私的海潮音 英米詩訳選


内戦期の黙想Ⅶ 39~最終行

2011-09-28 08:23:03 | 英詩・訳の途中経過
Meditation in time of Civil War W. B. Yeats

I see Phantoms of Hatred and of the Heart's Fullness and of the Coming Emptiness


In had but made us pine the more. The abstract joy,
The half-read wisdom of daemonic images,
Suffice the aging man as once the growing boy.

内戦期の黙想   W・B・イェイツ



たださらに多くを望む かたちをもたない歓びと
充たすのだ この老いゆく男を かつてあの育ちゆく子どもを充たしたように


内戦期の黙想Ⅶ 37~39行目

2011-09-26 12:00:56 | 英詩・訳の途中経過
Meditation in time of Civil War W. B. Yeats

I see Phantoms of Hatred and of the Heart's Fullness and of the Coming Emptiness


But O! ambitious heart, had such a proof drawn forth
A company of friends, a conscience set at ease,
It had but made us pine the more. The abstract joy,

内戦期の黙想   W・B・イェイツ



けれど ああ かつえた心は そうしたあかしが
友たちのひと群れをひきつけ まごころの慰めになったにせよ

 ※The abstract joy以下は次に。

内戦期の黙想Ⅶ 34~36行目

2011-09-23 09:38:03 | 英詩・訳の途中経過
Meditation in time of Civil War W. B. Yeats

I see Phantoms of Hatred and of the Heart's Fullness and of the Coming Emptiness


I turn away and shut the door, and on the stair
Wonder how many times I could have proved my worth
In something that all others understand or share;

内戦期の黙想   W・B・イェイツ



おれは背を向けとびらをとざし きざはしのうえで
嘆じる いったいいくどみずからの値打ちをあかしたてたかと

内戦期の黙想Ⅶ 30~33行目

2011-09-21 12:01:39 | 英詩・訳の途中経過
Meditation in time of Civil War W. B. Yeats

I see Phantoms of Hatred and of the Heart's Fullness and of the Coming Emptiness


To brazen hawks. Nor self-delighting reverie,
Nor hate of what's to come, nor pity for what's gone,
Nothing but grip of claw, and the eye's complacency,
The innumerable clanging wings that have put out the moon.

内戦期の黙想   W・B・イェイツ



猛禽どもに代わられ おのれ自身を歓ぶ夢も
来たるものへの憎みも 過ぎたものへの哀れみもないまま

内戦期の黙想Ⅶ 28~30行目

2011-09-19 11:43:21 | 英詩・訳の途中経過
Meditation in time of Civil War W. B. Yeats

I see Phantoms of Hatred and of the Heart's Fullness and of the Coming Emptiness


Or eyes that rage has brightened, arms it has made lean,
Give place to an indifferent multitude, give place
To brazen hawks. Nor self-dilighting reverie,

内戦期の黙想   W・B・イェイツ



怒りに明るめられたひとみも 怒りにやつれる腕も
あじきない烏合の衆と 真鍮の

 ※Nor self-dilighting reverie以下は次に。