SK_BLOG, trad_JP


trad_jp Blog jp_trad No.9 the day of "Doyou_no_Usi"

2016年07月30日 18時31分56秒 | trad_jp
Hello! this is trad_JP. #Japanese tradition nature.
It is July 30 today. and it is a day of "Doyou_no_Usi". The explanation of "Doyou_no_Usi"is very difficult.
I write it in the bottom. There are the words that English does not have and cannot write it exactly.
On this day, I often eat an eel. This is a tradition from the Edo era. This is a custom from around 250 years before. The eel is done with food to add physical strength not to lose summer heat to. But of course there are a lot of people who do not eat an eel on this day. In addition, there are a lot of people eating an eel other than this day. The eel cuts it evenly and I attach sauce and bake it. The image the left side "Una_Don". The right side is "Una_Jyuu, eel and rice in a lacquered box". It is most common how to eat.

The explanation of "Doyou_no_Usi"
The days "Doyou" are the periods of approximately 18 days in front of si_ritu {四立in Japanese, the beginning of spring, the beginning of summer, the beginning of fall, the beginning of winter). In these periods, the twelve signs of the zodiac assigned in 12 diurnal parallax are that a day of "Usi". is "Doyou_no_Usi".

こんにちは こちらはtrad_JPです。
今日は7月30日です。 また、”土用の丑”の日です。"土用の丑の日"の説明は大変難しいです。最下部に書いておきます。英語にない言葉があり、正確に書くことはできません。

土用とは四立(立春、立夏、立秋、立冬)の前、約18日の期間のことです。この期間のうち、 12日周期で割り当てられている十二支が『丑の日』の日が、 『土用丑の日』なのです。

trad_jp Blog jp_trad 8 the summer flower "sunflower"

2016年07月29日 14時35分38秒 | trad_jp
Hello! this is trad_JP. #Japanese tradition nature.
Yesterday, the rainy season of the Kanto district was over. It is full-scale hot & hot summer from now on. It is a hard season to me who am slightly overweight.
By the way, one of the flowers symbolizing summer has "sunflower". The big flower is totally sun itself. In strong sunlight, a sunflower to make bloom towards the sun will be the thing in the summer. The flower representing summer one more has "morning glory". I let the flower of the summer color thin early in the morning bloom with the flower which is totally in contrast to the sunflower small. And I close a flower to lunch becoming strong of the sunlight. It is a traditional flower in Japan very for a long time. I like it to both.

こんにちは こちらはtrad_JPです。
昨日、関東地方の梅雨が明けました。 これから本格的な、暑い暑い夏になります。やや太り過ぎの私には辛い季節になります。
さて、夏を象徴する花のひとつには”向日葵”があります。 大きな花はまるで太陽そのものですね。 強い日差しの中、太陽に向かって花を咲かせる向日葵は夏其のものでしょう。 もう一つ夏を代表する花に”朝顔”があります。向日葵とは全く対照的な花で、夏の早朝に薄い色の花を小さく咲かせます。 そして、日差しの強くなる昼には花を閉じてしまいます。とても古くから日本にある伝統的な花です。私は両方共に好きです。

trad_jp Blog jp_trad 7 the summer symbol "Cicada"

2016年07月19日 17時10分43秒 | trad_jp
Hello!! This is trad_jp
In the Kanto district where I live in, the rainy season still continues. But the rainy season will be over soon in the same way as other districts.
When the rainy season is over, full-scale summer comes. One of the summer scenery has "cicada". Japanese average is given by the chirping of cicada soon. Yesterday, I found the first cicada this summer. "Knee knee ぜみ"
です. It is very quiet and is a small cicada. "abura-zemi(Large brown cicada)" and "minmin-zemi(?)" come out from now on as summer deepens. The cicada is one of the summer Japanese symbols.

私が住んでいる関東地方では、まだ梅雨が続いています。 でも、そろそろ他の地方と同じように梅雨明けになるでしょう。
梅雨が明けると、本格的な夏が到来します。 夏の風物の一つに、”蝉”があります。間もなく日本中がセミの鳴き声で包まれます。昨日、今夏最初の蝉を見つけました。”ニーニーぜみ”
です。 とても地味で小さな蝉です。 これから夏が深まるにつれて、”アブラゼミ”や”ミンミンゼミ”が出てきます。 蝉は夏の日本の大事なシンボルの一つです。

trad_jp Blog jp_trad 6 star festival "tanabata"

2016年07月07日 17時41分03秒 | trad_jp
Hello!! This is trad_jp.
It is July 7 today, and is Tanabata today. Because Tanabata is a festival related to the star that have been made from the old days in Japan. I learned it from the historical fact which Altair and Vega encountered once a year across the Milky. We celebrate with a strip and decorations wrote their wishes on bamboo leaves.
Because an average year, Tanabata is in the middle of the rainy season, it is difficult to see the Milky Way and the star, but I think that I can see a star because it is clear today.


trad_jp Blog jp_trad 5 How to express the Japanese of the month

2016年07月02日 15時12分29秒 | trad_jp
Hello, This is trad_jp.
It is July from today. Display of month of Japan is very easy. From 1 to 12 of the number representing the month only wear in front of the "月(=month,moon)". So, January is "1月", and February will be "2月". Since the month of July, it is "7月".
However, traditionally there is a totally different representation. Each month, is what was expressed in the words that represent the status of the nature of the situation and the living. The example, July is "文月 (hu_duki)", August is "葉月 (ha_duki)". "文" means the sentence, "葉" means the leaf.
Since there is also a variety of expression in other, and then sequentially introduced.

ただし、伝統的には全く違う表現があります。 各月を、自然の状況や暮らしの状況を表す言葉で表現したものです。例えは、7月は”文月(hu_duki)”、8月は”葉月(ha_duki)”です。"文"は文章を意味し、"葉"は葉を意味します。