


2024-03-29 07:07:23 | 日記


English version⬇

[Sudden death of a high school classmate, farewell.
From adolescence to the end of life. We have been talking to each other in our own language in the whirlpool of our respective dark nights. At a direct meeting, they poured local sake together, using their illnesses as the perfect accompaniment. The story of the disease is a good one to share with others.

As we pass the age of 70, we have no choice but to accept the fact that we may disappear from each other's lives at any moment as a self-evident fact of life in this dark night.
 However, I was horrified to learn that just the other day, a friend of mine, who seemed to be in good health at a New Year's party, suddenly disappeared from sight, as reported in the obituary column of a newspaper.
 Without any sense of realization, I put on my tie for the first time in a while and headed for the venue.
 Five of my high school classmates who live near our house share a car and drive to the funeral home together.
 Since we were high school classmates, we were attending such an event, but in the car, light talk and jokes were exchanged, and time and space were instantly transported back more than half a century. We think that this kind of relationship is the most appropriate way to send off a friend.
 After the funeral, more than 10 people gathered at the reception, which was held on our own initiative without anyone's notice.
 I am not much of a drinker, but as I tasted a variety of Hokkaido's local sake, I was mellowed by the depth of the time I spent with my friends, and my mind drifted off into a state of relaxation.
 We were drinking sake in the face of the immovable fact that this is how people are becoming demons in a quiet manner.
 The topic of conversation was each person's serious "illness bragging contest.
 Each of them received information from a friend who had become a doctor, and each of them came to a realization that he or she would have to fight again with each other.
 One by one, they will probably leave the front lines of battle in the future.
 However, the existence of such a place for flat exchange of information may be a source of emotional support, even if only for a short time, when they leave for other lands. I am grateful for that.
 With my best regards.


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2024-03-29 09:32:15

