・1780年 常陸国筑波郡上平柳村の農家に生誕。家系は戦国期小田原の北条氏の家臣だった武家出自で秀吉の小田原攻めによってこの地に落ち延び,帰農したという。
・1792年(13歳)筑波山に登り立身出世を祈願 村の海老原庄右衛門から算術を習う
・1798年 近藤重蔵、最上徳内らエトロフに渡り「大日本恵登呂府」の標柱を建てる。
English version⬇
National Defense Awareness of Russian Aggression Boils Over - Rinzo Mamiya's Birthplace - 2
As the basic composition of the world, the Russian state has always been an invasion danger state. What is happening now in Ukraine was correctly recognized as a crisis more than 200 years ago. ...
It seems that saying "Rinzo Mamiya" does not "resonate" so well with people of today's generation (laughs). (Laughter) Well, is it any wonder? Who is Rinzo Mamiya? It seems to be a natural reaction. So, here is a brief history and chronology of Rinzo Mamiya's career up to the time he served in the Shogunate.
Born in 1780 in a farmhouse in Kamihirayanagi Village, Tsukuba County, Hitachi Province. His family was a vassal of the Hojo clan in Odawara during the Warring States period, and he returned to farming after Hideyoshi's invasion of Odawara.
In 1787 (age 8), he started going to a temple school.
1792 (age 13): Climbed Mt. Tsukuba to pray for success in life, and learned arithmetic from Ebihara Shoemon in the village.
1795 (Age 16) Shimojo Kichinosuke, a shogunate contractor, discovered his talent for civil engineering and arithmetic during a trip to the area to work on a weir.
In 1798, Kondo Shigezo, Mogami Tokunai, and others traveled to Etorofu and erected the "Dai Nihon Etorofu" marker.
This is an overview of the background of the period and his own career. Later, he went on a surveying expedition to Hokkaido Island and Sakhalin Island, and discovered the Mamiya Strait, which remains on world maps to this day, and strongly demonstrated to the Western world opinion against Russia that the Japanese were here to stay.
In recent years, it has become clear that the central government of the Edo period (1603-1867) had a detailed grasp of world affairs. The Shogunate's decision to open the country to the outside world and to choose the U.S. over the dictatorship of Russia as a countermeasure is considered to be evidence of its deep insight into world affairs.
Basically, he correctly recognized that he had to fight against Russian aggression with Britain and the United States as dialogue partners. A global strategy as Japan that later led to the "Anglo-Japanese Alliance" during the Russo-Japanese War. Based on this international recognition, the Shogunate was developing diplomatic and military strategies for the defense of Japan's land on the island of Hokkaido as the most important region. Under such circumstances, the Shogunate seems to have been recruiting many talented scientists and engineers from the private sector.
Rinzo Mamiya, who was highly regarded as a child prodigy for his studies in arithmetic, was scouted at the age of 16 and sent to Edo (Tokyo), where he threw himself into the tense situation in the northern part of Japan in relation to Russia.
The danger of Russia, a lawless nation that even today carries out acts of aggression against Ukraine with impunity. The Japanese people became increasingly aware of the need to defend their land against this tyrannical hegemonic state. The Shogunate responded to the crisis in the form of the appointment of talented civilians such as Rinzo Mamiya. At the time, the world's nations, led by Britain and the U.S., viewed Russia as a danger and strategically responded to contain it.
The fact that Japan had a completely different international perception from other Asian nations and established its own position on the side of the more liberal Britain and the U.S. in response to Russia's harsh military aggression stance is still prevalent today.
The basis of national defense is a calm and dispassionate geographical grasp of the country. Gaining a "geographical advantage" in the fight against Russia is a prerequisite. I have no objection to the strategic policy that Hokkaido Island is the front line of Japan's defense against Russia.
The calm land survey activities of Mamiya Rinzo and his group played a key role in establishing Japan's strategy. In particular, the fact that the continent and Sakhalin Island were not connected by land was used by the world as the basis for strategic planning.
It is interesting to see what was going through the mind of Rinzo Mamiya, a boy who was hailed as a child prodigy in his homeland.