall hunting brought advanced "deception" techniques and became the basis of "psychological manipulation" technology? .......
In the Stone Age, hunting animals was the basic livelihood and means of securing products.
Many archaeological sites have been found throughout the Japanese archipelago.
There are many archaeological sites throughout the Japanese archipelago, and as a society, there were settlements, and trade between them developed actively.
However, since hunting is the basic occupation, the social density of the society depends on the absolute number of the target population.
According to the archaeological site database compiled by the Paleolithic Society of Japan in 2010, in the Japanese archipelago
The total number of Paleolithic and Pioneer Jomon Period sites/cultural strata is 16771, broken down as follows.
Paleolithic 14542 and Jomon Period 2526. If the overlapping cultural layers are counted as one site, the total number of sites per cultural layer is
The Paleolithic period is 10150 sites and the Jomon period is 2432 sites.
If we consider the Paleolithic period of approximately 22,000 years and the Jomon period of 13,000 years, then the number of sites itself is about the same as the number of Paleolithic sites.
The number of Paleolithic sites itself can be said to be large.
However, considering the ability of the social means of production to sustain a population, the Jomon, which was suited to residential concentration
The Jomon, however, had a social means of production and population maintenance, and the Paleolithic required a wider area of development.
Modern humans have already lost the ability and experience to hunt.
Perhaps they have been "sublimated" into a completely different ability and retained.
Let's compare spear-throwing and pitfall hunting in the illustration and diorama.
One wonders about the probability of capture by spear.
The production efficiency must be affected by the unscientific factor of the archer's skill.
Also, on the part of the prey, if it escapes from danger several times, its experiential knowledge will improve, and it will be more likely to act on the safe side with humans.
It is highly likely that the prey will learn to behave more humanely and safely.
The other day, one of my friends got hit, so I'll be more careful.
On the other hand, for pitfall hunting, it seems that more systematic hunting was possible.
As shown in the figure, a group of humans could drive a group of prey animals into a herd and ambush them in a fixed position.
The production efficiency may have been enhanced by the fixed ambush of a group of prey animals as shown in the figure.
Also, clearly, the horizon has changed from a world of individual skill to a world of collective intelligence.
This may have promoted more strategic and systematic development of intelligence.
The social background of this change was not explained or disclosed.
It is a "trick technique," if you will.
and controlling it in advance is also applied to interpersonal relationships.
It is easy to imagine that this kind of "ingenuity" to detect and control animal psychology was applied to interpersonal relationships as well.
It may have served as an opportunity to awaken to the intellectual pleasure of social manipulation and deception.
Well, it has been 37,000 years, so I am not sure how much we have improved our intelligence as a species, or how much our DNA has evolved.
I am not sure. However, it is about half of the time in the history of the present human species.
I would like to see how we have evolved during this period.
Although it is said that the first humans appeared in Africa about 70,000 to 80,000 years ago, the history of the present human species is still very different from that of the past.
In contrast to this, the accumulation of empirical knowledge in this archipelago is quite long.
The regional nature of the Japanese archipelago may also have played a significant role in the evolutionary process.
On the other hand, humans are thought to have shared their evolution over a fairly wide area through trade.
In fact, sharp and highly useful materials such as obsidian were distributed over a wide area.
I wonder whether such information sharing involved a specific "division of labor" function.
Did such entities as traders help to share wisdom in a specialized way?
The scale of my questions and interests keeps growing and growing, and I can't stop (laughs). ...