私的海潮音 英米詩訳選


T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」 翻訳:第六段落

2019-12-30 08:05:00 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
Religion and Literature



I repeat that when I am considering religion and Literature, I speak of these things only to make clear that I am not concerned primarily with Religious and Literature. I am concerned with what should be the relation between religion and all Literature. The third type of ‘religious and literature’ may be more quickly passed over. I mean the literary works of men who are sincerely desirous of forwarding the cause of religion: that which may come under the heading of Propaganda. I am thinking, of course, of such delightful fiction as Mr. Chesterton’s Man Who Was Thursday, or his Father Brown. No one admired and enjoys these things more than I do; I would only remark that when the same effect is aimed at by zealous persons of less talent than Mr. Chesterton the effect is negative. But my point is that such writings do not enter into any serious consideration od the relation of Religion and Literature: because they are conscious operations in a world in which it is assumed that Religion and Literature are not related. It is a conscious and limited relating. What I want is a literature which should be unconsciously rather than deliberately and defiantly, Christian: because the work of Mr. Chesterton has its point from appearing in a world which is definitely not Christian.

T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」 翻訳:第五段落

2019-12-25 10:26:55 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
Religious and Literature



But what is more, I am ready to admit that up to a point these critics are right. for there is a kind of poetry, such as most of the authors I have mentioned, which is the product of a special religious awareness, which may exist without the general awareness which we expect of the major poet. In some poets, or in some of their works, this general awareness may have existed; but the preliminary step which represent it may nave been suppressed, and only the end-product presented. Between these, and those in which the religious or devotional genius represents the special and limited awareness, it may be very difficult to discriminate. I do not pretend to offer Vaughan, or Southwell, or George Herbert, or Hopkins as major poets: I feel sure that the first three, at least, are poets of this limited awareness. They are not great religious poets in the sense in which Dante, or Cornielle, or Rcine, even in those if their plays which do not touch upon Christian themes, are great Christian religious poets. Or even in the sense in which Villon and Baudelaire, with all their imperfections and delinquencies, are Christian poets. Since the time of Chaucer, Christian poetry [ in the sense in which I shall mean it] has been limited in England almost exclusively to minor poetry.

T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」 翻訳:第四段落

2019-12-24 16:43:21 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
T. S. Elliot
Religion and Literature


第二の種類の宗教と文学の関係は「宗教的な」あるいは「信心深い」と呼ばれるものに見出される。今や詩歌の愛好者の――すなわち、誠実な直接の享受者および鑑賞者であって他者の承認の追随者ではない者の――この詩歌の分野へ向ける通常の態度とは何か? 私の信じるに、すべては「分野」という呼び方が示しているだろう。彼は、常に明白ではないにせよ、あなたが詩歌を「宗教的な」と看做すとき、極めてはっきりした限定について述べていると信じているのだ。詩歌の愛好者の大多数にとって「宗教詩」は少数派の詩歌の一種に過ぎず、詩人とは主題となる問題の全体を宗教的な精神によって扱う詩人ではなく、この主題となる問題の限られた部分のみを取り扱う詩人である。彼らは何びとが自分たちの主だった情熱について考慮するかを考え落としているが故に、それらについての無知を告白している。思うにこれが、ヴォーンやサウスウェルやクラショーやジョージ・ハーバートやジェラルド・ホプキンスといった詩人たちに対する大部分の詩歌愛好者たちの現実の態度である。


*形而上詩人〔Metaphysical poets〕十七世紀イングランドの詩人の一派。当ブログでは「その他訳詩」カテゴリの2009年6月28日の記事で、この派に属するジョン・ダンの「弔い/The Funeral」を訳しております。

