バンクーバーで1979年からオープンの日系美容室 Misako’s Hair Studio

『Misako's Hair Studio』から様々な情報をお届けします。

海外で働く美容師 VOL86

2012年09月04日 | Beach at Thurlow



Hello, today let me introduce you to "Rieko" our newstaff

★ 美容師になったきっかけは何ですか?
Why did you decide to become a hairstylist?

From seeing my hairstylist having so much fun working

★ 美容師として心掛けていることは何ですか?
What do you put your heart into at work?

I focus on a hairstyle that would keep my clients happy everyday

★ 日本で働いていた時との違いを感じますか?
Do you feel a difference from working in Japan?

Just how English is used majority of the time

★ カナダで働いて驚いた事はありますか?
Working in Canada, has anything suprised you?

How we recieve tips!

★ バンクーバーのおすすめはなんですか?
What do you recommend in Vancouver?

Taking the sea bus to lynn canyon to see the suspension bridge, waterfall and streams. The nice walk in the nature is my recommendation!


日頃Misako hair studioをご利用頂きありがとうございます。




 今後ともMisako hair studioをよろしくお願い申し上げます。


Thank you very much for being our customer at Misako Hair Studio.

 We would like to inform you that starting July 1st, 2012

 we will be closed on all national holidays.

 We apologize for any inconveniences and look forward to seeing you again.

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