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Asuka Palace Site (Itabukinomiya)" Asuka Historical Testimony-9
A land with vigorous natural resilience. The central area of power is quickly reduced to a landscape of rice paddies and grass. It is a landscape of the origin of Japan's pacifism. ...
The area designated as a historic site in 1972 as "Historic Site, Den Asuka Itabukinomiya-gū Ato" was
The name was changed to "Asuka Palace Site" in October, 2008.
According to the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) and other records, the palaces of successive emperors were located one after another for about 100 years in the 7th century from Emperor Suiko to Emperor Jito.
The Chronicles of Japan and other documents state that the palaces of successive emperors were built one after another in Asuka during the 100 years of the 7th century from Emperor Suiko to Emperor Jito.
Since 1959, the Archaeological Institute of Kashihara has continued excavations.
The central part of the palace is a rectangular section (inner wall) measuring approximately 158 m east to west and 197 m north to south.
A large dugout pillar building and a stone-paved plaza were found inside the inner wall.
The pillar layout of the building on the northeast side of the inner wall and the well are restored to the immediate left of the location where this nameplate is placed.
This is a restoration of the well and the pillar layout of the building on the northeast side of the inner wall.
The buildings, rows of pillars, and masonry ditches surrounding the inner wall are called the "outer wall.
These are called the "outer wall.
On the southeast side of the inner wall, there is a large hottate-bashira building, which is believed to be the Ebinoko-daiden.
These remains are the remains of the Saimei Tenmangu Shrine.
These remains are related to the "Go-Asuka Okamoto Palace" of Emperor Saimei and the "Asuka Kiyomihara Palace" of Emperor Temmu Mochito.
These remains are thought to correspond to the "Asuka Jomihara Palace" of Emperor Saimei and the "Asuka Jomihara Palace" of Emperor Temmu Jito. 〜The above is from the inscription.
The Fujiwara-kyo and Heijo-kyo Capital later became the center of international
The Fujiwara-kyo and Heijo-kyo Capital were built as "cities" that were suitable for a capital city in light of the international situation
The later Fujiwara-kyo and Heijo-kyo were intended to be "city-builders" that would be suitable for a capital city, but
The royal palaces of the earlier period were composed of a necessary and sufficient structure with the emperor's residence at the center.
It is located within a few hundred meters from Ikegakobo and Asukadera, which we have introduced so far.
When we come to this palace site today, we see that the surrounding area is covered with rice paddies.
In addition, the stone pavement and ward stones were clear at the time of the initial designation as a historic site.
It can be seen that the grass is eventually becoming deeper and deeper.
In terms of impression, it seems to be the remains of a very simple power structure.
The legend that Emperor Nintoku saw no smoke rising from the houses of his people and encouraged them to save money seems to me to be a story that can be accepted honestly.
The traces of power stamped out with stones are still there.
The traces of power trampled with stones eventually turned into rice paddies and covered with grass.
The peaceful scene is reduced to a pastoral landscape.
Standing in such a landscape
I am reminded that Japan's original kingship was originally only this small, and that the Tang Dynasty, the superpower of East Asia, was a great power.
The emergence of the Tang Dynasty, the superpower of East Asia, and its diplomatic response to the Tang Dynasty, as well as the maintenance of independence, were very important in the development of the country's power structure.
The emergence of the Tang Dynasty, the superpower of East Asia, was an extremely important factor in the development of the country's power structure.
In reality, the political and military situation on the peninsula was in turmoil, and as a result of the Baekchon River War
The Baekje people were naturalized in Japan in great numbers, and they learned firsthand of the might of the Tang Dynasty.
They were desperate to strengthen their royal power in exile in Japan.
I am inclined to strongly agree with this view of history.
Chinese power has always shown itself to be openly violent toward the peninsular region, and island societies were prepared for the threat.
The archipelagic societies have responded to this threat.
The security principle of the Japanese government led to its active acceptance of the Ritsuryo Code and Buddhism.
It is clear that this kind of theory of international relations was at the bottom of Japanese history.
Fortunately, the fact that Japan is located on the other side of the sea has historically allowed it to escape the continental eradication of its male DNA and the genocide of its people.
The reality of history is that Japan has historically escaped genocide by eradicating continental male DNA.
This may be the origin of the Japanese sense of peace.