

【メンコとパッチ:道産子の疑問 戦後こども文化-3】

2023-02-22 04:48:56 | 日記




English version⬇

Menco and Patch: Questions from Dosan-ko about Postwar Children's Culture - 3
Today's topic is a time-limited Jimotei dialect story. Is this an actual example of the creation of a common language and dialect between the first source region of culture, the capital city and the remote and rural areas? ...

 When I was a child, more than 60 years ago, children were glued to picture-story shows and played "patch" indoors in the wintertime, using their whole bodies. The game was played on a round piece of cardboard, like the one in the photo, with strong-looking illustrations or pictures of famous professional athletes printed on it. In Sapporo, Hokkaido, this game was called "patch," but there was a curious conversation among the children about a rumor that it was called "menko" in Tokyo.
 In those days when the media had a monopoly on information, it was not possible to search for information by oneself, as was the case with the Web. The boys could not think of any way to inquire further, and the mysterious name "Menko" became a cancerous cell in a corner of their minds. The question of this menko was curling around the imprint of the boys and girls of the same age who wanted to go to Tokyo. When I actually went to Tokyo, I was completely oblivious to this subconscious world (laughs).

This question that has been left unanswered has finally been clarified. The conclusion is that the two names refer to the same game. The word "menko" is more primitive and is said to be "menko" in Chinese characters, and its vertical shape reminds one of a "horse's face," as shown in the second photo above. The way to play with it is as explained above. I have never seen a vertical one.
 As the playing style evolves, the "circular" shape becomes more optimal and gradually becomes the mainstream. In remote areas such as Hokkaido, the name "patch" is probably more commonly used, as it immediately reminds people of this way of playing. I was told that my older brothers, who were about eight years older than me, did not use the name "menko" either.
 However, when I asked my Heisei-born son who grew up in a nursery school about this play, he told me that it had survived even in the Heisei era and was played at the nursery school. He told me that the name of the game was Menko.
 I wondered if this was a recent example of the common language and dialects that emerge between the cultural centers and the outlying areas of Japan's long, vertical archipelago.


