・敷地面積:6,020.94㎡ 建築面積:1,628.25㎡ 延床面積:2,970.79㎡
・構造・階数:W造一部RC造 地上2階 塔屋1階地下1階
・施工者:飛島・ミタニ建設工事JV 竣工:平成18年10月 総工事費:1,222百万円
●講評:平成18年に完工した「梼原町総合庁舎」は「森林文化社会」を基盤にした「環境モデル都市梼原」のランドマークに相応しい優れた木造公共建築物であり美しい。梼原には、僅か10㎡ 程度の「茶堂」と呼ばれる旅人をもてなす歴史的施設が、今日でも多く現存している。
構造体には、自然空調を前提とした木造ダブルラティス構造による外部環境と呼吸できる仕組みや,太陽光発電、氷蓄熱、木製受水槽、木材断熱機密(原文ママ)サッシュやブラインドが組み込まれ、CASBEE評価Sランクを得ることに成功している。ともあれ収縮する一方の地域や地方の、深めるという新たな豊かさを確立する方向が力強く空間表現されたこの建築物は、深刻でネガティブになりやすいこうした地方に、新風をもたらす契機となろう。 (涌井史郎委員)
English version⬇
Yusuhara General Office Building with Kagura music Yusuhara, Shikoku and Kengo Kuma-8
The architecture that could not be visited inside. The publicly announced critique of the "Public Architecture Award, Excellence Prize" is introduced. I would like to hear the music of Tsunoyama Kagura that is played at regular intervals. Architecture and music. Architecture and Music.
Exploration of Yusuhara and Kengo Kuma's architecture. Today, we will be visiting the public building itself, the Yusuhara Town Hall. I was able to visit during the New Year's vacation, so it is not open to the public. The following is a list of architectural data and a PDF file of the critique of the building that won the "Public Architecture Award" in the Shikoku region.
Site area: 6,020.94 m2 Building area: 1,628.25 m2 Gross floor area: 2,970.79 m2
Structure/No. of floors: W, partly RC, 2 floors above ground, 1 basement floor and 1 tower floor
Architect: Department of System Design Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University + Kengo Kuma Architectural & Urban Design Office
Contractor: Tobishima-Mitani Construction JV Completion: October 2006 Total construction cost: 1,222 million yen
The Yusuhara Town Hall, completed in 2006, is a beautiful wooden public building that is a landmark of the "Environmental Model City Yusuhara" based on a "forest culture society. In Yusuhara, there are still many historic facilities that provide hospitality to travelers, called "chado," which are only about 10 square meters in size.
The large glass doors on the first floor can be opened to create a festive space that combines the lobby of the town hall with the plaza in front of the building.
The government building is not a government office, but an everyday community space, and is set up like a paradise, becoming the umbilical cord of a series of wooden buildings in the surrounding area. Moreover, the structure and interior of the government building are designed to make maximum use of local timber.
The structure incorporates a wooden double lattice structure that allows the building to breathe with the outside environment and is naturally air-conditioned, as well as photovoltaic power generation, ice thermal storage, a wooden water tank, and wood-insulated, heat-tight sashes and blinds, and has successfully received a CASBEE S-rank rating. This building is a powerful spatial expression of the direction of establishing a new affluence of deepening in a shrinking region or region, and may be an opportunity to bring new life to these regions, which tend to be serious and negative. (Mr. Shiro Wakui, Committee Member)
I would be interested in such parts as ice thermal storage and "wood-insulated, confidential (original text) sash". I am also interested in the "wooden double lattice structure that breathes with the external environment," the ice thermal storage, and the "wood insulated confidential sash," so I would like to check the details if I have a chance in the future.
I would like to check the details at a future opportunity.
〜The front wall is mostly made of glass. The front walls are mostly made of glass, and when you enter the building, you will see a wide atrium. The atrium is designed to let in outside light, allowing visitors to enjoy a sense of openness. In the center of the atrium is a tea ceremony room. This is a unique feature of Yusuhara, a town that welcomes visitors with hospitality. A pillar clock hangs in the atrium, and music from Tsunoyama Kagura is played at regular intervals. Tsunoyama Kagura, designated as a nationally important intangible folk cultural asset, has been performed for 1,100 years and is a spiritual center for the people of Yusuhara. 〜I hope to return to Tsunoyama Kagura when I have a chance.
If I have a chance to visit again, I would like to experience the inside.