The second kind of literature of religion to literature is that which is found in what is called ‘religious’ or ‘devotional’ poetry. Now what is the useful attitude of the lover of poetry―and I mean the person who is a genuine and first-hand enjoyer and appreciator of poetry, not the person who follows the admirations of others towards this department f poetry? I believe, all that may be implied in his calling it a department. He believes, not always explicitly, that when you qualify poetry as ‘religious’ you are indicating very clear limitations. For the great majority of minor poetry: the religious poet is not a poet who is treating the whole subject matter of poetry in a religious spirit, but a poet who is dealing with a confined part of this subject matter: who is leaving out what men consider their major passions, and thereby confessing his ignorance of them. I think that this is the real attitude of most poetry lovers towards such poets as Vaughan, or Southwell, or Crashaw, or George Herbert, or Gerard Hopkins.

T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」 翻訳/第三段落

2019-12-23 13:40:45 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
Selected prose of T. S. Eliot
Ed. By Frank Kermode
‘Religion and literature’



 I am not concerned here with religious literature but with the application of our religion to the criticism of any literature. It may be as well, however, to distinguish first what t consider to be the three senses in which we say that it is ‘religious literature’. The first is that of which we say that it is ‘religious literature in the same way that we speak of ‘historical literature’ or of ‘scientific literature’. I mean that we can treat the Authorized translation of the Bible, or the works of Jeremy Taylor, as literature, on the same way that we treat the historical writing of Clarendon or of Gibbon ―our two great English historians ―as literature; or Bradley’s Logic, or Buffon’s Natural History. All of these writers were men who, incidentally to their religious, or historical, or philosophic purpose, had a gift of language which makes them delightful to read to all those who can enjoy language well written even if they are unconcerned with the objects which the writers had in view. And I would add that though a scientific, or historical, or theological, or philosophic work which is also ‘literature’ may become superannuated as anything but literature, yet it is not likely to be ‘literature’ unless I had its scientific or other value for its own time. While I acknowledge the legitimacy of the enjoyment, I am more acutely aware of its abuse. The person who enjoy these writings solely because of their literary merit are essentially parasites; and we know that parasites, when they become to numerous, are pests. I could fulminate against the men of letters who have gone into ecstasies over ‘the Bible as literature’, the Bible as ‘the noblest monument of English prose’. Those who talk of the Bible as a ‘monument of English prose’ are merely admiring it as a monument over the grave of Christianity. I must try to avoid the by-paths of my discourse: it is enough to suggest that just as the work if Clarendon, or Gibbon, or Buffon or Bradley would be of inferior literary value if it were insignificant as history, or science and philosophy respectability, so the Bible has had a literary influence upon English literature not because it had been considered as literature \, but because it has been considered as the report of the Word of God. And the fact that men of letters now discuss it as ‘literature’ probably indicates the end of its ‘literary’ influence.

T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」 翻訳:第二段落

2019-12-20 21:39:33 | T・S・エリオット「宗教と文学」翻訳
Selected prose of T. S. Eliot
Ed. By Frank Kermode
‘Religion and literature’



 We have tacitly assumed, for some centuries, that there is no relation between literature and theology. This is not to deny that literature -I mean, again, primarily works of imagination-has been, is and probably always will be judged by some moral standards. But moral judgements of literary works are made only according to the moral code accept by each generation, whether it lives according to that code or not. In an age which accepts some precise Christian theology, the common code may be fairly orthodox: though even in such periods the common code may exalt such code as ‘honour’, ‘glory’ or ‘revenge’ to a position quite intolerable to Christianity. The dramatic ethics of the Elizabethan Age offers an interesting study. But when the common code is detached from its theological background, and is consequently more and more merely a matter of habit, it is exposed both to prejudice and to change. At such times morals are open to being altered by literature; so that we find in practice that what is ‘objectionable’ in literature is merely what the present generation is not used to. It is a commonplace that what shocks one generation is accepted quite calmly by the next. This adaptability to change of moral standards is sometimes greeted with satisfaction as an evidence of human perfectibility: whereas it is only evidence of what unsubstantial foundations people’s moral judgements have.