

【豊かな想像力空間「雲の上の図書館」 四国・梼原と隈研吾-5】

2023-03-29 06:11:41 | 日記


 建物概要 雲の上の図書館 設計:隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 施工:戸田建設、四万川JV 竣工:2018年4月 構造:鉄骨造、一部木造 高さ:12.65m 階数:地上2階、地下1階 延床面積:1938.31㎡ 建築面積:1170.50㎡ 敷地面積:3087.85㎡

English version⬇

Library Above the Clouds, a Rich Imaginative Space Yusuhara, Shikoku and Kengo Kuma-5
The building is a steel-frame and partly wooden structure. Users have a strong impression of the wooden trusses "standing in a forest" from the ceiling. It looks like the Sphinx. ...

The facility that seemed to be the core experience of this year's Kengo Kuma Architecture in Yusuhara is this Yusuhara library, the Library Above the Clouds. As you pass through the entrance and enter the building, you are overwhelmed by a sense of "wood structure" that exceeds even that of the Kibashi Museum.
 A "forest-like" wooden structure welcomes you from the roof, filling the big-span interior space. It is so powerful that one would say, "I have never seen anything like this before. However, even so, it is not intimidating, but rather, it conveys an air of affinity. I guess you could call it a strange sense of another dimension. The following is an introduction from the Kengo Kuma Office website.
 〜Yusuhara, a town above the clouds on the border of Kochi and Ehime prefectures, is home to a library/welfare complex built using Yusuhara cedar. A gymnasium and children's school face each other across a lawn, creating a community core for multi-generational interaction. A mixed steel and cedar structure was used to create a forest-like space with sunlight streaming through the trees, which is appropriate for Yusuhara, a town in the middle of a forest. Instead of a flat floor, an undulating terrain was created, and the raised terrain can be used as a stage for various events such as talks and concerts. Inside the library, visitors can go barefoot, feel the warmth of the wooden floor made of compacted cedar, and lie down on their favorite spot to read a book. 〜The following is a brief description of the library.
 The following is a postscript. 〜The library is located in the opposite side of Yusuhara and is made of Japanese paper made from the bark of Yusuhara trees by Yusuhara washi craftsman Rogier Outenbogardt, creating a warm, "home-like" welfare facility. ~.
 However, we were not able to visit this facility.

The library is in the foreground in the photo above, and the building in the back with the same exterior specifications is a welfare facility. Due to the nature of the facility, it is not open to the public.
 Building Outline Library on the Cloud Design: Kengo Kuma & Associates Construction: Toda Corporation, Shima River JV Completion: April 2018 Structure: Steel frame, partly wooden Height: 12.65 m Floors: 2 above ground, 1 below Gross floor area: 1938.31 m2 Building area: 1170.50 m2 Site area: 3087.85 m2
 The structure is described as steel frame and partly wooden, so it is unclear at this time whether the wooden structure from the ceiling is a braided "structure" like the wooden bridge museum, since it does not refer to all of the publicly available information. I am told that it is the 37th Annual Japanese Library Association Architecture Award. A few months have passed since this architectural experience, and I am still strangely unsettled about this wooden structure from the ceiling. Well, I guess it works like a kind of truss. As if it were a sphinx (laughs).
 But it is true that I feel somewhat favorable about it. I will try to sort out my impressions of it from tomorrow onward.


