


2024-06-24 06:19:29 | 日記



English version⬇

The Vacant House Issue and the Nipponistic "Family Lineage Tradition" Psychology
 The shift to the nuclear family and the difference in button position of the traditional "family lineage survival" mentality. The survival of the physical house, the liquidation of assets and liabilities, and other interesting aspects of the Japanese house. ...

Yesterday I wrote about the vacant house problem based on a lecture I attended. I believe that this "vacant house problem" is a problem that symbolizes the present and future of the Japanese people and is related to the foundation of the "house" system.
 I have been involved with housing magazines for many years, but I think the main theme of my work has been housing as architecture. On the other hand, the "house" for the Japanese people is a matter of the "spirit" of passing on the family lineage, which is a fundamental element of "folklore" as elucidated by Kunio Yanagida.
 A house is a cultural realm of existence that concretely realizes "family succession and long-term survival of the family lineage," which is the fundamental spirituality of the Japanese people. Therefore, it is deeply related to "a way of life," and a "prestigious space" has been created from it.
 Such a "sense of value" of a house has been at the bottom of people's desire to build a house.
 Today, the "livability" of residential construction has been technologically elucidated, and some people even take it as if it were its own "purpose. Well, it may be the emergence of a kind of "fundamentalism," but the calm mindset of the majority probably sees it in a completely different light.
 Looking at the "vacant house" issue from such a perspective, it seems that at the bottom lies a "structural change in the family system" in the cultural phase of family lineage transmission and in the phase brought about by social changes such as the shift to the nuclear family.
 To put it simply, there is a situation in which a person has a house that he or she built separately from the "parent's house," which is not consistent with the idea of family lineage inheritance. On the other hand, the social system of "inherited property" is still strictly in place, and it can be said that problems are arising.
 It can be said that people have spent their lives with a different sense of value from that of family lore, and housing construction has emerged as an asset or a "liability" of the family line, and a new question of consistency is being asked.
 The population of Japan has tripled and quadrupled since the Meiji Era. Since the start of the postwar period, the population has almost doubled in size. The greatest phenomenon that has occurred during this period is probably the accelerated increase in the number of housing units as a result of the "concentration of population in cities.
 The trend of the Japanese people as a bloodline will continue to decline. On the other hand, it is difficult to foresee the future because of the possibility of global immigration and other population movements. In terms of housing, there is the possibility of determining what the "trend" will be and choosing to move strategically in that direction.
 Japanese houses may be approaching a very interesting area.

<The photo shows an oak tree on the approach to the Hokkaido Shrine that is believed to be about 200 years old.


