

【テオティワカンの動物偶像と八咫烏 古代メキシコ-5】

2023-09-21 06:41:27 | 日記



English version⬇

Animal Idols and Yatagarasu at Teotihuacan, Ancient Mexico - 5
Strange ducks and snakes. Animal symbolism adorns the discourse. Ancient Mexico is characterized by an outstanding sense of modeling. Can the yatagarasu barely compete with them?

In Teotihuacan, which flourished in ancient Mexico from around 100 B.C. to 500 A.D., idols in the shape of various animals have been found in religious pyramids and other structures.
 The photo above shows one of the most eye-catching finds at the exhibition, an extremely colored "bird-shaped" earthenware vessel. It was named "strange duck" by the discoverer. I can understand the sense of surprise when one encounters such a form for the first time. It is believed to be a "vessel" with ornate decorations such as shells. Teotihuacan is said to be a religious city at a high altitude of over 2,000 meters, so shells are not produced in the local area. Therefore, it is possible that a business of shell merchants, who were in charge of trade between the inland area and the Gulf Coast society, was established, and that these vessels were offered as burial accessories by these merchants. It is assumed that the animal species had a meaning as a funerary offering to the deceased.
 The photo below shows a "knife-shaped eccentric" that had the same purpose as the "snake-shaped eccentric (two-sided processed stone tool). Excavated from the "Pyramid of the Moon" at Teotihuacan. Eccentric is a stone tool with a complex shape created by fine peeling. It is said that a large amount of such animal-shaped artifacts have been excavated from burial tombs. While primordial nature beliefs seem to be a fundamental characteristic of their culture, it is possible that they used such animal figures as universal "vocabulary" communication tools.
 By modeling snakes, they may have given the tools some kind of religious message.

Japan has a historical tale of the Jinmu expedition, which is almost contemporaneous with Japanese history.
 One of the most impressive animal tales is the myth of the raven. The three-legged raven, depicted in the three-legged raven statue at Kumano Hongu Taisha Shrine, is said to have been inspired by the three-legged raven myths of Chinese mythology, which came to Japan via the Korean Peninsula.
 Emperor Jinmu headed for Yamato in an attempt to build a capital to rule the country in the east. He crossed the Seto Inland Sea, went up the Yodo River from Namba, entered Kawachi, and attempted to go to Yamato, but was defeated and retreated when he was intercepted by Nagasunebiko, a powerful Yamato tribe. Jinmu attributed this defeat to the fact that although he was a descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu, he fought from the west to the east, facing the sun, and thus he sought to invade Yamato by detouring southward through the Kii Peninsula and then northward from Kumano.
 It is said that a raven descended from the heavens at that time and marched without hesitation through the mountains of Kumano to reach the banks of the Yoshino River. The myth of the raven is probably the most famous animal tale in Japanese folklore.
 The technique of giving animals a kind of magical meaning and narrative of authority and ornamentation. In the case of the Japanese people, it is likely that similar meanings were given to animals in ancient Mexico as well. In ancient Rome, the myth that the founder of the emperor was raised by wolves. Perhaps such a story must have existed in ancient Mexico as well.
 Still, the primordial sense of humor of this strange duck is outstanding. It sticks deeply in my mind and won't leave my head (laughs).


