

【空海が見た豊穣の海 四国36番札所「青龍寺奥の院」-1】

2023-03-20 05:24:45 | 日記




English version⬇

The Sea of Abundance as Seiryu-ji Temple, Shikoku's 36th temple, is located in the inner sanctuary of Seiryu-ji Temple.
When he became enlightened and opened his eyes, there was only the sky and the sea. I stood on a cliff further inside the inner sanctuary, knowing that the name "Kukai" is said to have such a legend. ...

As I age, I have come to love traveling in a simple way. The main theme of my recent blog series has been a trip to Shikoku, which I visited during my New Year's vacation this year. After actually experiencing and feeling the atmosphere of the place, writing this kind of blog record afterwards will allow me to relive the experience and enrich my personal memory. The time of a human being's life is limited, but I think it is meaningful to record it. Blogging is a way of honestly recording things, and I feel that I am facing myself more directly than others.
 Unexpectedly, I have already visited several of the 88 sacred places in Shikoku. Kukai, who is said to have come from the Saeki clan in Shikoku, is truly a "giant" of Japanese history. It is said that Kukai, after completing his Buddhist training in Chang'an, China, threw his Buddhist tool "Tokkosho," or tokko pestle, toward the direction of Japan. The dokko, originally a weapon from ancient India, is used in esoteric Buddhism to destroy vexations.

The legend says that the place where the Tokko-kogane (a pestle and pestle) was thrown from Cho-an flew to is the "inner sanctuary of Seiryu-ji Temple" in Tosa City, Shikoku. Although it is impossible in reality, it must have religious connotations. Speaking of which, the name "Kukai" is said to have come from a legend that he named himself after a cave overlooking the Pacific Ocean in the Tosa Province of Shikoku, where he attained religious enlightenment and opened his eyes to the sky and the sea, which was all there was. Kukai must have loved the sea.
 I left my wife in the car in the parking lot and went to the inner sanctuary by myself, and I felt like going further into the forest behind the chapel. The photo above is a shot of the morning sun rising through the trees, looking toward the east.
 This inner sanctuary was not my destination in the first place, but rather a place I stumbled upon by accident. When I looked up from my hotel on the coast of Tosa City, I saw an interesting Italian resort-style hotel building on the mountain, and when I headed for it, I found it by chance. Being curious by nature and somewhat aware of being a Shingon sect member, I instantly had a hunch that it was related to Mr. Kukai.

Since this is an inner sanctuary, I thought it would be best to let my heart perceive it. Indeed, I could feel a little bit of the atmosphere of enlightenment, "the sky and the sea" (laugh). 
I have run out of space to post pictures of the religious facilities, so I will post an article with pictures in the morning. I apologize for the inconvenience.


