

【ナゾのユダヤ系?関東入植民 千葉芝山古墳探訪-1】

2023-11-29 06:37:10 | 日記



English version⬇

A Jewish Tomb of Nazo descent? Kanto Settlement, Chiba Shibayama Kofun Tomb Exploration-1
The unique haniwa terra-cotta tombs of Shibayama, Chiba Prefecture, are known for their mysterious formations. We finally visited the exhibition "Shibayama Kofun Haniwa Museum". A surprising visit to the ancient history. The museum is located in the center of Chiba Prefecture.

Dr. Hidemichi Tanaka of Tohoku University (Japanese art historian and historian. Professor Emeritus of Tohoku University.) However, as an ordinary person, I still feel that it is a bit of a leap, and I would like to see more academic verification of the theory.
 As a basis for this theory, Dr. Tanaka strongly points out a group of haniwa (clay figurines) from the Tonozuka and Himezuka burial mounds, which are stored in the "Shibayama Kofun Haniwa Museum" in Shibayama Town, Chiba Prefecture. I was able to visit the museum this year. I was allowed to take photos of this exhibition, so I would like to review them and consider Mr. Tanaka's romantic theory.
 The top photo is a restored male figure, which could be called the main part of the exhibition. The photo below shows a "warrior haniwa" (clay figurine) excavated during the excavation of a burial mound in 1956, which is dated to the latter half of the 6th century.
 He wears a wide-brimmed hat (crown) and wears a long, unique "mizura" hairstyle. This hairstyle was one of the first boys' hairstyles in the Yamato period. The hair is parted in the center of the head and tied in a loop around the ears. In some cases, a comb is inserted into the knot.
 This male haniwa with a full beard is typical of the Shibayama haniwa style.
 In his theory, Dr. Tanaka cites this style of appearance, especially the "wide-brimmed" hat, as a characteristic of ancient Jewish customs, and uses it as the basis for his own theory. It is true that Japanese people have long continued the custom of tying up their hair in a bun and protecting their heads with a hat such as a crow's-bill hat. This culture is said to have been influenced by the Chinese culture, but the wide-brimmed hat seems to be unique to the Japanese culture.

The above table shows the chronology of Japanese history and these tumuli, which correspond to the late 500s of the 6th century, the period when the Soga clan's rule was at its peak in the central part of Japan. The family of this tumulus must have been one of the clans that gained as much regional power as the Kunizukuri in the Boso region at this stage of history.
 In the Kanto region, the Boso region is one crossing by sea from the Miura Peninsula, and if one were to go from the Kinai region to the Kanto region, it would be on the main route in ancient times. For this reason, the Boso area had the most burial mounds in the Kanto region. There is no doubt that the Boso area was recognized as the most advanced region in the Kanto region. The Yamato clan was powerful in such an area and had strong ties with the central Yamato royal authority in the form of the front-recessed circular mounds.
 It is possible that the Qin clan, which gave birth to Qin Shi Huangdi on the Chinese continent, was allowed by the Yamato kingdom to develop and control this region and settled there. It is true that the Japanese archipelago was the largest frontier in East Asia during this period. Dr. Tanaka's theory is that the Hata clan may have been a member of the Jewish tribe.
 The Hata clan is well known in the Kyoto area, and it is true that they repeatedly immigrated to the Japanese archipelago in waves. This is a blog series in which I would like to consider this theory in my own way. To be continued tomorrow.


